msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: JClic\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-04 19:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 20:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jean-Marc <Unknown>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-12-09 11:48+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17865)\n"

#. # JClic player messages
#: m_File
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"

#: settings_passwordRequired
msgid "JClic admin password is required in order to perform this operation."
msgstr ""
"Le mot de passe administrateur JClic est requis pour réaliser cette "

#: m_Help
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"

#: m_Skin
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Habillage"

#: action_helpAbout_caption
msgid "About..."
msgstr "A propos de..."

#: libraryManager_mainLibraryTitle
msgid "Main library"
msgstr "Librairie principale"

#: library_badFormat
msgid ""
"This JClic file is not a project library!\n"
"Libraries are a special type of JClic projects."
msgstr ""
"Ce fichier JClic n'est pas une librairie du projet!\n"
"Libraries are a special type of JClic projects."

#: library_mainMenu
msgid "Main menu"
msgstr "Menu principal"

#: library_newLibraryName
msgctxt "library_newLibraryName"
msgid "New project library"
msgstr "Nouvlle librairie de projet"

#: libraryManager_new_prompt
msgid "Do you want to create a new library or connect to a existing one?"
msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous créer une nouvelle librairie ou vous connecter sur une existante "

#: libraryManager_connectToLibrary
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecter"

#: libraryManager_createNewLibrary
msgctxt "libraryManager_createNewLibrary"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"

#: libraryManager_new_tooltip
msgid "Create or connect to a new library"
msgstr "Créer ou se connecter à une nouvelle librairie"

#: libraryManager_new_caption
msgctxt "libraryManager_new_caption"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"

#: menuElement_dlg_icon_tooltip
msgid "Button icon"
msgstr "Bouton icône"

#: menuElement_dlg_description_tooltip
msgid "Description of the button, used as a tooltip text."
msgstr "Description du bouton utilisé comme outil texte."

#: menuElement_dlg_description
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description:"

#: edit_find_image
msgid "Find image..."
msgstr "Chercher image..."

#: menuElement_dlg_icon
msgid "Icon:"
msgstr "Icône :"

#: edit_find_file
msgid "Find file..."
msgstr "Chercher fichier..."

#: menuElement_dlg_project_tooltip
msgid "Path to JClic project"
msgstr "Chemin vers le projet JClic"

#: menuElement_dlg_project
msgid "Project:"
msgstr "Projet:"

#: menuElement_dlg_text_tooltip
msgid "Button text"
msgstr "Bouton texte"

#: edit_text
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "Texte:"

#: menu_dlg_name_tooltip
msgid "Folder name"
msgstr "Nom du dossier"

#: library_dlg_name_tooltip
msgid "Library name"
msgstr "Nom de librairie"

#: edit_name
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom:"

#: edit_title
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titre:"

#: library_dlg_title
msgid "Library properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de la librairie"

#: menu_dlg_title
msgid "Folder properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de dossier"

#: menuElement_dlg_title
msgid "Button properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de bouton"

#: menu_delete_tooltip
msgid "Delete current menu"
msgstr "Supprimer le bouton courant"

#: menu_delete_caption
msgctxt "menu_delete_caption"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: menuElement_delete_tooltip
msgid "Delete current menu element"
msgstr "Supprimer l'élément menu courant"

#: action_libraries_caption
msgid "Libraries..."
msgstr "Librairies..."

#: dlg_save_title
msgid "Save file..."
msgstr "Enregistrer fichier..."

#: error_propertiesFile_beg
msgid "Error opening \""
msgstr "Erreur à l'ouverture \""

#: error_propertiesFile_end
msgid "\". Defaults will be used."
msgstr "\". Les paramètres par défaut seront utilisés."

#: menuElement_delete_caption
msgctxt "menuElement_delete_caption"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: menu_newMenuElement_tooltip
msgid "Create a new shortcut to a project"
msgstr ""
"Créer un nouveau raccourci vers le projet a new shortcut to a project"

#: menu_newMenuName
msgid "New folder"
msgstr "Nouveau dossier"

#: menu_newMenu_tooltip
msgid "Create a new folder for project buttons"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau dossier por les boutons du projet"

#: menu_newMenu_caption
msgid "New button's folder"
msgstr "Nouveau bouton de projet"

#: menu_newMenuElement_caption
msgid "New project button"
msgstr "Nouveau bouton du projet"

#: menu_newMenuElementName
msgid "New button"
msgstr "Nouveau projet"

#: library_cancel_tooltip
msgid "Cancel changes"
msgstr "Annuler changement"

#: library_cancel_caption
msgctxt "library_cancel_caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: libraryManager_edit_tooltip
msgid "Edit selected library"
msgstr "Editer la librairie sélectionnée"

