/* GCompris - DownloadManager.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2014 Holger Kaelberer * * Authors: * Holger Kaelberer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "DownloadManager.h" #include "ApplicationSettings.h" #include "ApplicationInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const QString DownloadManager::contentsFilename = QString("Contents"); DownloadManager* DownloadManager::_instance = 0; void copyPath(QString src, QString dst) { QDir dir(src); if (!dir.exists()) return; Q_FOREACH(const QString &d, dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QString dst_path = dst + QDir::separator() + d; dir.mkpath(dst_path); copyPath(src+ QDir::separator() + d, dst_path); } Q_FOREACH(const QString &f, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { qDebug() << "Copying " << src + QDir::separator() + f << " to " << dst + QDir::separator() + f; QFile::copy(src + QDir::separator() + f, dst + QDir::separator() + f); } } /* Public interface: */ DownloadManager::DownloadManager() : accessManager(this), serverUrl(ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->downloadServerUrl()) { // Cleanup of previous data directory no more used QList previousDataLocations = QList() << QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) + "/data" << QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) + "/data2"; for(auto it = previousDataLocations.begin(); it != previousDataLocations.end() ; ++ it) { QDir &prevDir = *it; if(prevDir.exists()) { if(prevDir.dirName() == "data2") { qDebug() << "Data changed place, move from previous folder to the new one"; copyPath(prevDir.absolutePath(), getSystemDownloadPath() + "/data2"); } qDebug() << "Remove previous directory data: " << prevDir.absolutePath(); prevDir.removeRecursively(); } } } DownloadManager::~DownloadManager() { shutdown(); _instance = 0; } void DownloadManager::shutdown() { qDebug() << "DownloadManager: shutting down," << activeJobs.size() << "active jobs"; abortDownloads(); } // It is not recommended to create a singleton of Qml Singleton registered // object but we could not found a better way to let us access DownloadManager // on the C++ side. All our test shows that it works. // Using the singleton after the QmlEngine has been destroyed is forbidden! DownloadManager* DownloadManager::getInstance() { if (!_instance) _instance = new DownloadManager; return _instance; } QObject *DownloadManager::systeminfoProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) { Q_UNUSED(engine) Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine) return getInstance(); } void DownloadManager::init() { qmlRegisterSingletonType("GCompris", 1, 0, "DownloadManager", systeminfoProvider); } bool DownloadManager::downloadIsRunning() const { return (activeJobs.size() > 0); } void DownloadManager::abortDownloads() { if (activeJobs.size() > 0) { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); QMutableListIterator iter(activeJobs); while (iter.hasNext()) { DownloadJob *job = iter.next(); if (job->reply) { disconnect(job->reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished())); disconnect(job->reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); if (job->reply->isRunning()) { qDebug() << "Aborting download job:" << job->url; job->reply->abort(); job->file.close(); job->file.remove(); } delete job->reply; } iter.remove(); } locker.unlock(); emit error(QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError, "Download cancelled by user"); } } QString DownloadManager::getVoicesResourceForLocale(const QString& locale) const { return QString("data2/voices-" COMPRESSED_AUDIO "/voices-%1.rcc") .arg(ApplicationInfo::getInstance()->getVoicesLocale(locale)); } inline QString DownloadManager::getAbsoluteResourcePath(const QString& path) const { foreach (const QString &base, getSystemResourcePaths()) { if (QFile::exists(base + '/' + path)) return QString(base + '/' + path); } return QString(); } // @FIXME should support a variable subpath length like data2/full.rcc" inline QString DownloadManager::getRelativeResourcePath(const QString& path) const { QStringList parts = path.