""" This module implements a set of bindings for BrlAPI, a braille bridge for applications. The reference C API documentation is available online http://brltty.app/doc/BrlAPIref, as well as in manual pages. This documentation is only a python helper, you should also read C manual pages. Example : import brlapi import errno import Xlib.keysymdef.miscellany try: b = brlapi.Connection() print("Server version " + str(b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_SERVER_VERSION, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL))) print("Display size " + str(b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_DISPLAY_SIZE, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL))) print("Driver " + b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_DRIVER_NAME, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL)) print("Model " + b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_DEVICE_MODEL, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL)) for cmd in b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_BOUND_COMMAND_KEYCODES, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL): print("Command %x short name: %s" % (cmd, b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_COMMAND_KEYCODE_NAME, cmd, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL))) for key in b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_DEFINED_DRIVER_KEYCODES, 0, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL): print("Key %x short name: %s" % (key, b.getParameter(brlapi.PARAM_DRIVER_KEYCODE_NAME, key, brlapi.PARAMF_GLOBAL))) # Make our output more prioritized b.setParameter(brlapi.PARAM_CLIENT_PRIORITY, 0, False, 70) def update_callback(param, subparam, flags, value): s = "" for i in value: s += unichr(0x2800 + ord(i)) print("Got output update %s" % s) p = b.watchParameter(brlapi.PARAM_RENDERED_CELLS, 0, False, update_callback) b.enterTtyMode() b.ignoreKeys(brlapi.rangeType_all,[0]) # Accept the home, window up and window down braille commands b.acceptKeys(brlapi.rangeType_command,[brlapi.KEY_TYPE_CMD|brlapi.KEY_CMD_HOME, brlapi.KEY_TYPE_CMD|brlapi.KEY_CMD_WINUP, brlapi.KEY_TYPE_CMD|brlapi.KEY_CMD_WINDN]) # Accept the tab key b.acceptKeys(brlapi.rangeType_key,[brlapi.KEY_TYPE_SYM|Xlib.keysymdef.miscellany.XK_Tab]) b.writeText("Trying to get a key within one second") key = b.readKeyWithTimeout(1000) print("got " + str(key)) b.writeText("Press home, winup/dn or tab to continue ... ยค") key = b.readKey() k = brlapi.expandKeyCode(key) b.writeText("Key %ld (%x %x %x %x) !" % (key, k["type"], k["command"], k["argument"], k["flags"])) b.writeText(None,1) b.acceptAllKeys() b.readKey() underline = chr(brlapi.DOT7 + brlapi.DOT8) # Note: center() can take two arguments only starting from python 2.4 b.write( regionBegin = 1, regionSize = 40, text = "Press any key to continue ", orMask = 25*underline + 15*chr(0)) b.readKey() b.acceptAllKeys() b.writeText("Press any key") k = b.readKey() k = brlapi.expandKeyCode(key) b.writeText("Key %ld (%x %x %x %x) !" % (key, k["type"], k["command"], k["argument"], k["flags"])) b.readKey() b.ignoreAllKeys() b.acceptKeyRanges([(brlapi.KEY_TYPE_CMD|brlapi.KEY_CMD_PASSDOTS, brlapi.KEY_TYPE_CMD|brlapi.KEY_CMD_PASSDOTS|brlapi.KEY_CMD_ARG_MASK)]) b.writeText("Press a dot key") key = b.readKey() k = brlapi.expandKeyCode(key) b.writeText("Key %ld (%x %x %x %x) !" % (key, k["type"], k["command"], k["argument"], k["flags"])) b.acceptAllKeys() b.readKey() b.unwatchParameter(p) b.leaveTtyMode() b.closeConnection() except brlapi.ConnectionError as e: if e.brlerrno == brlapi.ERROR_CONNREFUSED: print("Connection to %s refused. BRLTTY is too busy..." % e.host) elif e.brlerrno == brlapi.ERROR_AUTHENTICATION: print("Authentication with %s failed. Please check the permissions of %s" % (e.host,e.auth)) elif e.brlerrno == brlapi.ERROR_LIBCERR and (e.libcerrno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or e.libcerrno == errno.ENOENT): print("Connection to %s failed. Is BRLTTY really running?" % (e.host)) else: print("Connection to BRLTTY at %s failed: " % (e.host)) print(e) print(e.brlerrno) print(e.libcerrno) """ ############################################################################### # libbrlapi - A library providing access to braille terminals for applications. # # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 by # Alexis Robert # Samuel Thibault # # libbrlapi comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # This is free software, placed under the terms of the # GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. # # Web Page: http://brltty.app/ # # This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . ############################################################################### cimport c_brlapi from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uintptr_t import errno include "constants.auto.pyx" def getLibraryVersion(): """Get the BrlAPI version as a three-element list (major, minor, revision). See brlapi_getLibraryVersion(3).""" cdef int major cdef int minor cdef int revision with nogil: c_brlapi.brlapi_getLibraryVersion(&major, &minor, &revision) return (major, minor, revision) def expandKeyCode(code): """Expand a keycode into its individual components. See brlapi_expandKeyCode(3).""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_expandedKeyCode_t ekc cdef int retval retval = c_brlapi.brlapi_expandKeyCode(code, &ekc) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return { "type": ekc.type, "command": ekc.command, "argument": ekc.argument, "flags": ekc.flags } def describeKeyCode(code): """Describe the individual components of a keycode symbolically. See brlapi_describeKeyCode(3).""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_describedKeyCode_t dkc cdef int retval retval = c_brlapi.brlapi_describeKeyCode(code, &dkc) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: flags = () for flag in range(dkc.flags): flags += (dkc.flag[flag], ) return { "type": dkc.type, "command": dkc.command, "argument": dkc.argument, "flags": flags } cdef object _parameterToPython(c_brlapi.brlapi_param_t c_param, const void *c_value, size_t size): cdef const c_brlapi.brlapi_param_properties_t *props with nogil: props = c_brlapi.brlapi_getParameterProperties(c_param) if props == NULL: raise OperationError() if props.type == PARAM_TYPE_STRING: string = c_value s = string[:size] ret = s.decode("UTF-8") elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: values8 = c_value ret = values8[0] != 0 elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT8: if props.isArray: values8 = c_value ret = values8[:size] else: values8 = c_value ret = values8[0] elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT16: if props.isArray: values16 = c_value ret = [values16[i] for i in range(size//2)] else: values16 = c_value ret = values16[0] elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT32: if props.isArray: values32 = c_value ret = [values32[i] for i in range(size//4)] else: values32 = c_value ret = values32[0] elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT64: if props.isArray: values64 = c_value ret = [values64[i] for i in range(size//8)] else: values64 = c_value ret = values64[0] else: raise ValueError("Unsupported parameter type") return ret class OperationError(Exception): """Error while performing some operation""" def __init__(self): cdef char *exception exception = c_brlapi.brlapi_protocolException() if (exception): self.exception = exception c_brlapi.free(exception) else: self.exception = None self.brlerrno = c_brlapi.brlapi_error.brlerrno self.libcerrno = c_brlapi.brlapi_error.libcerrno self.gaierrno = c_brlapi.brlapi_error.gaierrno if (c_brlapi.brlapi_error.errfun): self.errfun = c_brlapi.brlapi_error.errfun else: self.errfun = b"" def __str__(self): cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_error_t error if self.exception: return self.exception error.brlerrno = self.brlerrno error.libcerrno = self.libcerrno error.gaierrno = self.gaierrno str = self.errfun error.errfun = str return c_brlapi.brlapi_strerror(&error) class ConnectionError(OperationError): """Error while connecting to BrlTTY""" def __init__(self, host, auth): OperationError.__init__(self) self.host = host self.auth = auth def __str__(self): msg = "couldn't connect to %s with key %s: %s" % (self.host,self.auth,OperationError.__str__(self)) msg = msg + "\n(brlerrno %d, libcerrno %d, gaierrno %d)" % (self.brlerrno, self.libcerrno, self.gaierrno) if self.brlerrno == ERROR_CONNREFUSED: msg = msg + "\nBRLTTY is too busy..." elif self.brlerrno == ERROR_AUTHENTICATION: msg = msg + "\nAuthentication failed. Please check you can read %s and it is not empty." % self.auth elif self.brlerrno == ERROR_LIBCERR and (self.libcerrno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or self.libcerrno == errno.ENOENT): msg = msg + "\nIs BRLTTY really running?" return msg def host(self): """Host of BRLTTY server""" return self.settings.host def auth(self): """Authentication method used""" return self.settings.auth cdef class WriteStruct: """Structure containing arguments to be given to Connection.write() See brlapi_writeArguments_t(3). This is DEPRECATED. Use the named parameters of write() instead.""