MainWindow 0 0 800 600 0 0 800 600 1 1 Lliurex-quota editor :/rsrc/lliurex-quota.png:/rsrc/lliurex-quota.png 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 true 0 0 999999 999999 Qt::NoFocus false QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain 0 0 0 99999 99999 Qt::LeftToRight centered QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow QFormLayout::DontWrapRows Qt::AlignCenter Qt::AlignCenter 10 10 100 100 100 100 User: 0 0 256 0 true Password: 0 0 256 0 QLineEdit::Password true 0 0 100 0 173 16777214 Qt::LeftToRight Login false false false true 0 0 99 99 centered Filter: true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Show all groups Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Undo changes Apply 16 50 false This system need to be configured before you can edit something true 0 0 -2 Filter: true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Undo changes Apply false 0 0 -2 true 0 0 QLayout::SetMaximumSize 0 0 18 true Pending actions 20 #table_pending {background-color: transparent ; gridline-color: gray } QFrame::Plain 0 Qt::DotLine false true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Back Apply true 16777215 16777215 toolBar false Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon false TopToolBarArea false .. Enable Enable true .. Disable Disable .. UserEditor Switch to group editor mode .. GroupEditor Switch to group editor mode .. Refresh Refresh views btn_signin clicked() MainWindow InitValidation() 631 380 399 299 txt_usu returnPressed() MainWindow InitValidation() 439 306 399 299 txt_pwd returnPressed() MainWindow InitValidation() 439 343 399 299 check_show_all_groups stateChanged(int) MainWindow PopulateGroupTableWithFilter() 711 157 399 299 txt_filter_group_table textChanged(QString) MainWindow PopulateGroupTableWithFilter() 206 158 399 299 tableGroupEdition cellChanged(int,int) MainWindow CellChangedGroupTable(int,int) 399 352 399 299 btn_pending_back clicked() MainWindow PendingBack() 207 545 399 299 applyButtonGroupTable clicked() MainWindow GoToResume() 399 546 399 299 undoChangesButtonGroupTable clicked() MainWindow ResetGroupTable() 632 545 399 299 actionGroupEditor triggered() MainWindow SwitchGroupEdition() -1 -1 399 299 actionQuotaEditor triggered() MainWindow SwitchUserEdition() -1 -1 399 299 txt_filter_user_table textChanged(QString) MainWindow PopulateUserTableWithFilter() 242 158 399 299 undoChangesUserTable clicked() MainWindow ResetUserTable() 647 545 399 299 tableUserEdition cellChanged(int,int) MainWindow CellChangedUserTable(int,int) 399 351 399 299 applyButtonUserTable clicked() MainWindow GoToResume() 738 545 399 299 actionEnable triggered() MainWindow Enable() -1 -1 399 299 actionDisable triggered() MainWindow Disable() -1 -1 399 299 btn_pending_apply clicked() MainWindow PendingApply() 738 545 399 299 actionRefresh triggered() MainWindow InitCheckStatus() -1 -1 399 299 MainWindow destroyed() MainWindow EndApplication() 399 299 399 299 CellChangedGroupTable(int,int) InitValidation() PopulateGroupTableWithFilter() GoToResume() PendingBack() ResetGroupTable() SwitchUserEdition() SwitchGroupEdition() PopulateUserTableWithFilter() ResetUserTable() CellChangedUserTable(int,int) Enable() Disable() PendingApply() InitCheckStatus() update_animations(int) EndApplication()