PROJECT(qucsator CXX C) cmake_policy(VERSION 2.6) # # Checks for libraries. # #AC_CHECK_LIB(m, sin) need to check for sin? IF(NOT WIN32) FIND_LIBRARY(MATH_LIB NAMES m) IF(NOT MATH_LIB) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "Math lib not found: ${MATH_LIB}" ) ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "Math lib found at: ${MATH_LIB}" ) ENDIF() ENDIF() # # Checks for header files. # AC_HEADER_STDC !! obsolete, need to check? # Define STDC_HEADERS if the system has ANSI C header files. # Specifically, this macro checks for `stdlib.h', `stdarg.h', `string.h', and `float.h'; # Lifted the cmake checks from gd-libdg, Lua # # INCLUDE (CheckIncludeFiles) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "/usr/include" "/usr/local/include") SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") INCLUDE(AC_HEADER_STDC) # # Further header checks # INCLUDE (CheckIncludeFile) # list of headers to be checked SET( INCLUDES ieeefp.h memory.h stddef.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h ) # # Check if header can be included. # * Define HAVE_[basename]_H to 1 if you have the header. # FOREACH( header ${INCLUDES} ) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(base ${header} NAME_WE) STRING(TOUPPER ${base} base) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( ${header} HAVE_${base}_H ) #MESSAGE(STATUS "${header} --> ${HAVE_${base}_H}") ENDFOREACH() # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # AC_C_CONST !!obsolete # AC_C_CONST "This macro is obsolescent, as current C compilers support `const'. # New programs need not use this macro." # # Check for type sizes. # INCLUDE(CheckTypeSize) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("short" SIZEOF_SHORT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int" SIZEOF_INT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("long" SIZEOF_LONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("double" SIZEOF_DOUBLE) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("long double" SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE) #MESSAGE(STATUS "short ${SIZEOF_SHORT}" ) #MESSAGE(STATUS "int ${SIZEOF_INT}" ) #MESSAGE(STATUS "long ${SIZEOF_LONG}" ) #MESSAGE(STATUS "double ${SIZEOF_DOUBLE}" ) #MESSAGE(STATUS "long double ${SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE}" ) # # Check for double type. # * valid types are: double, float and long double. # * defines: nr_double_t, The global type of double representation. # * defines: NR_DOUBLE_SIZE, The size of the double representation. # * Use -DENABLE-DOUBLE="[float,double, long double]" IF( ENABLE-DOUBLE ) # User defined SET(DoubleType ${ENABLE-DOUBLE}) # valid types SET(ValidTypes "float" "double" "long double" ) LIST(FIND ValidTypes ${DoubleType} HasType) IF ( HasType EQUAL -1) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Valid types are: ${ValidTypes}") ENDIF() # The global type of double representation. SET( nr_double_t DoubleType ) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(${DoubleType} DoubleSize) # The size of the double representation. SET( NR_DOUBLE_SIZE ${DoubleSize} ) ELSE() # Default double SET(DoubleType "double") # The global type of double representation. SET( nr_double_t ${DoubleType} ) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE(${DoubleType} DoubleSize) # The size of the double representation. SET( NR_DOUBLE_SIZE ${DoubleSize} ) ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "using double type: ${DoubleType}; size: ${DoubleSize}") # defines used in qucs_typedefs.h SET(QUCS_INT32_TYPE ${nr_int32_t}) SET(QUCS_INT16_TYPE ${nr_int16_t}) SET(QUCS_DOUBLE_TYPE ${DoubleType}) SET(QUCS_DOUBLE_SIZE ${DoubleSize}) # # Configure the header qucs_typedefs.h, interpolate above definitions. # CONFIGURE_FILE ( "${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/qucs_typedefs.h.cmake" "${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/qucs_typedefs.h" ) # # Check for library functions # * not all functons seem to be used after defined. TODO check for HAVE_{func} # INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) SET(REQUIRED_FUNCTIONS floor pow exp sqrt log10 log cos sin acos asin # for real.cpp tan atan sinh cosh tanh fabs modf atan2 jn yn erf erfc # for fspecial.cpp round trunc acosh asinh # for real.cpp strdup strerror strchr ) # for compat.h, matvec.cpp, scan_*.cpp FOREACH( func ${REQUIRED_FUNCTIONS} ) STRING(TOUPPER ${func} FNAME) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(${func} HAVE_${FNAME}) #message(STATUS "${func} --> ${HAVE_${FNAME}}") ENDFOREACH() # # Checks for complex classes and functions, as in the Autotools scripts. # # AC_CXX_NAMESPACES !!custom m4 # AC_CXX_HAVE_COMPLEX !!custom m4 # AC_CXX_HAVE_TR1_COMPLEX !!custom m4 # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_FUNCS([cos cosh exp log log10 sin sinh sqrt tan tanh]) !!custom m4 # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_FUNCS([acos acosh asin asinh atan atanh]) # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_FUNCS([log2 norm]) # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_POW # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_ATAN2 !failed, need libstdc? # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_FMOD !failed: # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_POLAR # AC_CHECK_CXX_COMPLEX_POLAR_COMPLEX !failed # # Namespace # # Check whether the compiler implements namespaces # TRY_COMPILE( HAVE_NAMESPACES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/namespaces.cpp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TRY_OUT) IF(NOT HAVE_NAMESPACES) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "${PROJECT_NAME} requires an c++ compiler with namespace HAVE_NAMESPACES failed")# ${TRY_OUT}") ENDIF() # # Check whether the compiler has complex # TRY_COMPILE( HAVE_COMPLEX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/complex.cpp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TRY_OUT) IF(NOT HAVE_COMPLEX) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "HAVE_COMPLEX failed")# ${TRY_OUT}") ENDIF() # # Check std::vector::erase iterator type [const_iterator | iterator] # MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking HAVE_ERASE_CONSTANT_ITERATOR") TRY_COMPILE( HAVE_ERASE_CONSTANT_ITERATOR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/erase_iterator_type.cpp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TRY_OUT) IF(HAVE_ERASE_CONSTANT_ITERATOR) MESSAGE(STATUS "Using std::vector:erase iterator type : const_iterator") ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "Using std::vector:erase iterator type : iterator") ENDIF() # # Check for list of complex functions. # SET(COMPLEX_FUNCS_GRP1 acos acosh asin asinh atan atanh cos cosh exp log log10 sin sinh sqrt tan tanh log2 norm ) SET(COMPLEX_FUNCS_GRP2 pow atan2 fmod polar polar_complex ) # # test complex function group 1 # code inlined to easily replace '${func}' # FOREACH(func ${COMPLEX_FUNCS_GRP1}) SET(code " #include using namespace std\; #ifdef log2 #undef log2 #endif int main() { complex a\; ${func}(a)\; return 0\; }") FILE(WRITE ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test_${func}.cpp ${code}) string(TOUPPER ${func} FNAME) message(STATUS "Checking HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME}") TRY_COMPILE( HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test_${func}.cpp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TRY_OUT) if(NOT HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME}) message(STATUS "HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME} failed")# ${TRY_OUT}") ENDIF() FILE(REMOVE ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test_${func}.cpp ${code}) ENDFOREACH() # # test complex function group 2 # use prepared source file. # FOREACH(func ${COMPLEX_FUNCS_GRP2}) string(TOUPPER ${func} FNAME) message(STATUS "Checking HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME}") TRY_COMPILE( HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/complex_${func}.cpp COMPILE_DEFINITIONS -DHAVE_NAMESPACES -DHAVE_COMPLEX -DHAVE_TR1_COMPLEX OUTPUT_VARIABLE TRY_OUT) if(NOT HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME}) message(STATUS "HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_${FNAME} failed")# ${TRY_OUT}") ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() # # Configure the header config.h, interpolate above definitions. # CONFIGURE_FILE ( "${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake" "${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) # # List of lexer/parsers type names # SET(ParserTypes csv citi dataset mdl netlist touchstone zvr ) SET(generated_SRC) FOREACH( type ${ParserTypes} ) # Create custom Bison SET(BO_${type} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parse_${type}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tokens_${type}.h ) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${BO_${type}} COMMAND ${BISON_EXECUTABLE} --defines=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parse_${type}.hpp --output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR/}parse_${type}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/parse_${type}.ypp DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/parse_${type}.ypp ) # Create custom Flex SET(FI_${type} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scan_${type}.lpp ) SET(FO_${type} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/scan_${type}.cpp ) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${FO_${type}} COMMAND ${FLEX_EXECUTABLE} --outfile=${FO_${type}} ${FI_${type}} DEPENDS ${BO_${type}} ${FI_${type}} ) SET(generated_SRC ${generated_SRC} ${FO_${type}}) SET(generated_SRC ${generated_SRC} ${BO_${type}}) ENDFOREACH() FOREACH( gfile ${generated_SRC} ) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${gfile} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) ENDFOREACH() # # Source code libqucs # SET(LIBQUCS_SRC ${generated_SRC} analysis.cpp check_zvr.cpp interpolator.cpp parasweep.cpp property.cpp range.cpp spline.cpp strlist.cpp trsolver.cpp acsolver.cpp check_citi.cpp check_csv.cpp check_dataset.cpp check_mdl.cpp check_netlist.cpp check_touchstone.cpp circuit.cpp dataset.cpp dcsolver.cpp devstates.cpp