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (parts.size() < 3) return QString(); return QString(parts[parts.size()-3] + '/' + parts[parts.size()-2] + '/' + parts[parts.size()-1]); } bool DownloadManager::haveLocalResource(const QString& path) const { return (!getAbsoluteResourcePath(path).isEmpty()); } bool DownloadManager::updateResource(const QString& path) { if (checkDownloadRestriction()) return downloadResource(path); // check for updates and register else { QString absPath = getAbsoluteResourcePath(path); // automatic download prohibited -> register if available if (!absPath.isEmpty()) return registerResourceAbsolute(absPath); else { qDebug() << "No such local resource and download prohibited:" << path; return false; } } } bool DownloadManager::downloadResource(const QString& path) { DownloadJob* job = nullptr; { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); QUrl url(serverUrl.toString() + '/' + path); if (getJobByUrl_locked(url)) { qDebug() << "Download of" << url << "is already running, skipping second attempt."; return false; } job = new DownloadJob(url); activeJobs.append(job); } qDebug() << "Downloading resource file" << path; if (!download(job)) { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); activeJobs.removeOne(job); return false; } return true; } #if 0 // vvv might be helpful later with other use-cases: void DownloadManager::registerLocalResources() { QStringList filenames = getLocalResources(); if (filenames.empty()) { qDebug() << "No local resources found"; return; } QList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = filenames.constBegin(); iter != filenames.constEnd(); iter++) registerResource(*iter); } bool DownloadManager::checkForUpdates() { QStringList filenames = getLocalResources(); if (filenames.empty()) { qDebug() << "No local resources found"; return true; } if (!checkDownloadRestriction()) { qDebug() << "Can't download with current network connection (" << networkConfiguration.bearerTypeName() << ")!"; return false; } QList::const_iterator iter; DownloadJob *job = new DownloadJob(); for (iter = filenames.constBegin(); iter != filenames.constEnd(); iter++) { QUrl url = getUrlForFilename(*iter); qDebug() << "Scheduling resource for update: " << url; job->queue.append(url); } job->url = job->queue.takeFirst(); { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); activeJobs.append(job); } if (!download(job)) { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); activeJobs.removeOne(job); return false; } return true; } #endif /* Private: */ inline QString DownloadManager::tempFilenameForFilename(const QString &filename) const { return QString(filename).append("_"); } inline QString DownloadManager::filenameForTempFilename(const QString &tempFilename) const { if (tempFilename.endsWith(QLatin1String("_"))) return tempFilename.left(tempFilename.length() - 1); return tempFilename; } bool DownloadManager::download(DownloadJob* job) { QNetworkRequest request; // First download Contents file for verification if not yet done: if (!job->contents.contains(job->url.fileName())) { int len = job->url.fileName().length(); QUrl contentsUrl = QUrl(job->url.toString().remove(job->url.toString().length() - len, len) + contentsFilename); if (!job->knownContentsUrls.contains(contentsUrl)) { // Note: need to track already tried Contents files or we can end // up in an infinite loop if corresponding Contents file does not // exist upstream job->knownContentsUrls.append(contentsUrl); //qDebug() << "Postponing rcc download, first fetching Contents" << contentsUrl; job->queue.prepend(job->url); job->url = contentsUrl; } } QFileInfo fi(getFilenameForUrl(job->url)); // make sure target path exists: QDir dir; if (!dir.exists(fi.path()) && !dir.mkpath(fi.path())) { qDebug() << "Could not create resource path " << fi.path(); emit error(QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError, "Could not create resource path"); return false; } job->file.setFileName(tempFilenameForFilename(fi.filePath())); if (!job->file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { emit error(QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError, QString("Could not open target file %1").arg(job->file.fileName())); return false; } // start download: request.setUrl(job->url); //qDebug() << "Now downloading" << job->url << "to" << fi.filePath() << "..."; QNetworkReply *reply = accessManager.get(request); job->reply = reply; connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished())); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::readyRead, this, &DownloadManager::downloadReadyRead); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); if (job->url.fileName() != contentsFilename) { connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &DownloadManager::downloadProgress); emit downloadStarted(job->url.toString().remove(0, serverUrl.toString().length())); } return true; } inline DownloadManager::DownloadJob* DownloadManager::getJobByUrl_locked(const QUrl& url) const { for (int i = 0; i < activeJobs.size(); i++) if (activeJobs[i]->url == url || activeJobs[i]->queue.indexOf(url) != -1) return activeJobs[i]; return nullptr; } inline DownloadManager::DownloadJob* DownloadManager::getJobByReply(QNetworkReply *r) { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); for (int i = 0; i < activeJobs.size(); i++) if (activeJobs[i]->reply == r) return activeJobs[i]; return nullptr; // should never happen! } void DownloadManager::downloadReadyRead() { QNetworkReply *reply = dynamic_cast(sender()); DownloadJob *job = getJobByReply(reply); job->file.write(reply->readAll()); } inline QString DownloadManager::getFilenameForUrl(const QUrl& url) const { QString relPart = url.toString().remove(0, serverUrl.toString().length()); return QString(getSystemDownloadPath() + relPart); } inline QUrl DownloadManager::getUrlForFilename(const QString& filename) const { return QUrl(serverUrl.toString() + '/' + getRelativeResourcePath(filename)); } inline QString DownloadManager::getSystemDownloadPath() const { return ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->cachePath(); } inline QStringList DownloadManager::getSystemResourcePaths() const { QStringList results({ QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + '/' + QString(GCOMPRIS_DATA_FOLDER) + "/rcc/", getSystemDownloadPath(), QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation), #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) "assets:", #endif QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + '/' + GCOMPRIS_APPLICATION_NAME }); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 // Append standard application directories (like /usr/share/KDE/gcompris-qt) results += QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation); #endif return results; } bool DownloadManager::checkDownloadRestriction() const { #if 0 // note: Something like the following can be used once bearer mgmt // has been implemented for android (cf. Qt bug #30394) QNetworkConfiguration::BearerType conn = networkConfiguration.bearerType(); qDebug() << "Bearer type: "<< conn << ": "<< networkConfiguration.bearerTypeName(); if (!ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->isMobileNetworkDownloadsEnabled() && conn != QNetworkConfiguration::BearerEthernet && conn != QNetworkConfiguration::QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN) return false; return true; #endif return ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->isAutomaticDownloadsEnabled() && ApplicationInfo::getInstance()->isDownloadAllowed(); } void DownloadManager::handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code) { Q_UNUSED(code); QNetworkReply *reply = dynamic_cast(sender()); emit error(reply->error(), reply->errorString()); } bool DownloadManager::parseContents(DownloadJob *job) { if (job->file.isOpen()) job->file.close(); if (!job->file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qWarning() << "Could not open file " << job->file.fileName(); return false; } /* * We expect the line-syntax, that md5sum and colleagues creates: * * 53f0a3eb206b3028500ca039615c5f84 voices-en.rcc */ QTextStream in(&job->file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList parts = line.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (parts.size() != 2) { qWarning() << "Invalid format of Contents file!"; return false; } job->contents[parts[1]] = parts[0]; //qDebug() << "Contents: " << parts[1] << " -> " << parts[0]; } job->file.close(); return true; } bool DownloadManager::checksumMatches(DownloadJob *job, const QString& filename) const { Q_ASSERT(job->contents != (QMap())); if (!QFile::exists(filename)) return false; QString basename = QFileInfo(filename).fileName(); if (!job->contents.contains(basename)) return false; QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QCryptographicHash fileHasher(hashMethod); if (!fileHasher.addData(&file)) { qWarning() << "Could not read file for hashing: " << filename; return false; } file.close(); QByteArray fileHash = fileHasher.result().toHex(); //qDebug() << "Checking file-hash ~ contents-hash: " << fileHash << " ~ " << job->contents[basename]; return (fileHash == job->contents[basename]); } void DownloadManager::unregisterResource_locked(const QString& filename) { if (!QResource::unregisterResource(filename)) qDebug() << "Error unregistering resource file" << filename; else { qDebug() << "Successfully unregistered resource file" << filename; registeredResources.removeOne(filename); } } inline bool DownloadManager::isRegistered(const QString& filename) const { return (registeredResources.indexOf(filename) != -1); } /* * Registers an rcc file given by absolute path */ bool DownloadManager::registerResourceAbsolute(const QString& filename) { QMutexLocker locker(&rcMutex); if (isRegistered(filename)) unregisterResource_locked(filename); if (!QResource::registerResource(filename)) { qDebug() << "Error registering resource file" << filename; return false; } else { qDebug() << "Successfully registered resource" << filename; registeredResources.append(filename); locker.unlock(); /* note: we unlock before emitting to prevent * potential deadlocks */ emit resourceRegistered(getRelativeResourcePath(filename)); QString v = getVoicesResourceForLocale( ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->locale()); if (v == getRelativeResourcePath(filename)) emit voicesRegistered(); return true; } } /* * Registers an rcc file