/* tools.h For Tux Paint List of available tools. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (See COPYING.txt) Copyright (c) 2002-2009 by Bill Kendrick bill@newbreedsoftware.com http://www.tuxpaint.org/ June 14, 2002 - October 9, 2009 $Id: tools.h,v 1.14 2010/04/25 20:30:47 perepujal Exp $ */ #include "tip_tux.h" /* What tools are available: */ enum { TOOL_BRUSH, TOOL_STAMP, TOOL_LINES, TOOL_SHAPES, TOOL_TEXT, TOOL_LABEL, TOOL_NA, TOOL_MAGIC, TOOL_UNDO, TOOL_REDO, TOOL_ERASER, TOOL_NEW, TOOL_OPEN, TOOL_SAVE, TOOL_PRINT, TOOL_QUIT, NUM_TOOLS }; /* Tool names: */ const char *const tool_names[NUM_TOOLS] = { // Freehand painting tool gettext_noop("Paint"), // Stamp tool (aka Rubber Stamps) gettext_noop("Stamp"), // Line drawing tool gettext_noop("Lines"), // Shape creation tool (square, circle, etc.) gettext_noop("Shapes"), // Text tool gettext_noop("Text"), // Label tool gettext_noop("Label"), // Reserved... " ", // "Magic" effects tools (blur, flip image, etc.) gettext_noop("Magic"), // Undo last action gettext_noop("Undo"), // Redo undone action gettext_noop("Redo"), // Eraser tool gettext_noop("Eraser"), // Start a new picture gettext_noop("New"), // Open a saved picture gettext_noop("Open"), // Save the current picture gettext_noop("Save"), // Print the current picture gettext_noop("Print"), // Quit/exit Tux Paint application gettext_noop("Quit") }; /* Some text to write when each tool is selected: */ const char *const tool_tips[NUM_TOOLS] = { // Paint tool instructions gettext_noop("Pick a color and a brush shape to draw with."), // Stamp tool instructions gettext_noop("Pick a picture to stamp around your drawing."), // Line tool instructions gettext_noop("Click to start drawing a line. Let go to complete it."), // Shape tool instructions gettext_noop("Pick a shape. Click to pick the center, drag, then let go when it is the size you want. Move around to rotate it, and click to draw it."), // Text tool instructions gettext_noop("Choose a style of text. Click on your drawing and you can start typing. Press [Enter] or [Tab] to complete the text."), // Label tool instructions gettext_noop("Choose a style of text. Click on your drawing and you can start typing. Press [Enter] or [Tab] to complete the text. By using the selector button and clicking an exist label, you can move it, edit it and change its text style."), // Reserved... " ", // Magic tool instruction gettext_noop("Pick a magical effect to use on your drawing!"), // Response to 'undo' action gettext_noop("Undo!"), // Response to 'redo' action gettext_noop("Redo!"), // Eraser tool gettext_noop("Eraser!"), // Response to 'start a new image' action gettext_noop("Pick a color or picture with which to start a new drawing."), // Response to 'open' action (while file dialog is being constructed) gettext_noop("Open…"), // Response to 'save' action gettext_noop("Your image has been saved!"), // Response to 'print' action (while printing, or print dialog is being used) gettext_noop("Printing…"), // Response to 'quit' (exit) action gettext_noop("Bye bye!") }; // Instruction while using Line tool (after click, before release) #define TIP_LINE_START gettext_noop("Let go of the button to complete the line.") // Instruction while using Shape tool (after first click, before release) #define TIP_SHAPE_START gettext_noop("Hold the button to stretch the shape.") // Instruction while finishing Shape tool (after release, during rotation step before second click) #define TIP_SHAPE_NEXT gettext_noop("Move the mouse to rotate the shape. Click to draw it.") // Notification that 'New' action was aborted (current image would have been lost) #define TIP_NEW_ABORT gettext_noop("OK then… Let’s keep drawing this one!") /* Tool icon filenames: */ const char *const tool_img_fnames[NUM_TOOLS] = { DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/brush.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/stamp.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/lines.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/shapes.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/text.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/label.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/ui/dead40x40.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/magic.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/undo.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/redo.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/eraser.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/new.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/open.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/save.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/print.png", DATA_PREFIX "images/tools/quit.png" }; /* Tux icons to use: */ const int tool_tux[NUM_TOOLS] = { TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_OOPS, TUX_WAIT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_DEFAULT, TUX_GREAT, TUX_GREAT, TUX_DEFAULT };