# Ignition [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TryGhost/Ignition.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/TryGhost/Ignition) Basic configuration and tooling shared across applications # Install `npm install ghost-ignition --save` or `yarn add ghost-ignition` # Usage Ignition offers the following features: - Logging - Errors - Config using nconf - HTTP Server - Debug ## Logging ### Configuration |Property|Type|Required|Default|Description| |---|---|---|---|---| |domain|String|No|'localhost'| The domain of your service. The domain is used to generate the log filenames.| |env|String|No|'development'| The environment is used for to generate the log filenames. |mode|String|No|'short'| A specific option for stdout/stderr logging. You can configure if the logger should log with "long" (many information) or "short" (less information) output. |level|String|No|'info'| Configure the default log level. The log level ("info", "warn", "error") defines which logs should be piped into stdout and log files. |transports|Array|No|['stdout']| A comma separated list of transports. Available transports are: file, stdout, stderr, loggly, gelf |rotation|Object|No|{enabled: true, period: '1w', count: 100}| If file transport is enabled, you can configure if you would like to enable log rotation. |path|String|No|process.cwd()| If file transport is enabled, the path config can be used to define the target log folder. |loggly|Object|No|null| If loggly transport is enabled, you can send your logs to loggly. |gelf|Object|No|null| If GELF transport is enabled, you can send your logs to GELF collector. Example: ```js const ignition = require('ghost-ignition'); const logging = ignition.logging({ domain: 'example.com', env: 'production', mode: 'long', level: 'info', transports: ['file'], rotation: {enabled: true, period: '1d', count: 10}, path: '/var/log' }); ``` ### Examples ```js logging.info({req: req, res: res}); logging.info({req: req, res: res, err: err}); logging.info('Info'); logging.error(new Error()); logging.warn('this', 'is', 'a', 'warning'); logging.debug('this is a debug mode'); logging.warn(err, 'Caught an error from service X.'); logging.warn('A friendly message.', err); logging.warn('A friendly message.', {err: err}); ``` ### Transports #### File Ignition creates two log files by default: - An errors log file, which only contains logs from `logging.error` - A general log file, which contains all logs from `logging.info`, `logging.warn` and `logging.error` If you would like to open a log file on disk, we highly recommend to install bunyan with NPM (`npm i -g bunyan`). You can then open your log file with `bunyan your.log` in the shell, which makes it possible to read the content. #### Loggly The loggly transport makes it possible to send your logs to loggly. The stream will only send errors to loggly at the moment. Example: ```js const ignition = require('ghost-ignition'); const logging = ignition.logging({ transports: ['file', 'loggly'], loggly: { token: 'token', subdomain: 'subdomain', // The "match" property is helpful if you only want to send specific errors to loggly. It's a regex string. match: 'level:critical' // or 'statusCode:500|statusCode:403' }, ... }); ``` #### GELF The transport makes it possible to send logs to the GELF UDP collector. Example: ``` const ignition = require('ghost-ignition'); const logging = ignition.logging({ transports: ['gelf'], gelf: { host: 'gelf.example.com', // Default: '' post: 12345 // Default: 12201 }, ... }); ``` ### Shell #### ENV Variables Ignition accepts some env variables to modify the log output. `LEVEL=error` - Only print errors. `MODE=long` - Show full & long log output. `LOIN=true` - Set's the level to "info" and the mode to "long". ## Errors Ignition errors contains a set of useful & common error classes. Each Ignition error inherits from [Node's native error](https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_class_error) and keeps the structure! ### Extra properties On top of the native error properties (message, code, stack), Ignition errors support the following properties: |Property|Description |---|---| |id|A unique error ID, which every error get's attached. |statusCode|The HTTP status code. |level|Indicates if an error is "critical" or "normal". |errorType|Name/type of the error. |context|Context the error is in e.g. user was logged in |help|This property is useful to e.g. show a link to docs. |errorDetails|Extra detailed information you can pass in. ### List of errors |Error|Status Code|Level|Description |---|---|---|---| |InternalServerError|500|critical|Common error for internal errors. |IncorrectUsageError|400|critical|Mis-usage inside the code base. |NotFoundError|404|normal|Common error if a resource/page cannot be found. |BadRequestError|400|normal|Common error if the request structure is wrong. |UnauthorizedError|401|normal|Common error if authentication failed. |NoPermissionError|403|normal|Common error if the request has no permissions. |ValidationError|422|normal|Common error if the request input/content is invalid. |UnsupportedMediaTypeError|415|normal|Common error if the media inside a request is unsupported. |TooManyRequestsError|429|normal|Common error for handling brute forcing. |MaintenanceError|503|normal|Helpful error if your application is in maintenance mode. |MethodNotAllowedError|405|normal|Helpful error if e.g. the request method is unsupported. |RequestEntityTooLargeError|413|normal|Helpful error if file upload is too big. ### Examples ```js new logging.errors.InternalServerError({ message: 'Something went very wrong', context: { user: 1 } }) // Ignition supports nested errors. It will try to inherit properties and extend the stack trace. // This is super useful if you receive an error from a calling unit, but you would like to wrap it into a custom error. new logging.errors.InternalServerError({ err: err }) ``` ### Error utils ```js const ignition = require('ghost-ignition'); // you can pass any error and ignition will tell you if this is a custom ignition error ignition.errors.utils.isIgnitionError(err); // serialize an error to a specific format ignition.errors.utils.serialize(err, {format: 'jsonapi|oauth'}); // deserialize specific format to error instance ignition.errors.utils.deserialize(err); ``` ## Config Ignition config uses nconf to create a configuration object based on your environment. ### Requirements - Create config files based on your available environments. - Instantiate Ignition config. - Read [nconf documentation](https://github.com/indexzero/nconf#readme) to understand how to use the config object. ### Examples config.example.json (defaults) ```json { "port": 9999 } ``` config.production.json ```json { "host": "blog.com" } ``` config.development.json ```json { "host": "localhost" } ``` ```js // As soon as you call the config object, Ignition will read your config files from disk and returns a config object. // The config object is then cached. You can operate on the config object using `set` and `get` (see [nconf](https://github.com/indexzero/nconf#readme)) const config = require('ghost-ignition').config(); // -> {port: 9999, host: localhost} ``` ## Debug Ignition debug offers an easy way to add debugging to your application. It wraps the [debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug#readme) NPM module to simplify how to add debug information to your files. Ignition debug will try to read your package.json to get the name/alias of your application. You can enable the debug log by passing the "DEBUG" environment variable. ### Requirements - Read [debug documentation](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug#readme). ### Examples package.json ```json "name": "myproject", "alias": "proj" ``` ```js const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('api-controller'); debug('Calling the model layer.'); // DEBUG=proj:api-controller yarn start ``` ## Server The HTTP server bundles common logic in one place. - error handling for the HTTP server - port normalisation ### Requirements - Express - Ignition config ### Examples ```js const ignition = require('ghost-ignition'); ignition.server.start(app); ignition.server.stop(app); ``` # Test - `yarn lint` run just eslint - `yarn test` run eslint && then tests # Publish - `yarn ship` # Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Ghost Foundation - Released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).