# QAnimatedStatusBar QAnimatedStatusBar is a QT widget for python3 that shows an animated status bar with a message. ### API ###### setText(string) Sets the text to show ###### setCss(css_style) Sets the default css style for the widget ###### setStateCss(state,css_style) Sets the css for that state ###### setAnimation(QAnimation) Sets the animations for the StatusBar ###### setAnimationInterval(miliseconds) Sets the interval for the show and hide animations ###### setShowInterval(miliseconds) Sets the interval in wich the statusBar will be showed ###### show(state='default') Shows the statusbar setting the css for the state. If there's no state then loads the default css. ### Examples ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QGridLayout, QPushButton from edupals.ui import QAnimatedStatusBar class animatedStatusExample(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() box=QGridLayout() btn=QPushButton("click me!!") self.statusBar=QAnimatedStatusBar.QAnimatedStatusBar() self.statusBar.setText("Example") box.addWidget(self.statusBar,0,0,1,1) box.addWidget(btn,0,0,1,1) btn.clicked.connect(self._begin_animation) self.setLayout(box) self.show() #def init def _begin_animation(self): self.statusBar.show() #def _begin_animation app=QApplication([]) animatedExample=animatedStatusExample() app.exec_()