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_writeArguments_t props def __init__(self): self.props = c_brlapi.brlapi_writeArguments_initialized property displayNumber: """Display number DISPLAY_DEFAULT == unspecified""" def __get__(self): return self.props.displayNumber def __set__(self, val): self.props.displayNumber = val property regionBegin: """Region of display to update, 1st character of display is 1""" def __get__(self): return self.props.regionBegin def __set__(self, val): self.props.regionBegin = val property regionSize: """Number of characters held in text, attrAnd and attrOr. For multibytes text, this is the number of multibyte characters. Combining and double-width characters count for 1""" def __get__(self): return self.props.regionSize def __set__(self, val): self.props.regionSize = val property text: """Text to display""" def __get__(self): if (not self.props.text): return None else: return self.props.text def __set__(self, val): cdef c_brlapi.size_t size cdef char *c_val if (type(val) == unicode): val = val.encode('UTF-8') self.charset = 'UTF-8'.encode("ASCII") if (self.props.text): c_brlapi.free(self.props.text) if (val): size = len(val) c_val = val self.props.text = c_brlapi.malloc(size+1) c_brlapi.memcpy(self.props.text,c_val,size) self.props.text[size] = 0 self.props.textSize = size else: self.props.text = NULL property cursor: """CURSOR_LEAVE == don't touch, CURSOR_OFF == turn off, 1 = 1st char of display, ...""" def __get__(self): return self.props.cursor def __set__(self, val): self.props.cursor = val property charset: """Character set of the text""" def __get__(self): if (not self.props.charset): return None else: return self.props.charset def __set__(self, val): cdef c_brlapi.size_t size cdef char *c_val if (self.props.charset): c_brlapi.free(self.props.charset) if (val): if (type(val) == unicode): val = val.encode('ASCII') size = len(val) c_val = val self.props.charset = c_brlapi.malloc(size+1) c_brlapi.memcpy(self.props.charset,c_val,size) self.props.charset[size] = 0 else: self.props.charset = NULL property attrAnd: """And attributes; applied first""" def __get__(self): cdef char *c_val if (not self.props.andMask): return None else: c_val = self.props.andMask return c_val[:self.regionSize] def __set__(self, val): cdef c_brlapi.size_t size cdef char *c_val if (self.props.andMask): c_brlapi.free(self.props.andMask) if (val): if (type(val) == unicode): val = val.encode('latin1') size = len(val) c_val = val self.props.andMask = c_brlapi.malloc(size) c_brlapi.memcpy(self.props.andMask,c_val,size) else: self.props.andMask = NULL property attrOr: """Or attributes; applied after ANDing""" def __get__(self): cdef char *c_val if (not self.props.orMask): return None else: c_val = self.props.orMask return c_val[:self.regionSize] def __set__(self, val): cdef c_brlapi.size_t size cdef char *c_val if (self.props.orMask): c_brlapi.free(self.props.orMask) if (val): if (type(val) == unicode): val = val.encode('latin1') size = len(val) c_val = val self.props.orMask = c_brlapi.malloc(size) c_brlapi.memcpy(self.props.orMask,c_val,size) else: self.props.orMask = NULL cdef class Connection: """Class which manages the bridge between your program and BrlAPI""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_handle_t *h cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_connectionSettings_t settings cdef int fd def __init__(self, host = None, auth = None): """Connect your program to BrlTTY using settings See brlapi_openConnection(3) Setting host to None defaults it to localhost, using the local installation's default TCP port, or to the content of the BRLAPI_HOST environment variable, if it exists. Note: Please check that resolving this name works before complaining. Setting auth to None defaults it to local installation setup or to the content of the BRLAPI_AUTH environment variable, if it exists.""