/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2019 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.app/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include "file.h" #include "ttb.h" #include "ttb_internal.h" #include "ttb_compile.h" static int getByteOperand (DataFile *file, unsigned char *byte) { DataString string; const char *description = "local character"; if (getDataString(file, &string, 1, description)) { if ((string.length == 1) && iswLatin1(string.characters[0])) { *byte = string.characters[0]; return 1; } else { reportDataError(file, "invalid %s: %.*" PRIws, description, string.length, string.characters); } } return 0; } static const char characterDescription[] = "Unicode character"; static int isCharacterOperand ( DataFile *file, wchar_t *character, const wchar_t *characters, int length ) { if (length == 1) { wchar_t wc = characters[0]; if (!(wc & ~UNICODE_CHARACTER_MASK)) { *character = wc; return 1; } else { reportDataError(file, "%s out of range: %.*" PRIws, characterDescription, length, characters); } } else { reportDataError(file, "not a single %s: %.*" PRIws, characterDescription, length, characters); } return 0; } static int getCharacterOperand (DataFile *file, wchar_t *character) { DataString string; if (getDataString(file, &string, 0, characterDescription)) { if (isCharacterOperand(file, character, string.characters, string.length)) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int getDotsOperand (DataFile *file, unsigned char *dots) { if (findDataOperand(file, "cell")) { wchar_t character; if (getDataCharacter(file, &character)) { int noDots = 0; wchar_t enclosed = (character == WC_C('('))? WC_C(')'): 0; *dots = 0; if (!enclosed) { if (wcschr(WS_C("0"), character)) { noDots = 1; } else { ungetDataCharacters(file, 1); } } while (getDataCharacter(file, &character)) { int space = iswspace(character); if (enclosed) { if (character == enclosed) { enclosed = 0; break; } if (space) continue; } else if (space) { ungetDataCharacters(file, 1); break; } { int dot; if (noDots || !brlDotNumberToIndex(character, &dot)) { reportDataError(file, "invalid dot number: %.1" PRIws, &character); return 0; } { unsigned char bit = brlDotBits[dot]; if (*dots & bit) { reportDataError(file, "duplicate dot number: %.1" PRIws, &character); return 0; } *dots |= bit; } } } if (enclosed) { reportDataError(file, "incomplete cell"); return 0; } return 1; } } return 0; } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processAliasOperands) { TextTableData *ttd = data; wchar_t from; if (getCharacterOperand(file, &from)) { wchar_t to; if (getCharacterOperand(file, &to)) { if (!addTextTableAlias(ttd, from, to)) return 0; } } return 1; } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processByteOperands) { TextTableData *ttd = data; unsigned char byte; if (getByteOperand(file, &byte)) { unsigned char dots; if (getDotsOperand(file, &dots)) { if (!setTextTableByte(ttd, byte, dots)) return 0; } } return 1; } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processCharOperands) { TextTableData *ttd = data; wchar_t character; if (getCharacterOperand(file, &character)) { unsigned char dots; if (getDotsOperand(file, &dots)) { if (!setTextTableCharacter(ttd, character, dots)) return 0; } } return 1; } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processGlyphOperands) { TextTableData *ttd = data; wchar_t character; if (getCharacterOperand(file, &character)) { unsigned char dots; if (getDotsOperand(file, &dots)) { if (!setTextTableGlyph(ttd, character, dots)) return 0; } } return 1; } static DATA_CONDITION_TESTER(testGlyphDefined) { TextTableData *ttd = data; wchar_t character; if (!isCharacterOperand(file, &character, identifier->characters, identifier->length)) return 0; UnicodeRowEntry *row = getUnicodeRowEntry(ttd, character, 0); if (!row) return 0; unsigned int cellNumber = UNICODE_CELL_NUMBER(character); return !!BITMASK_TEST(row->cellDefined, cellNumber); } static int processGlyphTestOperands (DataFile *file, int not, void *data) { return processConditionOperands(file, testGlyphDefined, not, characterDescription, data); } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfGlyphOperands) { return processGlyphTestOperands(file, 0, data); } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfNotGlyphOperands) { return processGlyphTestOperands(file, 1, data); } static const char cellDescription[] = "braille cell"; static DATA_CONDITION_TESTER(testCellDefined) { TextTableData *ttd = data; ByteOperand cells; if (!parseCellsOperand(file, &cells, identifier->characters, identifier->length)) return 0; if (cells.length != 1) { reportDataError(file, "not a single %s: %.*" PRIws, cellDescription, identifier->length, identifier->characters); return 0; } const TextTableHeader *header = getTextTableHeader(ttd); return !!BITMASK_TEST(header->dotsCharacterDefined, cells.bytes[0]); } static int processCellTestOperands (DataFile *file, int not, void *data) { return processConditionOperands(file, testCellDefined, not, cellDescription, data); } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfCellOperands) { return processCellTestOperands(file, 0, data); } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfNotCellOperands) { return processCellTestOperands(file, 1, data); } static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processNativeTextTableOperands) { BEGIN_DATA_DIRECTIVE_TABLE DATA_NESTING_DIRECTIVES, DATA_VARIABLE_DIRECTIVES, DATA_CONDITION_DIRECTIVES, {.name=WS_C("alias"), .processor=processAliasOperands}, {.name=WS_C("byte"), .processor=processByteOperands}, {.name=WS_C("char"), .processor=processCharOperands}, {.name=WS_C("glyph"), .processor=processGlyphOperands}, {.name=WS_C("ifglyph"), .processor=processIfGlyphOperands, .unconditional=1}, {.name=WS_C("ifnotglyph"), .processor=processIfNotGlyphOperands, .unconditional=1}, {.name=WS_C("ifcell"), .processor=processIfCellOperands, .unconditional=1}, {.name=WS_C("ifnotcell"), .processor=processIfNotCellOperands, .unconditional=1}, END_DATA_DIRECTIVE_TABLE return processDirectiveOperand(file, &directives, "text table directive", data); } TextTableData * processTextTableStream (FILE *stream, const char *name) { return processTextTableLines(stream, name, processNativeTextTableOperands); } TextTable * compileTextTable (const char *name) { TextTable *table = NULL; FILE *stream; if ((stream = openDataFile(name, "r", 0))) { TextTableData *ttd; if ((ttd = processTextTableStream(stream, name))) { table = makeTextTable(ttd); destroyTextTableData(ttd); } fclose(stream); } return table; }