# Bosnian translation for jclic
# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012
# This file is distributed under the same license as the jclic package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: jclic\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-04 19:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-19 14:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Meliha Gadara <meliha.gadara@edu.fit.ba>\n"
"Language-Team: Bosnian <bs@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-12-09 11:48+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17865)\n"

#: login_pwd
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lozinka:"

#: login_desc
msgid ""
"You need to provide a valid password in order to access the reports database."
msgstr ""
"Morate osigurati validnu lozinku kako bi pristupili izvješću baze podataka."

#: login_title
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prijava"

#: submit
msgid "Submit..."
msgstr "Pošalji..."

#: login_incorrect
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Netačna lozinka!"

#: main_title
msgid "Main menu"
msgstr "Glavni izbornik"

#: users_admin_title
msgid "Users and groups admin"
msgstr "Administrator korisnika i grupa"

#: group_report_title
msgid "Group reports"
msgstr "Izvješća grupa"

#: user_report_title
msgid "User reports"
msgstr "Izvješća korisnika"

#: act_report_title
msgid "Activity reports"
msgstr "Izvješća aktivnosti"

#: db_admin_title
msgid "Database admin"
msgstr "Administrator baze podataka"

#: db_admin_settings_error
msgid "Unable to set the new database values!"
msgstr "Nije moguće podesiti nove vrijednosti baze podataka!"

#: db_admin_param_agc
msgid "Allow users to create new groups"
msgstr "Dopustiti korisnicima kreiranje novih grupa"

#: db_admin_param_auc
msgid "Allow users to create new users"
msgstr "Dopustiti korisnicima kreiranje novih korisnika"

#: db_admin_param_shgl
msgid "Select group in a list"
msgstr "Odaberi grupu u listi"

#: db_admin_param_shul
msgid "Select user name in a list"
msgstr "Odaberi korisničko ime u listi"

#: db_admin_param_ut
msgid "Database has tables of users and groups"
msgstr "Baza podataka ima tabele korisnika i grupa"

#: db_admin_edit_btn
msgid "Edit settings..."
msgstr "Uredi postavke..."

#: db_admin_pw_edit_btn
msgid "Set password..."
msgstr "Podesi lozinku..."

#: title
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"

#: db_admin_edit_title
msgid "Edit database settings"
msgstr "Uredi postavke baze podataka"

#: db_admin_pw_edit_title
msgid "Change system password"
msgstr "Promjeni lozinku sistema"

#: db_admin_pw_newPwd
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nova lozinka"

#: db_admin_pw_verifyPwd
msgid "Retype password"
msgstr "Ponovo unesite lozinku"

#: db_admin_pw_noFit
msgid "Password fields don't fit!"
msgstr "Polja lozinke se ne uklapaju!"

#: report_group
msgid "Group:"
msgstr "Grupa:"

#: report_user
msgid "User:"
msgstr "Korisnik:"

#: report_project
msgid "Project:"
msgstr "Projekt:"

#: report_all_projects
msgid "All projects"
msgstr "Svi projekti"

#: report_key
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Tipka:"

#: report_code
msgid "Code:"
msgstr "Kod"

#: report_context
msgid "Context:"
msgstr "Objašnjenje:"

#: report_from
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"

#: month_1
msgid "january"
msgstr "januar"

#: month_2
msgid "february"
msgstr "februar"

#: month_3
msgid "march"
msgstr "mart"

#: month_4
msgid "april"
msgstr "april"

#: month_5
msgid "may"
msgstr "maj"

#: month_6
msgid "june"
msgstr "juni"

#: month_7
msgid "july"
msgstr "juli"

#: month_8
msgid "august"
msgstr "august"

#: month_9
msgid "september"
msgstr "septembar"

#: month_10
msgid "october"
msgstr "oktobar"

#: month_11
msgid "november"
msgstr "novembar"

#: month_12
msgid "december"
msgstr "decembar"

#: report_to
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Do:"

#: report_global_precision
msgid "Global precision"
msgstr "Globalna preciznost"

#: report_solved_activities
msgid "Solved activities"
msgstr "Rješene aktivnosti"

#: report_user_evolution
msgid "User evolution"
msgstr "Razvoj korisnika"

