# Template for running Ubuntu release jobs parameters: - name: ubuntu_version type: string - name: job_name type: string - name: build_appimage type: boolean default: false jobs: - job: '${{ parameters.job_name }}' pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-${{ parameters.ubuntu_version }}' displayName: 'Build for Ubuntu ${{ parameters.ubuntu_version }}' steps: - template: ../steps/install_deps_ubuntu.yml - template: ../steps/build_linux.yml parameters: build_type: 'RelWithDebInfo' cmake_flags: '-DCMAKE_DEBUG_INCLUDES_LDFLAGS=ON -DENABLE_CPPUNIT=ON -DDEBUG_COMPILE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCPACK_GENERATOR="TGZ;DEB"' cmake_commands: '--target package' - bash: | # Build AppImage export VERSION=$(cat VERSION | sed '1q;d') export ARCH=$(cat VERSION | sed '4q;d') ../azure-pipelines/util/build_appimage.sh # Move and rename the generated AppImage file find . -name '*.AppImage' -not -name 'linuxdeploy.AppImage' -exec mv {} packages/xournalpp-$VERSION-$ARCH.AppImage \; workingDirectory: ./build displayName: 'Create AppImage' condition: eq('${{ parameters.build_appimage }}', true) - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 inputs: artifactName: 'linux-ubuntu-${{ parameters.ubuntu_version }}-packages' targetPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build/packages' displayName: 'Publish packages'