/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2019 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.app/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include "parse.h" //#define BRL_STATUS_FIELDS sf... #define BRL_HAVE_STATUS_CELLS #include "brl_driver.h" #include "brldefs-pg.h" static const char productPrefix[] = "PBC"; static const unsigned char productPrefixLength = sizeof(productPrefix) - 1; static int rewriteRequired; static unsigned char textCells[80]; static unsigned char statusCells[2]; BEGIN_KEY_NAME_TABLE(all) KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_LeftShift, "LeftShift"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_RightShift, "RightShift"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_LeftControl, "LeftControl"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_RighTControl, "RighTControl"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Left, "Left"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Right, "Right"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Up, "Up"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Down, "Down"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Home, "Home"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_End, "End"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Enter, "Enter"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Escape, "Escape"), KEY_GROUP_ENTRY(PG_GRP_RoutingKeys, "RoutingKey"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Status+0, "Status1"), KEY_NAME_ENTRY(PG_KEY_Status+1, "Status2"), END_KEY_NAME_TABLE BEGIN_KEY_NAME_TABLES(all) KEY_NAME_TABLE(all), END_KEY_NAME_TABLES DEFINE_KEY_TABLE(all) BEGIN_KEY_TABLE_LIST &KEY_TABLE_DEFINITION(all), END_KEY_TABLE_LIST typedef struct { int (*identifyModel) (BrailleDisplay *brl); int (*writeCells) (BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *cells, unsigned int count); } InputOutputMethods; typedef struct { int (*openPort) (const char *device); void (*closePort) (); int (*awaitInput) (int milliseconds); int (*readBytes) (unsigned char *buffer, int length, int wait); int (*writeBytes) (const unsigned char *buffer, int length); const InputOutputMethods *methods; } InputOutputOperations; static const InputOutputOperations *io; typedef enum { IPT_KEY_NAVIGATION = 0X13, IPT_KEY_SIMULATION = 0XFE, IPT_KEY_ROUTING = 0XFF } InputPacketType; typedef union { unsigned char bytes[1]; char product[44 + 1]; struct { unsigned char type; union { struct { unsigned char type; unsigned char value; unsigned char release; } PACKED key; } fields; } PACKED data; } PACKED InputPacket; static void setCellCounts (BrailleDisplay *brl, int size) { brl->statusColumns = ARRAY_COUNT(statusCells); brl->statusRows = 1; brl->textColumns = size - brl->statusColumns; brl->textRows = 1; setBrailleKeyTable(brl, &KEY_TABLE_DEFINITION(all)); } static int getCellCounts (BrailleDisplay *brl, char *product) { unsigned int length = strlen(product); { static const unsigned char indexes[] = {3, 42, 0}; const unsigned char *index = indexes; while (*index) { if (*index < length) { unsigned char size = product[*index]; static const unsigned char sizes[] = {22, 29, 42, 82}; if (memchr(sizes, size, sizeof(sizes))) { setCellCounts(brl, size); return 1; } } index += 1; } } { static const char delimiters[] = " "; char *word; if ((word = strtok(product, delimiters))) { if (strncmp(word, productPrefix, productPrefixLength) == 0) { if ((word = strtok(NULL, delimiters))) { int size; if (!(*word && isInteger(&size, word))) size = 0; while (strtok(NULL, delimiters)); if ((size > ARRAY_COUNT(statusCells)) && (size <= (ARRAY_COUNT(statusCells) + ARRAY_COUNT(textCells)))) { setCellCounts(brl, size); return 1; } } } } } return 0; } static int readByte (unsigned char *byte, int wait) { int count = io->readBytes(byte, 1, wait); if (count > 0) return 1; if (count == 0) errno = EAGAIN; return 0; } static int readPacket (BrailleDisplay *brl, InputPacket *packet) { typedef enum { IPG_PRODUCT, IPG_KEY, IPG_DEFAULT } InputPacketGroup; InputPacketGroup group = IPG_DEFAULT; int length = 1; int offset = 0; while (1) { unsigned char byte; { int started = offset > 0; if (!readByte(&byte, started)) { if (started) logPartialPacket(packet->bytes, offset); return 0; } } gotByte: if (!offset) { switch (byte) { case IPT_KEY_NAVIGATION: case IPT_KEY_SIMULATION: case IPT_KEY_ROUTING: group = IPG_KEY; length = 4; break; default: if (byte == productPrefix[0]) { group = IPG_PRODUCT; length = sizeof(packet->product) - 1; } else { logIgnoredByte(byte); continue; } break; } } else { int unexpected = 0; switch (group) { case IPG_PRODUCT: if (offset < productPrefixLength) { if (byte != productPrefix[offset]) unexpected = 1; } else if (byte == '@') { length = offset + 1; } break; case IPG_KEY: if (offset == 1) { if (byte != packet->bytes[0]) unexpected = 1; } else if (offset == 3) { if (byte != 0X19) unexpected = 1; } break; default: break; } if (unexpected) { logShortPacket(packet->bytes, offset); group = IPG_DEFAULT; offset = 0; length = 1; goto gotByte; } } packet->bytes[offset++] = byte; if (offset == length) { if (group == IPG_PRODUCT) { packet->bytes[length] = 0; } logInputPacket(packet->bytes, offset); return length; } } } static int writeBytes (BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *buffer, int count) { logOutputPacket(buffer, count); if (io->writeBytes(buffer, count) != -1) return 1; return 0; } static int writeCells (BrailleDisplay *brl) { unsigned int textCount = brl->textColumns; unsigned int statusCount = brl->statusColumns; unsigned char cells[textCount + statusCount]; unsigned char *cell = cells; while (textCount) *cell++ = translateOutputCell(textCells[--textCount]); while (statusCount) *cell++ = translateOutputCell(statusCells[--statusCount]); return io->methods->writeCells(brl, cells, cell-cells); } static void updateCells (unsigned char *target, const unsigned char *source, unsigned int count) { if (cellsHaveChanged(target, source, count, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { rewriteRequired = 1; } } /* Serial IO */ #include "io_serial.h" static SerialDevice *serialDevice = NULL; #define SERIAL_BAUD 9600 static int openSerialPort (const char *device) { if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, SERIAL_BAUD)) if (serialSetFlowControl(serialDevice, SERIAL_FLOW_HARDWARE)) return 1; serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; } static void closeSerialPort (void) { if (serialDevice) { serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } } static int awaitSerialInput (int milliseconds) { return serialAwaitInput(serialDevice, milliseconds); } static int readSerialBytes (unsigned char *buffer, int count, int wait) { const int timeout = 100; return serialReadData(serialDevice, buffer, count, (wait? timeout: 0), timeout); } static int writeSerialBytes (const unsigned char *buffer, int length) { return serialWriteData(serialDevice, buffer, length); } static int identifySerialModel (BrailleDisplay *brl) { static const unsigned char request[] = {0X40, 0X50, 0X53}; if (writeBytes(brl, request, sizeof(request))) { while (io->awaitInput(1000)) { InputPacket response; while (readPacket(brl, &response)) { if (response.data.type == productPrefix[0]) { if (getCellCounts(brl, response.product)) { return 1; } } } } } return 0; } static int writeSerialCells (BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *cells, unsigned int count) { static const unsigned char header[] = {0X40, 0X50, 0X4F}; static const unsigned char trailer[] = {0X18, 0X20, 0X20}; unsigned char buffer[sizeof(header) + count + sizeof(trailer)]; unsigned char *byte = buffer; byte = mempcpy(byte, header, sizeof(header)); byte = mempcpy(byte, cells, count); byte = mempcpy(byte, trailer, sizeof(trailer)); return writeBytes(brl, buffer, byte-buffer); } static const InputOutputMethods serialMethods = { identifySerialModel, writeSerialCells }; static const InputOutputOperations serialOperations = { openSerialPort, closeSerialPort, awaitSerialInput, readSerialBytes, writeSerialBytes, &serialMethods }; /* USB IO */ #include "io_usb.h" static UsbChannel *usbChannel = NULL; static int openUsbPort (const char *device) { BEGIN_USB_CHANNEL_DEFINITIONS { /* all models */ .vendor=0X4242, .product=0X0001, .configuration=1, .interface=0, .alternative=0, .inputEndpoint=1, .outputEndpoint=2 }, END_USB_CHANNEL_DEFINITIONS if ((usbChannel = usbOpenChannel(usbChannelDefinitions, (void *)device))) { return 1; } return 0; } static void closeUsbPort (void) { if (usbChannel) { usbCloseChannel(usbChannel); usbChannel = NULL; } } static int awaitUsbInput (int milliseconds) { return usbAwaitInput(usbChannel->device, usbChannel->definition->inputEndpoint, milliseconds); } static int readUsbBytes (unsigned char *buffer, int length, int wait) { const int timeout = 100; int count = usbReadData(usbChannel->device, usbChannel->definition->inputEndpoint, buffer, length, (wait? timeout: 0), timeout); if (count != -1) return count; if (errno == EAGAIN) return 0; return -1; } static int writeUsbBytes (const unsigned char *buffer, int length) { return usbWriteEndpoint(usbChannel->device, usbChannel->definition->outputEndpoint, buffer, length, 1000); } static int identifyUsbModel (BrailleDisplay *brl) { int ok = 0; char *product; if ((product = usbGetProduct(usbChannel->device, 1000))) { if (getCellCounts(brl, product)) { ok = 1; } free(product); } return ok; } static int writeUsbCells (BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *cells, unsigned int count) { unsigned char buffer[1 + count]; unsigned char *byte = buffer; *byte++ = 0X43; byte = mempcpy(byte, cells, count); return