#: libraryManager_edit_caption
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editer"

#: library_select_caption_ok_tooltip
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer changement"

#: library_select_caption_tooltip
msgid "Choose selected folder"
msgstr "Choisir le dossier sélectionné"

#: library_select_caption_ok
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "OK"

#: library_select_caption
msgctxt "library_select_caption"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: library_caption
msgid "JClic projects library"
msgstr "Librairie de projets JClic"

#: libraryManager_select_tooltip
msgid "Open the selected library"
msgstr "Ouvrir la librairie sélectionée"

#: libraryManager_cancel_tooltip
msgctxt "libraryManager_cancel_tooltip"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: libraryManager_cancel_caption
msgctxt "libraryManager_cancel_caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: libraryManager_select_caption
msgctxt "libraryManager_select_caption"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: libraryManager_caption
msgid "Select library"
msgstr "Sélectionner librairie"

#: library_error_reading
msgid "Error reading project library!"
msgstr "Erreur de lecture de la librairie du projet!"

#: wizard_next
msgid "Next >"
msgstr "Suivant >"

#: wizard_prev
msgid "< Previous"
msgstr "< Précédent"

#: wizard_finish
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Terminé"

#: library_error_creating_icons
msgid "Error creating library icons!"
msgstr "Erreur de création de la librairie d'icônes!"

#: install_title
msgid "Installation of JClic projects"
msgstr "Installation de projets JClic"

#: install_info_description
msgid "Installation of a new JClic project"
msgstr "Installation d'un nouveau projet JClic"

#: install_info_from
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De:"

#: wizard_cancel
msgctxt "wizard_cancel"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: wizard_cancel_tooltip
msgid "Cancel the operation"
msgstr "Annuler l'opération"

#: wizard_finish_tooltip
msgid "Finish the operation"
msgstr "Terminer l'opération"

#: wizard_next_tooltip
msgid "Next step of the operation"
msgstr "Etape suivante de l'opération"

#: wizard_prev_tooltip
msgid "Previous step of the operation"
msgstr "Etape précédente de l'opération"

#: install_select_library
msgid "Select the library where to install the project:"
msgstr "Sélectionner la librairie où sera installé le projet:"

#: install_copy_files
msgid "File copy"
msgstr "Copie de fichier"

#: install_source
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Source:"

#: install_dest
msgid "Destination:"
msgstr "Destination:"

#: install_status
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"

#: install_start
msgid "Start the installation"
msgstr "Démarrer l'installation"

#: install_start_tooltip
msgid "Start the copy of files to your computer"
msgstr "Démarrage de la copie des fichiers sur votre ordinateur"

#: install_progress_tooltip
msgid "Progress of the installation"
msgstr "Installation en cours"

#: install_msg_waiting
msgid "Waiting for confirmation."
msgstr "Attente de confirmation."

#: install_msg_creating_dirs
msgid "Creating directories"
msgstr "Création des dossiers"

#: install_msg_copying
msgid "Copying file"
msgstr "Copie de fichier"

#: install_msg_end
msgid "Finished!"
msgstr "Terminé!"

#: install_msg_cleanup
msgid "Performing cleanup..."
msgstr "Nettoyage en cours..."

#: install_msg_cancel
msgid "Installation cancelled!"
msgstr "Installation annulée!"

#: install_error
msgid "Install error!"
msgstr "Erreur pendant l'installation!"

#: install_select_folder
msgid "Select the folder where to place the project icons:"
msgstr "Sélectionner le dossier où placer les icônes du projet:"

#: install_library_folders
msgid "Library folders:"
msgstr "Dossiers librairie:"

#: install_success_1
msgid "The project are now installed on your system!"
msgstr "Le projet es t maintenant installé sur votre système!"

#: install_success_2
msgid "In order to run it, select its"
msgstr "Pour le lancer, sélectionnez son"

#: install_success_3
msgid "icon on the project library."
msgstr "icône sur la librairie projet."

#: wizard_info
msgid "Press \"Next\" to start."
msgstr "Presser \"Suivant\" pour commencer."

#: install_step_1
msgid "1. Selection of JClic library"
msgstr "1. Sélection de la librairie JClic"

#: install_step_2
msgid "2. Download files"
msgstr "2. Télécharger fichiers"

#: install_step_3
msgid "3. Creation of icons"
msgstr "3. Création d'icônes"

#: install_step_4
msgid "Installation finished!"
msgstr "Installation terminée!"

#: install_info_info
msgid "You request to install the project:"
msgstr "Vous avez demandé d'installer le projet:"

#: settings_title
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: library_error_clone
msgid "Unable to clone library!"
msgstr "Impossible de cloner la librairie!"

