/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2019 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.app/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include "strfmt.h" #include "cmd_queue.h" #include "cmd_miscellaneous.h" #include "cmd_utils.h" #include "brl_cmds.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "scr_special.h" #include "message.h" #include "alert.h" #include "core.h" #ifdef ENABLE_SPEECH_SUPPORT static STR_BEGIN_FORMATTER(formatSpeechDate, const TimeFormattingData *fmt) const char *yearFormat = "%u"; const char *monthFormat = "%s"; const char *dayFormat = "%u"; uint16_t year = fmt->components.year; const char *month; uint8_t day = fmt->components.day + 1; #ifdef MON_1 { static const int months[] = { MON_1, MON_2, MON_3, MON_4, MON_5, MON_6, MON_7, MON_8, MON_9, MON_10, MON_11, MON_12 }; month = (fmt->components.month < ARRAY_COUNT(months))? nl_langinfo(months[fmt->components.month]): "?"; } #else /* MON_1 */ { static const char *const months[] = { strtext("January"), strtext("February"), strtext("March"), strtext("April"), strtext("May"), strtext("June"), strtext("July"), strtext("August"), strtext("September"), strtext("October"), strtext("November"), strtext("December") }; month = (fmt->components.month < ARRAY_COUNT(months))? gettext(months[fmt->components.month]): "?"; } #endif /* MON_1 */ switch (prefs.dateFormat) { default: case dfYearMonthDay: STR_PRINTF(yearFormat, year); STR_PRINTF(" "); STR_PRINTF(monthFormat, month); STR_PRINTF(" "); STR_PRINTF(dayFormat, day); break; case dfMonthDayYear: STR_PRINTF(monthFormat, month); STR_PRINTF(" "); STR_PRINTF(dayFormat, day); STR_PRINTF(", "); STR_PRINTF(yearFormat, year); break; case dfDayMonthYear: STR_PRINTF(dayFormat, day); STR_PRINTF(" "); STR_PRINTF(monthFormat, month); STR_PRINTF(", "); STR_PRINTF(yearFormat, year); break; } STR_END_FORMATTER static STR_BEGIN_FORMATTER(formatSpeechTime, const TimeFormattingData *fmt) STR_PRINTF("%u", fmt->components.hour); if (fmt->components.minute < 10) STR_PRINTF(" 0"); STR_PRINTF(" %u", fmt->components.minute); if (fmt->meridian) { const char *character = fmt->meridian; while (*character) STR_PRINTF(" %c", *character++); } if (prefs.showSeconds) { STR_PRINTF(", "); if (fmt->components.second == 0) { STR_PRINTF("%s", gettext("exactly")); } else { STR_PRINTF("%s %u %s", gettext("and"), fmt->components.second, ngettext("second", "seconds", fmt->components.second)); } } STR_END_FORMATTER static void speakTime (const TimeFormattingData *fmt) { char announcement[0X100]; char time[0X80]; STR_BEGIN(announcement, sizeof(announcement)); formatSpeechTime(time, sizeof(time), fmt); if (prefs.datePosition == dpNone) { STR_PRINTF("%s", time); } else { char date[0X40]; formatSpeechDate(date, sizeof(date), fmt); switch (prefs.datePosition) { case dpBeforeTime: STR_PRINTF("%s, %s", date, time); break; case dpAfterTime: STR_PRINTF("%s, %s", time, date); break; default: STR_PRINTF("%s", date); break; } } STR_PRINTF("."); STR_END; sayString(&spk, announcement, SAY_OPT_MUTE_FIRST); } #endif /* ENABLE_SPEECH_SUPPORT */ static void showTime (const TimeFormattingData *fmt) { char buffer[0X80]; formatBrailleTime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt); message(NULL, buffer, MSG_SILENT); } static int handleMiscellaneousCommands (int command, void *data) { switch (command & BRL_MSK_CMD) { case BRL_CMD_RESTARTBRL: brl.hasFailed = 1; break; case BRL_CMD_BRL_STOP: disableBrailleDriver(gettext("braille driver stopped")); break; case BRL_CMD_BRL_START: enableBrailleDriver(); break; case BRL_CMD_SCR_STOP: disableScreenDriver(gettext("screen driver stopped")); break; case BRL_CMD_SCR_START: enableScreenDriver(); break; case BRL_CMD_HELP: { int ok = 0; unsigned int pageNumber; if (isSpecialScreen(SCR_HELP)) { pageNumber = getHelpPageNumber() + 1; ok = 1; } else { pageNumber = haveSpecialScreen(SCR_HELP)? getHelpPageNumber(): 1; if (!activateSpecialScreen(SCR_HELP)) pageNumber = 0; } if (pageNumber) { unsigned int pageCount = getHelpPageCount(); while (pageNumber <= pageCount) { if (setHelpPageNumber(pageNumber)) if (getHelpLineCount()) break; pageNumber += 1; } if (pageNumber > pageCount) { deactivateSpecialScreen(SCR_HELP); } else { ok = 1; } updateSessionAttributes(); } if (ok) { infoMode = 0; } else { message(NULL, gettext("help not available"), 0); } break; } case BRL_CMD_TIME: { TimeFormattingData fmt; getTimeFormattingData(&fmt); #ifdef ENABLE_SPEECH_SUPPORT if (isAutospeakActive()) speakTime(&fmt); #endif /* ENABLE_SPEECH_SUPPORT */ showTime(&fmt); break; } default: { int arg = command & BRL_MSK_ARG; switch (command & BRL_MSK_BLK) { case BRL_CMD_BLK(DESCCHAR): { int column, row; if (getCharacterCoordinates(arg, &column, &row, 0, 0)) { char description[0X80]; formatCharacterDescription(description, sizeof(description), column, row); message(NULL, description, 0); } else { alert(ALERT_COMMAND_REJECTED); } break; } case BRL_CMD_BLK(ALERT): alert(arg); break; default: return 0; } break; } } return 1; } int addMiscellaneousCommands (void) { return pushCommandHandler("miscellaneous", KTB_CTX_DEFAULT, handleMiscellaneousCommands, NULL, NULL); }