differentiate.cpp environment.cpp equation.cpp # <= depends on gperfapphash.cpp evaluate.cpp exception.cpp exceptionstack.cpp fourier.cpp hbsolver.cpp history.cpp input.cpp integrator.cpp logging.c matvec.cpp module.cpp net.cpp nodelist.cpp nodeset.cpp object.cpp receiver.cpp spsolver.cpp sweep.cpp transient.cpp variable.cpp vector.cpp ) # # Template classes # SET(TEMPLATES tmatrix.h tvector.h eqnsys.h nasolver.h states.h tvector.h ptrlist.h tridiag.h hash.h valuelist.h nasolution.h ) # # Include headers to be installed # SET(PUBLIC_HEADERS ${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/config.h ${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/qucs_typedefs.h circuit.h compat.h constants.h consts.h integrator.h logging.h net.h netdefs.h node.h object.h states.h valuelist.h vector.h property.h ptrlist.h characteristic.h pair.h operatingpoint.h ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR} # generated config.h ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/src/math # precision.h ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ # compat.h ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/src/components # microstrip/substrate.h ${qucs-core_SOURCE_DIR}/src/interface ${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR} # cmake generated config.h ${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/src # cmake generated gperfapphash.h ${qucs-core_BINARY_DIR}/src/components # generated verilog/[].core.h ) # # Replace 'evaluate::[whatever]' by NULL # # * evaluate.h (class evaluate): New class implementing the # actual evaluation function (applications) for the equations # in Qucs. # ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT gperfappgen.h COMMAND ${SED_TOOL} -e 's/evaluate::[a-zA-Z0-9_]*/NULL/g' < ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/applications.h > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gperfappgen.h DEPENDS ${applications.h} ) # # Compile gperfappgen # * used to generate gperf input file (used in qucsator) # SET(gperf_SRC gperfappgen.cpp gperfappgen.h ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(gperfappgen ${gperf_SRC}) # # Run gperfappgen, pipe to gperf input to gperfapphash.gph # ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT gperfapphash.gph COMMAND gperfappgen > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gperfapphash.gph DEPENDS ${gperfappgen} ) # # Run gperf, create hash table. # * -I, Include the necessary system include files at the beginning of the code. # * -m, Perform multiple iterations to minimize generated table. # * Replace '{""}' by '{"",0}; (why?) # ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT gperfapphash.cpp COMMAND ${GPERF_TOOL} -I -m 8 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gperfapphash.gph > temp.gperf COMMAND ${SED_TOOL} -e 's/{""},/{"",0},/g' < temp.gperf > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gperfapphash.cpp DEPENDS gperfapphash.gph ) # target <- source (includea) # equation.cpp: gperfapphash.cpp # # noinst_PROGRAMS = gperfappgen # gperfappgen_SOURCES = gperfappgen.cpp # for cleaning (autogenerated) #set(gperf_FILES gperfapphash.cpp gperfapphash.gph gperfappgen.h) # Qucs library dependencies ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( interface ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( components ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( components/digital ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( components/devices ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( components/microstrip ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( components/verilog ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( math ) # Qucsconv application ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( converter ) # Linux? #set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols") # # Create qucsator # ADD_EXECUTABLE( qucsator ucs.cpp ${PUBLIC_HEADERS} ${TEMPLATES}) # # Build libqucs as SHARED, dynamic library # # After: # - # ADD_LIBRARY( libqucsator SHARED ${LIBQUCS_SRC} ${TEMPLATES} $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ) # rename the library to let it be libqucsator (not liblibqucsator) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES( libqucsator PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME qucsator ) # # Create target to handle gperfapp dependency # ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET( equation DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gperfapphash.cpp equation.cpp ) ADD_DEPENDENCIES( libqucsator equation ) # # Link qucsator and libqucsator # TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( qucsator libqucsator ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) # # Handle install # INSTALL(TARGETS qucsator DESTINATION bin) # set Windows runtime location for libqucsator # See: INSTALL(TARGETS libqucsator RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT runtime ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib COMPONENT devel LIBRARY DESTINATION lib COMPONENT library) INSTALL(FILES ${PUBLIC_HEADERS} DESTINATION include/qucs-core)