#: settings_security
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Sécurité"

#: settings_password_protect
msgid "Protect settings with password"
msgstr "Protéger les paramètres avec un mot de passe"

#: settings_new_password
msgid "New password:"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe:"

#: settings_new_password_confirm
msgid "Confirm new password:"
msgstr "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe:"

#: settings_general
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"

#: settings_look
msgid "Look & Feel:"
msgstr "Apparence:"

#: settings_skin
msgid "Skin:"
msgstr "Habillage:"

#: settings_language
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Langage:"

#: settings_reports
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Rapports"

#: settings_report_use
msgid "Write scores to a database"
msgstr "Ecrire le score dans la base de données"

#: settings_report_engine
msgid "Reporter class:"
msgstr "Rapporteur classe:"

#: settings_report_params
msgid "Parameters:"
msgstr "Paramètres:"

#: settings_media
msgid "Multimedia"
msgstr "Multimédia"

#: settings_media_enabled
msgid "Multimedia enabled"
msgstr "Autoriser multimedia"

#: settings_media_system
msgid "Multimedia system:"
msgstr "Système multimedia:"

#: settings_media_event_sounds
msgid "Event sounds enabled"
msgstr "Autoriser les sons évènement"

#: settings_library
msgid "Libraries"
msgstr "Bibliothèques"

#: settings_library_autorun
msgid "Automatically go to libraries when JClic starts"
msgstr "Allez automatiquement aux bibliothèques quand JClic démarre"

#: m_Tools
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Outils"

#: m_File_Mnemonic
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"

#: m_Tools_Mnemonic
msgctxt "m_Tools_Mnemonic"
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"

#: m_Help_Mnemonic
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"

#: m_Activity
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Activité"

#: m_Activity_Mnemonic
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

#: action_openFile_caption
msgid "Open file..."
msgstr "Ouvrir fichier..."

#: action_openFile_tooltip
msgid "Open a JClic project file"
msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier projet JClic"

#: action_openFile_keys
msgid "OO"
msgstr "OO"

#: action_openUrl_caption
msgid "Open URL..."
msgstr "Ouvrir URL..."

#: action_openUrl_tooltip
msgid "Open a JClic project directly form Internet"
msgstr "Ouvrir un projet JClic directement depuis Internet"

#: action_openUrl_keys
msgid "UU"
msgstr "UU"

#: action_exit_caption
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Quitter"

#: action_exit_tooltip
msgid "Close JClic"
msgstr "Fermer JClic"

#: action_exit_keys
msgid "XX"
msgstr "XX"

#: action_settings_caption
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "Paramètres..."

#: action_settings_tooltip
msgid "Adjust global program settings"
msgstr "Adjuster les paramètres globaux du programme"

#: action_settings_keys
msgctxt "action_settings_keys"
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"

#: action_libraries_tooltip
msgid "Open or edit a JClic library."
msgstr "Ouvrir ou éditer une librairie JClic ."

#: action_libraries_keys
msgid "LL"
msgstr "LL"

#: action_helpAbout_tooltip
msgid "Information about JClic"
msgstr "Information à propos de JClic"

#: action_helpAbout_keys
msgid "AA"
msgstr "AA"

#: menuElement_err_iconTooLarge
msgid "This image is too large to be used as an icon!"
msgstr "Cette image est trop grande pour être utilisée comme icône!"

#: settings_report_tcp
msgid "Connect to JClic report server:"
msgstr "Connecter JClic au serveur de rapports:"

#: settings_report_jdbc
msgid "Direct JDBC connection:"
msgstr "Connection directe JDBC:"

#: settings_report_other
msgid "Other:"
msgstr "Autre:"

#: settings_report_address
msgid "Host:"
msgstr "Hôte:"

#: settings_report_port
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

#: settings_report_driver
msgid "Driver:"
msgstr "Driver:"

#: settings_report_url
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

#: settings_report_user
msgid "User:"
msgstr "Utilisateur:"

#: settings_report_pwd
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe:"

#: settings_report_options
msgid "Reporter params::"
msgstr "Paramètres du reporter:"

#: settings_report_err_server
msgid "Bad report server name!"
msgstr "Mauvais nom de serveur de rapport!"

#: settings_report_err_port
msgid "Incorrect port number! Please enter a value between 1000 and 65000."
msgstr "Numéro de port incorrect! Entrez une valeur entre 1000 et 65000."

#: settings_report_err
msgid "Incorrect report system data!"
msgstr "Système incorrect de rapport de données!"

