[inclScorm1.2] //JMATCH-SPECIFIC SCORM-RELATED JAVASCRIPT CODE function SetScormScore(){ //Reports the current score and any other information back to the LMS if (API != null){ API.LMSSetValue('cmi.core.score.raw', Score); //Now send a detailed reports on the item var ItemLabel = 'Matching'; API.LMSSetValue('cmi.objectives.0.id', 'obj'+ItemLabel); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.interactions.0.id', 'int'+ItemLabel); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.objectives.0.status', API.LMSGetValue('cmi.core.lesson_status')); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.objectives.0.score.min', '0'); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.objectives.0.score.max', '100'); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.objectives.0.score.raw', Score); //We can only use the performance type, because we're storing multiple responses of various types. API.LMSSetValue('cmi.interactions.0.type', 'performance'); API.LMSSetValue('cmi.interactions.0.student_response', AnswersTried); API.LMSCommit(''); } } [/inclScorm1.2] //JMATCH-SPECIFIC CORE JAVASCRIPT CODE var CorrectResponse = '[strGuessCorrect]'; var IncorrectResponse = '[strGuessIncorrect]'; var YourScoreIs = '[strYourScoreIs]'; var DivWidth = 600; //default value var FeedbackWidth = 200; //default var ExBGColor = '[strExBGColor]'; var PageBGColor = '[strPageBGColor]'; var TextColor = '[strTextColor]'; var TitleColor = '[strTitleColor]'; var Penalties = 0; var Score = 0; var TimeOver = false; var Locked = false; var ShuffleQs = [boolShuffleQs]; var QsToShow = [QsToShow]; var DragWidth = 200; var LeftColPos = 100; var RightColPos = 500; var DragTop = 120; var Finished = false; var AnswersTried = ''; //Fixed and draggable card arrays FC = new Array(); DC = new Array(); function onEndDrag(){ //Is it dropped on any of the fixed cards? var Docked = false; var DropTarget = DroppedOnFixed(CurrDrag); if (DropTarget > -1){ //If so, send home any card that is currently docked there for (var i=0; i OverlapArea){ OverlapArea = Temp; Result = i; } } return Result; } function StartUp(){ [inclScorm1.2] ScormStartUp(); [/inclScorm1.2] [inclSendResults] GetUserName(); [/inclSendResults] [inclPreloadImages] PreloadImages([PreloadImageList]); [/inclPreloadImages] //Calculate page dimensions and positions pg = new PageDim(); DivWidth = Math.floor((pg.W*4)/5); DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth*3)/10); LeftColPos = Math.floor(pg.W/15); RightColPos = pg.W - (DragWidth + LeftColPos); DragTop = parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetHeight) + parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetTop) + 10; if (C.ie){ DragTop += 15; } //Reduce array if required if (QsToShow < F.length){ ReduceItems2(); } //Shuffle the left items if required if (ShuffleQs == true){ F = Shuffle(F); } //Shuffle the items on the right D = Shuffle(D); var CurrTop = DragTop; var TempInt = 0; var DropHome = 0; var Widest = 0; var CardContent = ''; for (var i=0; i Widest){ Widest = FC[i].GetW(); } } if (Widest > DragWidth){Widest = DragWidth;} CurrTop = DragTop; DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth-Widest)/2) - 24; RightColPos = DivWidth + LeftColPos - (DragWidth + 14); var Highest = 0; var WidestRight = 0; for (i=0; i DragWidth){DC[i].SetW(DragWidth);} DC[i].css.cursor = 'move'; DC[i].css.backgroundColor = '[strExBGColor]'; DC[i].css.color = '[strTextColor]'; TempInt = DC[i].GetH(); if (TempInt > Highest){Highest = TempInt;} TempInt = DC[i].GetW(); if (TempInt > WidestRight){WidestRight = TempInt;} } //Fix for 6.2: the reduction by 12 seems to be required -- no idea why! var HeightToSet = Highest-12; var WidthToSet = WidestRight-12; for (i=0; i 0){ DC[i].tag = D[i][1]; D[i][2] = D[i][1]; var TopChange = 0; //Find the right target element var TargItem = -1; for (var j=0; j DC[i].GetT()){ TopChange = 1; } } Slide(i, TargetLeft, TargetTop, TopChange); D[i][2] = F[TargItem][1]; DC[i].tag = TargItem+1; } } [/inclSlide] [inclTimer] StartTimer(); [/inclTimer] } [inclSlide] function Slide(MoverNum, TargL, TargT, TopChange){ var TempInt = DC[MoverNum].GetL(); if (TempInt > TargL){ DC[MoverNum].SetL(TempInt - 5); } TempInt = DC[MoverNum].GetT(); if (TempInt != TargT){ DC[MoverNum].SetT(TempInt + TopChange); } if ((DC[MoverNum].GetL() > TargL)||(DC[MoverNum].GetT() != TargT)){ setTimeout('Slide('+MoverNum+','+TargL+','+TargT+','+TopChange+')', 1); } else{ DC[MoverNum].SetL(TargL); } } [/inclSlide] F = new Array(); [FixedArray] D = new Array(); [DragArray] function ReduceItems2(){ var ItemToDump=0; var j=0; while (F.length > QsToShow){ ItemToDump = Math.floor(F.length*Math.random()); for (j=ItemToDump; j<(F.length-1); j++){ F[j] = F[j+1]; } for (j=ItemToDump; j<(D.length-1); j++){ D[j] = D[j+1]; } F.length = F.length-1; D.length = D.length-1; } } function TimerStartUp(){ setTimeout('StartUp()', 300); } function CheckAnswers(){ if (Locked == true){return;} //Set the default score and response var TotalCorrect = 0; Score = 0; var Feedback = ''; //for each fixed, check to see if the tag value for the draggable is the same as the fixed if (AnswersTried.length > 0){AnswersTried += ' | ';} var i, j; for (i=0; i0){AnswersTried += ',';} AnswersTried += D[i][1] + '.' + D[i][2] + ''; if ((D[i][2] == D[i][1])&&(D[i][2] > 0)){ TotalCorrect++; } else{ //Change made for version don't send wrong items home, //show them in a more conspicuous way. // DC[i].GoHome(); DC[i].SetL(DC[i].GetL() + 10); DC[i].Highlight(); } } Score = Math.floor((100*(TotalCorrect-Penalties))/F.length); var AllDone = false; if (TotalCorrect == F.length) { AllDone = true; } if (AllDone == true){ Feedback = YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.'; ShowMessage(Feedback + '
' + CorrectResponse); } else { Feedback = IncorrectResponse + '
' + YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.'; ShowMessage(Feedback); Penalties++; // Penalty for inaccurate check } //If the exercise is over, deal with that if ((AllDone == true)||(TimeOver == true)){ [inclSendResults] setTimeout('SendResults(' + Score + ')', 50); [/inclSendResults] [inclTimer] window.clearInterval(Interval); [/inclTimer] TimeOver = true; Locked = true; Finished = true; setTimeout('Finish()', SubmissionTimeout); WriteToInstructions(Feedback); } [inclScorm1.2] if (AllDone == true){ SetScormComplete(); } else{ SetScormIncomplete(); } [/inclScorm1.2] } [inclTimer] function TimesUp() { document.getElementById('Timer').innerHTML = '[strTimesUp]'; [inclPreloadImages] RefreshImages(); [/inclPreloadImages] TimeOver = true; CheckAnswers(); Locked = true; [inclScorm1.2] SetScormTimedOut(); [/inclScorm1.2] } [/inclTimer]