writeBytes(brl, buffer, byte-buffer); } static const InputOutputMethods usbMethods = { identifyUsbModel, writeUsbCells }; static const InputOutputOperations usbOperations = { openUsbPort, closeUsbPort, awaitUsbInput, readUsbBytes, writeUsbBytes, &usbMethods }; static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (isSerialDeviceIdentifier(&device)) { io = &serialOperations; } else if (isUsbDeviceIdentifier(&device)) { io = &usbOperations; } else { unsupportedDeviceIdentifier(device); return 0; } if (io->openPort(device)) { if (io->methods->identifyModel(brl)) { makeOutputTable(dotsTable_ISO11548_1); rewriteRequired = 1; memset(textCells, 0, sizeof(textCells)); memset(statusCells, 0, sizeof(statusCells)); return 1; } io->closePort(); } return 0; } static void brl_destruct (BrailleDisplay *brl) { io->closePort(); } static int brl_writeWindow (BrailleDisplay *brl, const wchar_t *text) { updateCells(textCells, brl->buffer, brl->textColumns); if (rewriteRequired) { if (!writeCells(brl)) return 0; rewriteRequired = 0; } return 1; } static int brl_writeStatus (BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *cells) { updateCells(statusCells, cells, brl->statusColumns); return 1; } static int enqueueNavigationKey (BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyNumber modifier, KeyNumber key) { const KeyGroup group = PG_GRP_NavigationKeys; const int modifierSpecified = modifier != PG_KEY_None; if (modifierSpecified && !enqueueKeyEvent(brl, group, modifier, 1)) return 0; if (!enqueueKey(brl, group, key)) return 0; if (modifierSpecified && !enqueueKeyEvent(brl, group, modifier, 0)) return 0; return 1; } static int interpretNavigationKey (BrailleDisplay *brl, unsigned char key) { #define KEY(code,modifier,key) case (code): return enqueueNavigationKey(brl, (modifier), (key)) switch (key) { KEY(0X15, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Left); KEY(0X4D, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Right); KEY(0X3D, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Up); KEY(0X54, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Down); KEY(0X16, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Home); KEY(0X1C, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Enter); KEY(0X36, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_End); KEY(0X2C, PG_KEY_None, PG_KEY_Escape); KEY(0X27, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Left); KEY(0X28, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Right); KEY(0X21, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Up); KEY(0X22, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Down); KEY(0X3F, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Enter); KEY(0X2F, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_End); KEY(0X56, PG_KEY_LeftControl, PG_KEY_Escape); KEY(0X1F, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Left); KEY(0X20, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Right); KEY(0X5B, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Down); KEY(0X17, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Home); KEY(0X3A, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Enter); KEY(0X3B, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_End); KEY(0X18, PG_KEY_LeftShift, PG_KEY_Escape); KEY(0X37, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Left); KEY(0X33, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Right); KEY(0X38, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Down); KEY(0X2A, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Home); KEY(0X31, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Enter); KEY(0X32, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_End); KEY(0X30, PG_KEY_RightShift, PG_KEY_Escape); default: break; } #undef KEY return 0; } static int interpretSimulationKey (BrailleDisplay *brl, unsigned char key) { switch (key) { default: break; } return interpretNavigationKey(brl, key); } static int brl_readCommand (BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyTableCommandContext context) { InputPacket packet; int length; while ((length = readPacket(brl, &packet))) { switch (packet.data.type) { case IPT_KEY_NAVIGATION: if (interpretNavigationKey(brl, packet.data.fields.key.value)) continue; break; case IPT_KEY_SIMULATION: if (interpretSimulationKey(brl, packet.data.fields.key.value)) continue; break; case IPT_KEY_ROUTING: { unsigned char code = packet.data.fields.key.value; KeyGroup group; KeyNumber number; if ((code >= 81) && (code <= 82)) { group = PG_GRP_NavigationKeys; number = PG_KEY_Status + (code - 81); } else if ((code > 0) && (code <= brl->textColumns)) { group = PG_GRP_RoutingKeys; number = code - 1; } else { break; } enqueueKey(brl, group, number); continue; } default: break; } logUnexpectedPacket(packet.bytes, length); } if (errno != EAGAIN) return BRL_CMD_RESTARTBRL; return EOF; }