#: report_group_evolution
msgid "Group evolution"
msgstr "Razvoj grupe"

#: report_project_evolution
msgid "Project evolution"
msgstr "Razvoj projekta"

#: report_result_distribution
msgid "Result distribution"
msgstr "Rezultat distribucije"

#: report_no_data
msgid "NO DATA"

#: report_users
msgid "Users:"
msgstr "Korisnici:"

#: report_sessions
msgctxt "report_sessions"
msgid "Sessions:"
msgstr "Sesije:"

#: report_projects
msgid "Projects:"
msgstr "Projekti:"

#: report_actDone
msgid "Activities done:"
msgstr "Urađene aktivnosti:"

#: report_actSolved
msgid "Activities solved:"
msgstr "Rješene aktivnosti:"

#: report_totalTime
msgid "Total time:"
msgstr "Ukupno vrijeme:"

#: report_globalPrec
msgid "Global score:"
msgstr "Ukupan rezultat:"

#: report_globalSummary
msgid "Global summary"
msgstr "Globalni pregled"

#: report_header_date
msgid "date"
msgstr "datum"

#: report_session_list
msgctxt "report_session_list"
msgid "Sessions:"
msgstr "Sesije:"

#: report_header_user
msgid "user"
msgstr "korisnik"

#: report_header_project
msgid "project"
msgstr "projekt"

#: report_header_numActs
msgid "activities"
msgstr "aktivnosti"

#: report_header_actsSolved
msgid "acts. solved"
msgstr "akt.rješene"

#: report_header_time
msgid "time"
msgstr "vrijeme"

#: report_header_prec
msgid "score"
msgstr "rezultat"

#: report_session_detail_show
msgid "show session details"
msgstr "pokaži datelje sesije"

#: report_session_detail_title
msgid "Activities done in session"
msgstr "Urađene aktivnosti u sesiji"

#: report_header_activity
msgid "activity"
msgstr "aktivnost"

#: report_header_actions
msgid "actions"
msgstr "akcije"

#: report_header_score
msgid "corrects"
msgstr "ispravke"

#: report_header_solved
msgid "ok"
msgstr "uredu"

#: Y
msgctxt "Y"
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"

#: N
msgctxt "N"
msgid "N"
msgstr "N"

#: report_session_detail_hide
msgid "hide session details"
msgstr "sakrij detalje sesije"

#: report_header_sessions
msgid "sessions"
msgstr "sesije"

#: report_all_activities
msgid "All activities"
msgstr "Sve aktivnosti"

#: report_activity
msgid "Activity:"
msgstr "Aktivnost:"

#: report_many
msgid "several"
msgstr "nekoliko"

#: report_n_users
msgid "users"
msgstr "korisnici"

#: group_admin_title
msgid "Groups administration"
msgstr "Administracija grupa"

#: group_admin_new_button
msgid "New group..."
msgstr "Nova grupa..."

#: group_admin_groups
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupe"

#: report_actions
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcije"

#: group_admin_edit_button
msgctxt "group_admin_edit_button"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Uredi..."

#: user_admin_title
msgid "User admin"
msgstr "Korisnik administrator"

#: group_admin_delete_button
msgctxt "group_admin_delete_button"
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Obriši..."

#: group_admin_clear_button
msgctxt "group_admin_clear_button"
msgid "Clear reports..."
msgstr "Obriši izvještaje..."

#: group_admin_properties
msgid "Group properties"
msgstr "Karakteristike grupe"

#: group_admin_name
msgctxt "group_admin_name"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naziv:"

#: group_admin_id
msgctxt "group_admin_id"
msgid "Identifier:"
msgstr "Identifikator:"

#: group_admin_icon
msgctxt "group_admin_icon"
msgid "Icon:"
msgstr "Ikona:"

#: error
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "GREŠKA"

#: return
msgid "return..."
msgstr "vrati..."

#: group_admin_users
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Korisnici"

#: group_admin_no_users
msgid "This group has no users."
msgstr "Grupa nema korisnika."

#: group_admin_create_user_button
msgid "Create a new user..."
msgstr "Kreirajte novog korisnika..."

