# This file is served via TFTP from /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp//lts.conf # when using the default NBD setup. # If using NFS, it goes in /opt/ltsp//etc/lts.conf. # A list of directives is available at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/lts.conf # or your installed lts.conf man page. # Lines starting with '#' are comments. # Avoid empty [Sections] as they're considered syntax errors. # This section applies to all clients and is overriden by the other sections. [Default] # For troubleshooting, the following open a local console with Alt+Ctrl+F2. #SCREEN_02=shell #SCREEN_07=ldm # Don't encrypt X traffic. Gives much faster graphics at a security cost. LDM_DIRECTX=True # Force all clients to a specific resolution. #XRANDR_MODE_0=1024x768 #XRANDR_RATE_0=85 # If the default 16bit color mode is giving you problems on thin clients: #X_SMART_COLOR_DEPTH=False # Separate fat clients from thin clients based on their RAM. #FAT_RAM_THRESHOLD=400 # Use any local swap partitions on the clients. USE_LOCAL_SWAP=True # Provide a "Login as Guest" button, which uses LDM_USERNAME/LDM_PASSWORD. #LDM_GUESTLOGIN=True # Automatically login clients with the specified LDM_USERNAME/LDM_PASSWORD. #LDM_AUTOLOGIN=True # Map HOSTNAMEs to LDM_USERNAMEs. E.g. for HOSTNAME=pc01, LDM_USERNAME=guest01. #HOST_TO_USERNAME="pc/guest" # Some other frequently used directives, described in the lts.conf manpage. # For really low RAM clients, disable SOUND, LOCAL_APPS and LOCALDEV. #SOUND=False #VOLUME=50 #LOCAL_APPS=False #LOCAL_APPS_EXTRAMOUNTS=/srv #LOCALDEV=False #LOCALDEV_DENY_INTERNAL_DISKS=False #FSTAB_1="server:/home /home nfs defaults,nolock 0 0" #XSERVER=vesa #X_BLANKING=0 #X_NUMLOCK=True #XKBLAYOUT="us,gr" #XKBOPTIONS="grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" #LDM_LIMIT_ONE_SESSION=True #LDM_LIMIT_ONE_SESSION_PROMPT=True #LDM_PRINTER_DEFAULT="psc-1310-series" # You can define sections to be included later on with "LIKE" directives. [OLD_MONITOR] # The following directives are useful in cases where the driver can't detect # the (possibly old CRT) monitor timings and only offers low resolutions. # Consult your monitor manual for the correct values, those are for 1024x768. X_HORZSYNC=30.0-88.0 X_VERTREFRESH=50.0-88.0 # You can specify directives per client with MAC address (or IP or hostname) # based sections. # One way to get their MAC addresses is to run `arp -n` when they're at LDM. #[A1:B1:C2:D4:E5:F6] #HOSTNAME=pc01 #LDM_USERNAME=user01 #LDM_PASSWORD=pass01 #LTSP_FATCLIENT=False # Include another section. #LIKE=OLD_MONITOR