HOW TO BUILD ============ The project needs Qt5 and qmake to build properly. It supports Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. Qt Creator ---------- The easiest way to build the project is using Qt Creator. Install a recent version with Qt5 support. Then open the project file and build. Command line ------------ ``` $ qmake $ make ``` Debian-based system ------------------- The project comes with debian build rules, in debian/ folder. To build it, install the required dependencies. ``` $ sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake libqt5webkit5-dev \ libqt5serialport5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libudev-dev \ build-essential debhelper $ dpkg-buildpackage ``` Fedora-based system ------------------- Install the required dependencies in Fedora ``` $ sudo dnf install qt-devel qt5-qtserialport-devel qt5-linguist qt5-qtwebkit-devel ``` Then open the archive and change all "lupdate" by "lupdate-qt5" and all "lrelease" by "lrelease-qt5". Save changes In the console type: ``` $ make $ make install ``` If no errors appear then write ``` $ sudo mkdir /usr/share/visualino/ && cp -r roboblocks/html/ /usr/share/visualino/ ``` from the Visualino directory.