helpers = require('./helpers') AWS = helpers.AWS config = {} try config = require('./configuration') s3 = new AWS.S3(AWS.util.merge(config, config.s3)) dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB(AWS.util.merge(config, config.dynamodb)) sqs = new AWS.SQS(AWS.util.merge(config, config.sqs)) sns = new AWS.SNS(AWS.util.merge(config, config.sns)) sts = new AWS.STS(AWS.util.merge(config, config.sts)) uniqueName = (prefix) -> if prefix prefix + '-' + else eventually = (condition, next, done) -> options = delay: 0, backoff: 500, maxTime: 10 delay = options.delay started = id = 0 nextFn = -> now = if (now - started < options.maxTime * 1000) next (err, data) -> if condition(err, data) done(err, data) else timeoutFn = -> clearInterval(id) delay += options.backoff nextFn() id = setInterval(timeoutFn, delay) nextFn() noError = (err) -> expect(err).toEqual(null) integration = (label, fn) -> if label.match(/\(no phantomjs\)/) and navigator.userAgent.match(/phantomjs/i) return it label, -> done = false runs -> fn(-> done = true) waitsFor -> done == true integrationTests = (fn) -> if config.accessKeyId and AWS.util.isBrowser() describe 'Integration tests', fn integrationTests -> describe 'Request.abort', -> it 'can abort a request', -> err = null done = null runs -> req = s3.putObject Key: 'key', Body: 'body' req.on 'complete', (resp) -> done = true; err = resp.error req.on 'send', (resp) -> resp.request.abort() req.send() waitsFor -> done runs -> expect('RequestAbortedError') describe 'XHR', -> it 'does not emit http events if networking issue occurs', -> err = null done = null httpHeaders = false; httpData = false; httpError = false; httpDone = false runs -> svc = new AWS.S3(accessKeyId: 'akid', secretAccessKey: 'secret', maxRetries: 0) date =[^0-9]/g,'') req = svc.getObject(Bucket:'invalidbucket' + date, Key: 'foo') req.on 'httpHeaders', -> httpHeaders = true req.on 'httpData', -> httpData = true req.on 'httpDone', -> httpDone = true req.on 'httpError', -> httpError = true req.on 'complete', (resp) -> done = true; err = resp.error req.send() waitsFor -> done runs -> expect(httpHeaders).toEqual(false) expect(httpData).toEqual(false) expect(httpDone).toEqual(false) expect(httpError).toEqual(true) expect('NetworkingError') integration 'can send synchronous requests (no phantomjs)', (done) -> key = uniqueName('test') opts = AWS.util.merge(config, config.s3) opts.httpOptions = xhrAsync: false svc = new AWS.S3(opts) resp1 = svc.putObject(Key: key, Body: 'body').send() resp2 = svc.getObject(Key: key).send() expect('body') svc.deleteObject(Key: key).send() done() describe 'AWS.S3', -> testWrite = (done, body, compareFn) -> key = uniqueName('test') s3.putObject {Key: key, Body: body}, (err, data) -> noError(err) s3.getObject {Key: key}, (err, data) -> noError(err) if compareFn compareFn(data) else expect(data.Body.toString()).toEqual(body) s3.deleteObject(Key: key).send(done) integration 'GETs and PUTs objects to a bucket (no phantomjs)', (done) -> testWrite done, 'ƒoo' integration 'writes typed array data (no phantomjs)', (done) -> testWrite done, new Uint8Array([2, 4, 8]), (data) -> expect(data.Body[0]).toEqual(2) expect(data.Body[1]).toEqual(4) expect(data.Body[2]).toEqual(8) integration 'writes blobs (no phantomjs)', (done) -> testWrite done, new Blob(['a', 'b', 'c']), (data) -> expect(data.Body[0]).toEqual(97) expect(data.Body[1]).toEqual(98) expect(data.Body[2]).toEqual(99) integration 'writes with charset', (done) -> key = uniqueName('test') body = 'body string' s3.putObject {Key: key, Body: body, ContentType: 'text/html'}, (err, data) -> noError(err) s3.deleteObject(Key: key).send(done) s3.putObject {Key: key, Body: body, ContentType: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}, (err, data) -> noError(err) s3.deleteObject(Key: key).send(done) describe 'progress events', -> integration 'emits http(Upload|Download)Progress events (no phantomjs)', (done) -> data = [] progress = [] key = uniqueName('test') body = new Blob([new Array(512 * 1024).join('x')]) req = s3.putObject(Key: key, Body: body) req.on 'httpUploadProgress', (p) -> progress.push(p) req.send (err, data) -> noError(err) expect(progress.length > 1).toEqual(true) expect(progress[0].total).toEqual(body.size) expect(progress[0].loaded > 10).toEqual(true) progress = [] req = s3.getObject(Key: key) req.on 'httpDownloadProgress', (p) -> progress.push(p) req.send (err, data) -> noError(err) expect(progress.length > 1).toEqual(true) expect(progress[0].total).toEqual(body.size) expect(progress[0].loaded > 10).toEqual(true) s3.deleteObject(Key: key).send() done() describe 'AWS.DynamoDB', -> integration 'writes and reads from a table', (done) -> key = uniqueName('test') dynamodb.putItem {Item: {id: {S: key}, data: {S: 'ƒoo'}}}, (err, data) -> noError(err) dynamodb.getItem {Key: {id: {S: key}}}, (err, data) -> noError(err) expect('ƒoo') dynamodb.deleteItem({Key: {id: {S: key}}}).send(done) describe 'AWS.STS', -> integration 'gets a session token', (done) -> sts.getSessionToken (err, data) -> noError(err) expect(data.Credentials.AccessKeyId).not.toEqual('') done() describe 'AWS.SQS', -> integration 'posts and receives messages on a queue', (done) -> name = uniqueName('aws-sdk-js') msg = 'ƒoo' sqs.createQueue {QueueName: name}, (err, data) -> url = data.QueueUrl sqs = new AWS.SQS(sqs.config) sqs.config.params = QueueUrl: url eventually ((err) -> err == null), ((cb) -> sqs.getQueueUrl({QueueName: name}, cb)), -> sqs.sendMessage {MessageBody:msg}, (err, data) -> noError(err) eventually ((err, data) -> data.Messages[0].Body == msg), ((cb) -> sqs.receiveMessage(cb)), (err, data) -> noError(err) expect(data.Messages[0].MD5OfBody).toEqual(AWS.util.crypto.md5(msg, 'hex')) sqs.deleteQueue(done) describe 'AWS.SNS', -> integration 'creates and deletes topics', (done) -> sns.createTopic {Name: uniqueName('aws-sdk-js')}, (err, data) -> noError(err) arn = data.TopicArn sns = new AWS.SNS(sns.config) sns.config.params = TopicArn: arn sns.listTopics (err, data) -> expect(data.Topics.filter((o) -> o.TopicArn == arn)).not.toEqual(null) sns.deleteTopic(done)