/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2017 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Mem.h" #include "MemBlob.h" #include "SBufDetailedStats.h" #include MemBlobStats MemBlob::Stats; InstanceIdDefinitions(MemBlob, "blob"); /* MemBlobStats */ MemBlobStats::MemBlobStats(): alloc(0), live(0), append(0), liveBytes(0) {} MemBlobStats& MemBlobStats::operator += (const MemBlobStats& s) { alloc+=s.alloc; live+=s.live; append+=s.append; liveBytes+=s.liveBytes; return *this; } std::ostream& MemBlobStats::dump(std::ostream &os) const { os << "MemBlob created: " << alloc << "\nMemBlob alive: " << live << "\nMemBlob append calls: " << append << "\nMemBlob currently allocated size: " << liveBytes << "\nlive MemBlob mean current allocation size: " << (static_cast(liveBytes)/(live?live:1)) << std::endl; return os; } /* MemBlob */ MemBlob::MemBlob(const MemBlob::size_type reserveSize) : mem(NULL), capacity(0), size(0) // will be set by memAlloc { debugs(MEMBLOB_DEBUGSECTION,9, HERE << "constructed, this=" << static_cast(this) << " id=" << id << " reserveSize=" << reserveSize); memAlloc(reserveSize); } MemBlob::MemBlob(const char *buffer, const MemBlob::size_type bufSize) : mem(NULL), capacity(0), size(0) // will be set by memAlloc { debugs(MEMBLOB_DEBUGSECTION,9, HERE << "constructed, this=" << static_cast(this) << " id=" << id << " buffer=" << static_cast(buffer) << " bufSize=" << bufSize); memAlloc(bufSize); append(buffer, bufSize); } MemBlob::~MemBlob() { if (mem || capacity) memFreeString(capacity,mem); Stats.liveBytes -= capacity; --Stats.live; recordMemBlobSizeAtDestruct(capacity); debugs(MEMBLOB_DEBUGSECTION,9, HERE << "destructed, this=" << static_cast(this) << " id=" << id << " capacity=" << capacity << " size=" << size); } /** Allocate an available space area of at least minSize bytes in size. * Must be called by constructors and only by constructors. */ void MemBlob::memAlloc(const size_type minSize) { size_t actualAlloc = minSize; Must(!mem); mem = static_cast(memAllocString(actualAlloc, &actualAlloc)); Must(mem); capacity = actualAlloc; size = 0; debugs(MEMBLOB_DEBUGSECTION, 8, id << " memAlloc: requested=" << minSize << ", received=" << capacity); ++Stats.live; ++Stats.alloc; Stats.liveBytes += capacity; } void MemBlob::appended(const size_type n) { Must(willFit(n)); size += n; ++Stats.append; } void MemBlob::append(const char *source, const size_type n) { if (n > 0) { // appending zero bytes is allowed but only affects the stats Must(willFit(n)); Must(source); memmove(mem + size, source, n); size += n; } ++Stats.append; } const MemBlobStats& MemBlob::GetStats() { return Stats; } std::ostream& MemBlob::dump(std::ostream &os) const { os << "id @" << (void *)this << "mem:" << static_cast(mem) << ",capacity:" << capacity << ",size:" << size << ",refs:" << LockCount() << "; "; return os; }