#: settings_report_type
msgid "Reporting engine:"
msgstr "Moteur de rapports:"

#: settings_media_jmf
msgid "Java Media Framework (JMF)"
msgstr "Java Media Framework (JMF)"

#: settings_media_qt
msgid "QuickTime"
msgstr "QuickTime"

#: settings_media_default
msgid "Auto-detect"
msgstr "Détection automatique"

#: settings_security_tooltip
msgid "Security settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de sécurité"

#: settings_report_tooltip
msgid "Report system settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du système de rapports"

#: settings_media_tooltip
msgid "Multimedia system options"
msgstr "Options du système multimédia"

#: settings_general_tooltip
msgid "Language and aspect settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du langage et de l'aspect"

#: settings_library_tooltip
msgid "Library settings and editor"
msgstr "Paramètres de la librairie et de l'éditeur"

#: settings_look_tooltip
msgid "User interface look & feel"
msgstr "Apparence de l'interface utilisateur User"

#: settings_skin_tooltip
msgid "Selection of the graphic aspect of JClic"
msgstr "Sélection de l'aspect graphique de JClic"

#: settings_language_tooltip
msgid "Language selection"
msgstr "Sélection du langage"

#: settings_report_use_tooltip
msgid "Enables/disables the connection to a JClic reports database"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver la connection à une base de rapports JClic"

#: settings_report_tcp_tooltip
msgid "Reporting engine based on a TCP/IP connection"
msgstr "Moteur de rapports basé sur une connection TCP/IP"

#: settings_report_jdbc_tooltip
msgid "Reporting engine based on a direct connection to a database"
msgstr ""
"Moteur de rapports basé sur une connection directe à la base de données"

#: settings_report_other_tooltip
msgid "Other reporting engines..."
msgstr "Autres moteurs de rapports..."

#: settings_report_address_tooltip
msgid "Report server name or IP address"
msgstr "Nom de serveur de rapports ou adresse IP"

#: settings_report_port_tooltip
msgid "Port used for connection (default is 5510)"
msgstr "Port utilisé pour la connection (5510 par défaut)"

#: edit_file
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Fichier:"

#: error_launchLibrary
msgid "Error launching library"
msgstr "Erreur au lancement de la librairie"

#: install_toSourceFolder
msgid "Installing to source folder!"
msgstr "Installation dans le dossier source!"

#: edit_find_media
msgid "Find media file..."
msgstr "Chercher fichier media..."

#: libraryManager_delete_caption
msgctxt "libraryManager_delete_caption"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: libraryManager_delete_tooltip
msgid "Delete the reference to the selected library"
msgstr "Supprimer la référence vers la librairie sélectionnée"

#: libraryManager_delete_confirm
msgid "Do you really want to delete the reference to the selected library?"
msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous réellement supprimer la référence à la librairie sélectionnée ?"

#: libraryManager_new_exists
msgid "This library is already linked to the system."
msgstr "Cette librairie est déjà reliée au système."

#: edit_find_image_keys
msgid "F*"
msgstr "F*"

#: menu_newMenuElement_caption_keys
msgid "NN"
msgstr "NN"

#: menu_newMenu_caption_keys
msgid "MM"
msgstr "MM"

#: edit_find_file_keys
msgid "FF"
msgstr "FF"

#: libraryManager_newLibaryOption
msgid "Create new project library"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle librairie projet"

#: libraryManager_connectToExistingOption
msgid "Add a link to an exisiting project library"
msgstr "Ajouter un lien vers un projet librairie existant"

#: libraryManager_fileOrUrlCaption
msgid "File or URL\\:"
msgstr "Fichier ou URL\\:"

#: libraryManager_newLibraryTitle
msgctxt "libraryManager_newLibraryTitle"
msgid "New project library"
msgstr "Nouvelle librairie de projet"

#: libraryManager_warnNoFileSelected
msgid "Please enter thr URL or file name of the project library\\!"
msgstr "Entrez l'URL ou nom de fichier du projet librairie!"

#: install_launchProject
msgid "Open the project now"
msgstr "Ouvrir le projet maintenant"

#: settings_browser
msgid "Preferred browser\\:"
msgstr "Explorateur préféré:"

#: settings_browser_tooltip
msgid ""
"Command used to launch the browser (firefox, iexplore, mozilla, opera...)"
msgstr ""
"Commande utilisée pour lancer l'explorateur  (firefox, iexplore, mozilla, "

#: settings_country
msgid "Country code\\:"
msgstr "Country code\\:"

#: settings_country_tooltip
msgid ""
"Optional two-letter code corresponding to the country-specific variant of "
"the language (ex.\\: BR for Brazilian Portuguese)"
msgstr ""
"Code optionnel de deux lettres correspondant à la variante dialectale d'un "
"territoire (ex.\\: BR pour le Portugais du Brésil)"

#: settings_variant
msgid "Variant\\:"
msgstr "Variant\\:"

#: settings_variant_tooltip
msgid "Optional variant code of the language"
msgstr "Code optionnel de variante de la langue"