# iso-639-3 [![Build][build-badge]][build] [![Downloads][downloads-badge]][downloads] [![Size][size-badge]][size] [ISO 639-3][iso] codes in an accessible format, all of them. Also includes pre-built indexes to map from 639-3 codes to other codes: * [`iso-639-3/to-1`][to-1] — Map ISO 639-3 codes to ISO 639-1 codes * [`iso-639-3/to-2b`][to-2b] — Map ISO 639-3 codes to bibliographic ISO 639-2 codes * [`iso-639-3/to-2t`][to-2t] — Map ISO 639-3 codes to terminologic ISO 639-2 codes ## Install [npm][]: ```sh npm install iso-639-3 ``` ## Use ```js var iso6393 = require('iso-639-3') console.log(iso6393.slice(1820, 1830)) ``` Yields: ```js [ {name: 'En', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enc'}, {name: 'Ende', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'end'}, {name: 'Forest Enets', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enf'}, { name: 'English', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'eng', iso6392B: 'eng', iso6392T: 'eng', iso6391: 'en' }, {name: 'Tundra Enets', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enh'}, {name: 'Enlhet', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enl'}, { name: 'Middle English (1100-1500)', type: 'historical', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enm', iso6392B: 'enm', iso6392T: 'enm' }, {name: 'Engenni', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enn'}, {name: 'Enggano', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'eno'}, {name: 'Enga', type: 'living', scope: 'individual', iso6393: 'enq'} ] ``` ## API ### `iso6393` `Array.` — List of [`Language`][language]s. ### `Language` Object with the following properties: * `name` (`string`) — Language name * `type` (`string`) — Language type ([`Type`][type]) * `scope` (`string`) — Language scope ([`Scope`][scope]) * `iso6393` (`string`) — ISO 639-3 code * `iso6392B` (`string?`) — Bibliographic ISO 639-2 code * `iso6392T` (`string?`) — Terminologic ISO 639-2 code * `iso6391` (`string?`) — ISO 639-1 code ### `Type` `string`, one of the following: * `'living'` — still spoken languages (example: `nhi` for `Zacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla Nahuatl`) * `'historical'` — distinct from any modern languages that are descended from it (example: `ofs` for `Old Frisian`) * `'extinct'` — language that went extinct in recent time (example: `rbp` for `Barababaraba`) * `'ancient'` — language that went extinct in ancient times (example: `got` for `Gothic`) * `'constructed'` — artificial languages, but not programming languages (example: `epo` for `Esperanto`) * `'special'` — non-language codes (example: `und` for `Undetermined`) ### `Scope` `string`, one of the following: * `'individual'` — normal, single language (example: `eng` for `English`) * `'macrolanguage'` — one-to-many grouping of languages, because older ISO 639s included them (example: `ara` for `Arabic`) * `'special'` — non-language codes (example: `und` for `Undetermined`). ## License [MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author] [build-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/wooorm/iso-639-3.svg [build]: https://travis-ci.org/wooorm/iso-639-3 [downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iso-639-3.svg [downloads]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/iso-639-3 [size-badge]: https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/iso-639-3.svg [size]: https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=iso-639-3 [npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install [license]: license [author]: https://wooorm.com [iso]: https://iso639-3.sil.org [language]: #language [type]: #type [scope]: #scope [to-1]: to-1.json [to-2b]: to-2b.json [to-2t]: to-2t.json