#: cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Odustani"

#: group_admin_invalid_name
msgid "Incorrect group name!"
msgstr "Netačan naziv grupe!"

#: group_admin_invalid_id
msgid "Incorrect group identifier!"
msgstr "Netačan identifikator grupe!"

#: group_admin_id_already_exists
msgid "There is another group with the same identifier in the database!"
msgstr "Postoji druga grupa s istim identifikatorom u bazi podataka!"

#: group_admin_delete_group
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr "Obriši grupu"

#: report_areyousure
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Da li ste sigurni?"

#: YES
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Da"

#: NOT
msgid "Not"
msgstr "Ne"

#: group_admin_delete_group_explain
msgid ""
"This operation will also delete on the database all users of this group. All "
"data of these users will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Ova operacija će također izbrisati sve korisnike ove grupe. Svi podaci od "
"ovih korisnika će biti izgubljeni."

#: db_error
msgid "Unable to complete the task."
msgstr "Nije moguće završiti zadatak."

#: group_admin_clear_group
msgid "Clear report data of group"
msgstr "Obriši izvještaje o podacima iz grupe"

#: group_admin_clear_group_explain
msgid ""
"This operation will clear all the reports of the activities done by the "
"members of this group between the specified dates."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj postupak će izbrisati sve izvještaje o aktivnostima učinjenim od strane "
"članova ove grupe između navedenih datuma."

#: db_clear_reports_date
msgid "Clear report data"
msgstr "Obriši izvještaje o podacima"

#: user_admin_invalid_name
msgid "Invalid user name."
msgstr "Neispravno korisničko ime."

#: user_admin_invalid_id
msgid "Invalid user identifier"
msgstr "Neispravan identifikator korisnika"

#: user_admin_id_already_exists
msgid "There is another user with the same identifier in the database!"
msgstr "Postoji drugi korisnik s istim identifikatorom u bazi podataka!"

#: user_admin_user_deleted
msgid "The user was successfully deleted from the database."
msgstr "Ovaj korisnik je uspješno izbrisan iz baze podataka."

#: user_admin_id
msgctxt "user_admin_id"
msgid "Identifier:"
msgstr "Identifikator:"

#: user_admin_name
msgctxt "user_admin_name"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naziv:"

#: user_admin_icon
msgctxt "user_admin_icon"
msgid "Icon:"
msgstr "Ikona:"

#: user_admin_edit_button
msgctxt "user_admin_edit_button"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Uredi..."

#: user_admin_delete_button
msgctxt "user_admin_delete_button"
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Obriši..."

#: user_admin_clear_button
msgctxt "user_admin_clear_button"
msgid "Clear reports..."
msgstr "Obriši izvještaje..."

#: user_admin_delete_user
msgid "Delete user"
msgstr "Obriši korisnika"

#: user_admin_delete_user_explain
msgid ""
"This operation will delete this user and his reports from the database."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj postupak će obrisati ovog korisnika i njegove izvještaje iz baze "

#: user_admin_clear_user
msgid "Clear report data of user"
msgstr "Obriši izvješća od podacima korisnika"

#: user_admin_clear_user_explain
msgid ""
"This operation will clear all the reports of the activities done by this "
"user between the specified dates."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj postupak će izbrisati sve izvještaje o aktivnostima učinjenim od strane "
"ovog korisnika između navedenih datuma."

#: success
msgid "Operation successful"
msgstr "Operacija uspješna"

#: bad_data
msgid "Bad data!"
msgstr "Pogrešan podatak!"

#: db_admin_param_lap
msgid "Time between connections (seconds)\\:"
msgstr "Vrijeme između konekcija (sekunde)\\:"

#: jclic_reports
msgid "JClic reports"
msgstr "JClic izvješća"

msgctxt "YES_SHORT"
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"

msgctxt "NOT_SHORT"
msgid "N"
msgstr "N"

#: user_admin_pw_prompt
msgid "Password\\:"
msgstr "Lozinka\\:"

#: user_admin_pw_prompt_confirm
msgid "Confirm password\\:"
msgstr "Potvrdi lozinku\\:"

#: user_admin_err_bad_pw
msgid "Passwords don't match\\!"
msgstr "Lozinke se ne poklapaju\\!"