# Metadata-Generator This script scans a repo and generates the appstream catalogue. ## Usage Due to the unstable api of appstream this script works against a chrooted environment that must have the apps and versions showed above: - appstreeam=0.10.6-1~ubuntu16.04.2+lliurex1 - appstram-generator=0.6.6 compiled from lliurex's svn (xenial/devtools/appstream-generator) If we've a chroot with the right versions and a repo accesible on the machine it's as simple as: ./metadata-generator.sh -suite suite --chroot /path/to/chroot --repo /path/to/repo suite -> Suite to process (xenial, bionic...) chroot -> path to the chroot repo -> path to the repo If we don't define any argument the shell will work with the default values defined in the shell's own code. When executed the shell will: 1. Check if the asgen-config.json exists at the repo's basedir 2. Copy the mtab of the host machine to the chroot 3. Mount proc, sys, dev and dev/pts on the chroot 4. Mount (bind) the repo on the chroot 5. Enter the chroot * Clean the appstream database * Remove all processed packages * Process the whole suite 6. Exit the chroot and unmount all the mounts of the chroot When finished there'll be an "export" folder at the repo's basedir wich will contain: * a data folder with the generated metadata * a media folder with the generated media (icons) * a hints folder with the detected errors and warnings in json format * a html folder. At this folder there's an "index.html" with the result of the process.