given by a relative resource path */ bool DownloadManager::registerResource(const QString& filename) { return registerResourceAbsolute(getAbsoluteResourcePath(filename)); } bool DownloadManager::isDataRegistered(const QString& data) const { QString res = QString(":/gcompris/data/%1").arg(data); return !QDir(res).entryList().empty(); } bool DownloadManager::areVoicesRegistered() const { QString resource = QString("voices-" COMPRESSED_AUDIO "/%1"). arg(ApplicationInfo::getInstance()->getVoicesLocale(ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->locale())); return isDataRegistered(resource); } void DownloadManager::downloadFinished() { QNetworkReply* reply = dynamic_cast(sender()); DownloadFinishedCode code = Success; DownloadJob *job = getJobByReply(reply); if (job->file.isOpen()) { job->file.flush(); // note: important, or checksums might be wrong! job->file.close(); } if (reply->error() && job->file.exists()) job->file.remove(); else { // active temp file QString tFilename = filenameForTempFilename(job->file.fileName()); if (QFile::exists(tFilename)) QFile::remove(tFilename); if (!job->file.rename(tFilename)) qWarning() << "Could not rename temporary file to" << tFilename; } QString targetFilename = getFilenameForUrl(job->url); if (job->url.fileName() == contentsFilename) { // Contents if (reply->error()) { qWarning() << "Error downloading Contents from" << job->url << ":" << reply->error() << ":" << reply->errorString(); // note: errorHandler() emit's error! code = Error; goto outError; } //qDebug() << "Download of Contents finished successfully: " << job->url; if (!parseContents(job)) { qWarning() << "Invalid format of Contents file" << job->url; emit error(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError, "Invalid format of Contents file"); code = Error; goto outError; } } else { // RCC file if (reply->error()) { qWarning() << "Error downloading RCC file from " << job->url << ":" << reply->error() << ":" << reply->errorString(); // note: errorHandler() emit's error! code = Error; // register already existing files (if not yet done): if (QFile::exists(targetFilename) && !isRegistered(targetFilename)) registerResourceAbsolute(targetFilename); } else { qDebug() << "Download of RCC file finished successfully: " << job->url; if (!checksumMatches(job, targetFilename)) { qWarning() << "Checksum of downloaded file does not match: " << targetFilename; emit error(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError, QString("Checksum of downloaded file does not match: %1") .arg(targetFilename)); code = Error; } else registerResourceAbsolute(targetFilename); } } // try next: while (!job->queue.isEmpty()) { job->url = job->queue.takeFirst(); QString relPath = getRelativeResourcePath(getFilenameForUrl(job->url)); // check in each resource-path for an up2date rcc file: foreach (const QString &base, getSystemResourcePaths()) { QString filename = base + '/' + relPath; if (QFile::exists(filename) && checksumMatches(job, filename)) { // file is up2date, register! necessary: qDebug() << "Local resource is up-to-date:" << QFileInfo(filename).fileName(); if (!isRegistered(filename)) // no update and already registered -> noop registerResourceAbsolute(filename); code = NoChange; break; } } if (code != NoChange) // nothing is up2date locally -> download it if (download(job)) goto outNext; } // none left, DownloadJob finished if (job->file.isOpen()) job->file.close(); { // note: must remove before signalling downloadFinished(), otherwise race condition for the Qt.quit() case QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); activeJobs.removeOne(job); } emit downloadFinished(code); delete reply; delete job; return; outError: if (job->url.fileName() == contentsFilename) { // if we could not download the contents file register local existing // files for outstanding jobs: QUrl nUrl; while (!job->queue.isEmpty()) { nUrl = job->queue.takeFirst(); QString relPath = getRelativeResourcePath(getFilenameForUrl(nUrl)); foreach (const QString &base, getSystemResourcePaths()) { QString filename = base + '/' + relPath; if (QFile::exists(filename)) registerResourceAbsolute(filename); } } } if (job->file.isOpen()) job->file.close(); { QMutexLocker locker(&jobsMutex); activeJobs.removeOne(job); } delete reply; delete job; return; outNext: // next sub-job started delete reply; return; } QStringList DownloadManager::getLocalResources() { QStringList result; foreach (const QString &path, getSystemResourcePaths()) { QDir dir(path); if (!dir.exists(path) && !dir.mkpath(path)) { qWarning() << "Could not create resource path " << path; continue; } QDirIterator it(dir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { QString filename = it.next(); QFileInfo fi = it.fileInfo(); if (fi.isFile() && (filename.endsWith(QLatin1String(".rcc")))) result.append(filename); } } return result; }