/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Lliurex project * * Author: * Enrique Medina Gremaldos * * Source: * https://github.com/edupals/qml-module-edupals-n4d * * This file is a part of qml-module-edupals-n4d. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * */ #include "plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace edupals; static bool inGroups(n4d::Client& client,QVariantList groups) { vector userGroups = client.get_groups(); for (int n=0;n().toStdString(); for (string ug : userGroups) { if (ug==name) { return true; } } } return false; } Proxy::Proxy() : QObject(nullptr) { system::User me = system::User::me(); m_userName=QString::fromStdString(me.name); emit userNameChanged(); } static int completeURL(QString& address) { QUrl url(address); QUrl nurl; if (!url.isValid()) { return -1; } if (url.scheme().count()==0) { nurl.setScheme(QLatin1String("https")); } else { nurl.setScheme(url.scheme()); } if (url.port()==-1) { nurl.setPort(9779); } else { nurl.setPort(url.port()); } if (url.host().count()==0) { if (url.path().count()>0) { nurl.setHost(url.path()); } else { return -1; } } else { nurl.setHost(url.host()); } address = nurl.toString(); return 0; } void Proxy::requestTicket(QString address,QString user,QString password, QVariantList groups) { completeURL(address); qDebug()<<"requesting remote ticket to "<0) { n4d::Client gclient(utk); if (!inGroups(gclient,groups)) { emit ticket(Status::InvalidUserGroup,QLatin1String("")); qDebug()<<"Invalid group"; return; } } QString n4dticket = QString::fromStdString(utk.to_string()); qDebug()<start(); } void Proxy::requestLocalTicket(QString user, QVariantList groups) { qDebug()<<"requesting local ticket..."; n4d::auth::Key userKey = n4d::auth::Key::user_key(user.toStdString()); if (userKey.valid()) { qDebug()<<"found a local ticket"; n4d::Ticket utk("",n4d::auth::Credential(user.toStdString(),userKey)); //checking groups if (groups.size()>0) { n4d::Client gclient(utk); if (!inGroups(gclient,groups)) { emit ticket(Status::InvalidUserGroup,QLatin1String("")); qDebug()<<"Invalid group"; return; } } QString n4dticket = QString::fromStdString(utk.to_string()); emit ticket(Status::CallSuccessful,n4dticket); } else { qDebug()<<"no local ticket found, requesting one..."; QThread* worker = QThread::create([=]() { n4d::Client client("",user.toStdString(),""); try { n4d::Ticket utk = client.create_ticket(); if (utk.valid()) { //checking groups if (groups.size()>0) { n4d::Client gclient(utk); if (!inGroups(gclient,groups)) { emit ticket(Status::InvalidUserGroup,QLatin1String("")); qDebug()<<"Invalid group"; return; } } QString n4dticket = QString::fromStdString(utk.to_string()); qDebug()<start(); } } AgentPlugin::AgentPlugin(QObject* parent) : QQmlExtensionPlugin(parent) { } void AgentPlugin::registerTypes(const char* uri) { qmlRegisterType (uri, 1, 0, "Status"); qmlRegisterType (uri, 1, 0, "Proxy"); qmlRegisterAnonymousType(uri, 1); }