import time import threading import tempfile import subprocess import os import signal import datetime import shutil #import pexpect from wsmanager import WSManager ## Crea un swmanager unic, al que li enviaran tots els missatges, etiquetats per l'id del treball #import signal #import shutil class Task: def __init__(self, taskid, command, cancelcommand=''): ''' It is a task in server, with certain taskid and performing certain command When is created, its status will be "PREPARED" And waits to be run It prepares command and log file in /run ''' self.taskid=taskid self.process=None self.status='PREPARED' self.command=command self.cancelcommand = cancelcommand self.logfolder="/run/taskmanager" self.filepipe='' self.locks = {} # Clean log folder and create if (os.path.exists(self.logfolder)): shutil.rmtree(self.logfolder) os.mkdir(self.logfolder) ''' 'msg':None, 'target': target, 'command':command, started_by':str(ip), listeners': [], filepipe': '', seek' : 0, method':call_info['method'], class': call_info['class'] ''' pass def get(self): ''' Returns this task ''' return str({"taskid":self.taskid, "process":self.process, "status":self.status, "command": self.command, "logfolder":self.logfolder, "filepipe": self.filepipe}); def getFilePipe(self): ''' Returns this task filepipe ''' return self.filepipe def getStatus(self): ''' Returns this task status ''' return self.status def run(self): ''' Runs current task it prepares process and temporally log file and runs it ''' # locking thread lock = threading.Lock() self.locks[self.taskid]={} self.locks[self.taskid]['lock'] = lock self.locks[self.taskid]['lock'].acquire() # Create temp logfile temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='pipe_', dir=self.logfolder, delete=False) proc = subprocess.Popen([self.command+"; sleep 5"], shell=True, stdout=temp, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # Adding process self.process = proc self.status = "RUNNING" self.filepipe = # Getting process output ret=self.process.poll() while ret is None: time.sleep(1) ret=self.process.poll() if (str(ret)=='0'): self.status="DONE" else: self.runCancel() if (str(ret)=='-9'): self.status="CANCELLED" else: # return code 1 when install fails self.status="BROKEN" print "[TASKMANAGER] END WAIT AT "+str( print "[TASKMANAGER] FINISHING!!!, return code: "+str(ret) ## Millora: Abans d'enviar que ha acabat que espere a tindre els buffers buits... # Sending last line to log for all listeners line="Finished with status:"+self.status+"\n" aux = open(self.filepipe,'a') aux.writelines(line) aux.close() # Append result of job and release mutex. Now all inform_me return finish self.locks[self.taskid]['result'] = str(ret) self.locks[self.taskid]['lock'].release() pass def runTask(self): ''' runs task in an independent thread ''' # Prepare thread taskthread = threading.Thread(, args=()) taskthread.daemon = True taskthread.start() return True def runCancel(self): ''' Sync method to run cancel command ''' temp = open(self.filepipe,'a+b') proc = subprocess.Popen([self.cancelcommand], shell=True, stdout=temp, preexec_fn=os.setsid).communicate() #close the pipe temp.close() def stop(self): try: #print "Killing me softly" #msg=self.process.killpg(); msg=os.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM) #print "Killing me with this song: ",msg return {"status": True, "msg": str(msg)} except Exception as e: #print "with this song: ", str(e) return {"status": False, "msg": str(e)}