#!/usr/bin/tclsh ############################################################################### # BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in # text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. # # Copyright (C) 1995-2019 by The BRLTTY Developers. # # BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # This is free software, placed under the terms of the # GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. # # Web Page: http://brltty.app/ # # This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . ############################################################################### # BrlTTY GenericSay helper script for the Accent/SA Speech Synthesizer # It should be installed as "/usr/local/bin/say". # Return the name of this script. proc programName {} { global argv0 return [file tail $argv0] } # Write a message, prefixed with the name of this script, to standard error. proc programMessage {message} { global argv0 puts stderr "[programName]: $message" } # Display an error message, and exit with the specified return code. proc programError {code {message ""}} { if {[string length $message] > 0} { programMessage $message } exit $code } # Standard exit routine when command line errors are detected. proc syntaxError {message} { programError 2 $message } # Standard exit routine when something is wrong with the parameter values. proc semanticError {message} { programError 3 $message } # Close the speech synthesizer device. proc closeDevice {} { global deviceStream close $deviceStream; unset deviceStream } # Maintain an event which automatically closes the speech synthesizer # device if no new data has arrived for a while. proc scheduleClose {} { global closeEvent closeTimeout if {[info exists closeEvent]} { after cancel $closeEvent; unset closeEvent } set closeEvent [after $closeTimeout {unset closeEvent; closeDevice}] } # Send data to the speech synthesizer. proc sendData {data} { global deviceStream puts -nonewline $deviceStream $data flush $deviceStream } # Send a command to the speech synthesizer. proc sendCommand {command} { sendData "\x1b$command" } # Configure a speech synthesizer setting. proc configureParameter {settingVariable command} { upvar #0 $settingVariable setting if {[info exists setting]} { if {[llength $command] == 1} { sendCommand "$command$setting" } else { foreach sequence [lindex $command $setting] { sendCommand $sequence } } } } # Open and configure the speech synthesizer device. # If it's already open, then don't do anything. # If it can't be opened, then silently exit with a non-zero return code. proc openDevice {} { global devicePath deviceStream if {![info exists deviceStream]} { if {[catch [list open $devicePath {WRONLY NOCTTY}] response] != 0} { exit 10 } set deviceStream $response sendCommand "=F" sendCommand "=B" sendCommand "Oi" configureParameter speechVolume "A" configureParameter speechRate "R" configureParameter voicePitch "P" configureParameter voiceType "V" configureParameter spacePause "S" configureParameter sentenceIntonation "M" configureParameter punctuationMode {Op {OP Or} {OP OR}} configureParameter hyphenMode {Om OM ON} } } # Insure that the speech synthesizer device is open, and then # instruct it to speak the content of the supplied string. # Arrange for the device to be automatically closed if nothing more # needs to be spoken for a reasonable amount of time. proc sayString {string} { openDevice scheduleClose sendData "$string\r" } # Tell the speech synthesizer to stop speaking immediately, # and to flush its input buffer. proc flushSynthesizer {} { sendCommand "=x" } # Check a device path. proc checkDevice {description path} { if {![file exists $path]} { semanticError "$description not found: $path" } if {[string compare [set type [file type $path]] characterSpecial] != 0} { semanticError "incorrect $description type: $type: $path" } if {![file writable $path]} { semanticError "$description not writable: $path" } } # Check a keyword value. proc checkKeyword {description value keywords} { if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z]+$} $value]} { if {[set index [lsearch -glob $keywords [set value [string tolower $value]]*]] >= 0} { if {[lsearch -glob [lreplace $keywords $index $index] $value*] >= 0} { syntaxError "ambiguous $description: $value" } return [lsearch -glob $keywords $value*] } } syntaxError "invalid $description: $value" } # Check an integer value. proc checkInteger {description value {minimum ""} {maximum ""}} { if {![regexp {^(0|-?