# isomaker(1) -- build live distributions ## SYNOPSIS `isomaker` `[build|configure]` DISTRO FLAVOUR [`-i`|`--interactive`] [`-a` ARCH ] [ `-m` URL ] [ `-k` KERNEL ] [`-p` PPA:PINNING ] [ `-e` SOURCE ] [ `-u` SOURCE ] `isomaker` `[clean]` ## ACTIONS `configure` Create auto folder with all configurations needed by build script located on auto folder. `build` Make configure step and run lb build step. Rename binary iso to ${DISTRIBUTION_NAME}-${FLAVOUR}_${ARCH}_${VERSION}_${DATE}, where DISTRIBUTION_NAME and VERSION are defined on DISTRO settings file. `clean` Remove all files from directory. This include auto files and control tokens created by live build ## OPTIONS -a Architecture to build distribution. values availables are i386 or amd64 -m Default mirror used to build. For example http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu -k Kernel installed installed into DISTRO. By default is linux-generic -i | --interactive Configure build live as interactive. Shell in interactive mode is sh -p Append ppa on chroot step. This ppa will be installed into live and when distribution has been installed. -e Append other mirror on chroot step. This mirror will be available into live and when distribution has been installed. This mirror must be formatted as sources.list. For example: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main restricted universe multiverse -u Append untrusted mirror on chroot step . Mirror will be formatted as : deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main restricted universe multiverse -s Append line to sources.list file on build stage. If you want set two lines or more, you append with \n character.Examples: -s "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic partner" -s "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic partner\ndeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic multiverse" ## CREATE NEW DISTRO CONFIG Make folder on /usr/share/isomaker/types with distribution name. On this folder create `settings` file with variables to define general config. You can copy /usr/share/doc/isomaker/variables_template as template. Replace and comment all you need. Create /usr/share/isomaker/types/DISTRO/configuration folder. On this folder you will create all FLAVOURS. On configuration folder `common` word is reserved. You can use this folder to define files has been copy to all flavours on configure and build actions. final_apt ## Files /usr/share/doc/variables_template