Source: n4d-qt-agent Section: libs Priority: optional Maintainer: Enrique Medina Gremaldos Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9), cmake, make, g++, pkg-config, libedupals-base2 (>=, libedupals-base-dev (>=, librapidxml-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev Standards-Version: 3.9.7 Homepage: Package: n4d-qt-agent Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libedupals-base2 (>= 2.0), libedupals-n4d2 (>=2.0) Provides: n4d-agent Description: Qt based N4D login agent Graphical utility to perform N4D ticket-based authentifications Package: libedupals-n4d-agent2 Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libedupals-base2 (>= 2.0), libedupals-n4d2 (>=2.0) Description: N4D C++ Agent library This library provides a C++ API for easier Agent management Package: libedupals-n4d-agent-dev Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libedupals-n4d-agent2 (= ${binary:Version}), libedupals-base-dev (>=2.0), libedupals-n4d-dev (>=2.0), cmake, make, g++, pkg-config Description: N4D C++ Agent development files Development files (headers and cmakes) for N4D Agent library