[1-9][0-9]*)$} $value]} { syntaxError "invalid $description: $value" } if {[string length $minimum] > 0} { if {$value < $minimum} { syntaxError "$description less than $minimum: $value" } } if {[string length $maximum] > 0} { if {$value > $maximum} { syntaxError "$description greater than $maximum: $value" } } } # Set the "device" parameter. # It must be either the absolute or the relative path to the speech synthesizer device. proc set-device {path} { global devicePath set devicePath $path } # Set the "close" parameter. # It must be a non-negative integral number of seconds. proc set-close {close} { global closeTimeout checkInteger "close timeout" $close 0 set closeTimeout $close } # Set the "volume" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 9. proc set-volume {volume} { global speechVolume checkInteger "speech volume" $volume 0 9 set speechVolume $volume } # Set the "rate" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 17. proc set-rate {rate} { global speechRate set rates "0123456789ABCDEFGH" checkInteger "speech rate" $rate 0 [expr {[string length $rates] - 1}] set speechRate [string index $rates $rate] } # Set the "pitch" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 9. proc set-pitch {pitch} { global voicePitch checkInteger "voice pitch" $pitch 0 9 set voicePitch $pitch } # Set the "voice" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 9. proc set-voice {voice} { global voiceType checkInteger "voice type" $voice 0 9 set voiceType $voice } # Set the "pause" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 9. proc set-pause {pause} { global spacePause checkInteger "space pause" $pause 0 9 set spacePause $pause } # Set the "intonation" parameter. # It must be an integer from 0 through 4. proc set-intonation {intonation} { global sentenceIntonation checkInteger "sentence intonation" $intonation 0 4 set sentenceIntonation [expr {($intonation + 1) % 5}] } # Set the "punctuation" parameter. # It must be one of none, common, all. proc set-punctuation {punctuation} { global punctuationMode set punctuationMode [checkKeyword "punctuation mode" $punctuation {none common all}] } # Set the "hyphen" parameter. # It must be one of no, dash, minus. proc set-hyphen {hyphen} { global hyphenMode set hyphenMode [checkKeyword "hyphen mode" $hyphen {no dash minus}] } # Set a parameter. # For the list of settable parameters, see the set-... handlers. # They may be specified within the system configuration file, # within the user configuration file, or as command line options. proc setParameter {name value} { if {[set count [llength [set handlers [info procs "set-[string tolower $name]*"]]]] == 0} { syntaxError "invalid parameter name: $name" } elseif {$count > 1} { syntaxError "ambiguous parameter name: $name" } elseif {[string length $value] == 0} { syntaxError "missing parameter value: $name" } else { eval [lindex $handlers 0] [list $value] } } # Process the configuration file. # If it does not exist, then silently continue. # If it does exist but cannot be opened, then display a warning. proc setParameters {path} { if {[catch [list open $path {RDONLY}] response] != 0} { global errorCode set type [lindex $errorCode 0] set code [lindex $errorCode 1] set warn 1 if {[string compare $type POSIX] == 0} { if {[lsearch -exact {ENOENT} $code] >= 0} { set warn 0 } } if {$warn} { programMessage $response } } else { set file $response while {[gets $file line] >= 0} { if {[set length [string length [set line [string trim $line]]]] == 0} { continue } if {[string compare [string index $line 0] #] == 0} { continue } regexp {^([^ ]+)(.*)$} $line x name value setParameter $name [string trim $value] } close $file; unset file } } # Process the command line options, and remove them from the argument list. proc processOptions {} { global argv while {[llength $argv] > 0} { set name [lindex $argv 0] if {[string length $name] == 0} { break } if {[string compare [set character [string index $name 0]] -] != 0} { break } set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] if {[string length [set name [string trimleft $name $character]]] == 0} { break } if {[llength $argv] == 0} { set value "" } else { set value [lindex $argv 0] set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } setParameter $name $value } } proc prepareParameters {} { global devicePath closeTimeout checkDevice "synthesizer device" $devicePath set closeTimeout [expr {$closeTimeout * 1000}]; # After wants milliseconds. } # Assign defaults to the parameters. setParameter device "/dev/ttyS0" setParameter close 5 # Process the system configuration file. setParameters "/usr/local/etc/[programName].conf" # Process the user configuration file. set variable env(HOME) if {[info exists $variable]} { if {[string length [set directory [set $variable]]] > 0} { setParameters [file join $directory ".[programName]rc"] } } # If no arguments have been supplied, then be a brltty GenericSay helper command. if {[llength $argv] == 0} { prepareParameters set inputStream stdin fconfigure $inputStream -blocking 0 fileevent $inputStream readable { if {[eof $inputStream]} { if {[info exists deviceStream]} { flushSynthesizer } set returnCode 0 } else { sayString [read $inputStream] } } vwait returnCode exit $returnCode } # Process the command line options. processOptions prepareParameters # Speak the positional arguments as a sequence of words. sayString [join $argv " "] exit 0