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_connectionSettings_t client if auth: client.auth = auth else: client.auth = NULL if host: client.host = host else: client.host = NULL self.h = c_brlapi.malloc(c_brlapi.brlapi_getHandleSize()) with nogil: self.fd = c_brlapi.brlapi__openConnection(self.h, &client, &self.settings) c_brlapi.brlapi_protocolExceptionInit(self.h) if self.fd == -1: c_brlapi.free(self.h) raise ConnectionError(self.settings.host, self.settings.auth) def closeConnection(self): """Close the BrlAPI connection""" if self.fd != -1: c_brlapi.brlapi__closeConnection(self.h) self.fd = -1 def __del__(self): """Release resources used by the connection""" if self.fd != -1: c_brlapi.brlapi__closeConnection(self.h) c_brlapi.free(self.h) property host: """To get authorized to connect, libbrlapi has to tell the BrlAPI server a secret key, for security reasons. This is the path to the file which holds it; it will hence have to be readable by the application.""" def __get__(self): return self.settings.host property auth: """This tells where the BrlAPI server resides : it might be listening on another computer, on any TCP port. It should look like "foo:1", which means TCP port number BRLAPI_SOCKETPORTNUM+1 on computer called "foo".""" def __get__(self): return self.settings.auth property fileDescriptor: """Returns the Unix file descriptor that the connection uses""" def __get__(self): return self.fd property displaySize: """Get the size of the braille display See brlapi_getDisplaySize(3).""" def __get__(self): cdef unsigned int x cdef unsigned int y cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__getDisplaySize(self.h, &x, &y) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return (x, y) property driverName: """Get the complete name of the driver used by BrlTTY See brlapi_getDriverName(3).""" def __get__(self): cdef char name[21] cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__getDriverName(self.h, name, sizeof(name)) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return name property modelIdentifier: """Get the identifier for the model of the braille display See brlapi_getModelIdentifier(3).""" def __get__(self): cdef char identifier[21] cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__getModelIdentifier(self.h, identifier, sizeof(identifier)) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return identifier def enterTtyMode(self, tty = TTY_DEFAULT, driver = None): """Ask for some tty, with some key mechanism See brlapi_enterTtyMode(3). * tty : If tty >= 0, application takes control of the specified tty If tty == TTY_DEFAULT, the library first tries to get the tty number from the WINDOWID environment variable (form xterm case), then the CONTROLVT variable, and at last reads /proc/self/stat (on linux) * driver : Tells how the application wants readKey() to return key presses. None or "" means BrlTTY commands are required, whereas a driver name means that raw key codes returned by this driver are expected.""" cdef int retval cdef int c_tty cdef char *c_driver c_tty = tty if not driver: c_driver = NULL else: if (type(driver) == unicode): driver = driver.encode('ASCII') c_driver = driver with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__enterTtyMode(self.h, c_tty, c_driver) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def enterTtyModeWithPath(self, path = [], driver = None): """Ask for some tty, with some key mechanism See brlapi_enterTtyModeWithPath(3). * tty is an array of ttys representing the tty path to be got. Can be None. * driver : has the same meaning as in enterTtyMode. Providing an empty array or None means to get the root.""" cdef int retval cdef int *c_ttys cdef int c_nttys cdef char *c_driver if not path: c_ttys = NULL c_nttys = 0 else: c_nttys = len(path) c_ttys = c_brlapi.malloc(c_nttys * sizeof(int)) for i from 0 <= i < c_nttys: c_ttys[i] = path[i] if not driver: c_driver = NULL else: if (type(driver) == unicode): driver = driver.encode('ASCII') c_driver = driver with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__enterTtyModeWithPath(self.h, c_ttys, c_nttys, c_driver) if (c_ttys): c_brlapi.free(c_ttys) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def leaveTtyMode(self): """Stop controlling the tty See brlapi_leaveTtyMode(3).""" cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__leaveTtyMode(self.h) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def setFocus(self, tty): """Tell the current tty to brltty. See brlapi_setFocus(3). This is intended for focus tellers, such as brltty, xbrlapi, screen, ... enterTtyMode() must have been called before hand to tell where this focus applies in the tty tree.""" cdef int retval cdef int c_tty c_tty = tty with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__setFocus(self.h, c_tty) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval # The writeArguments parameter must remain first (after self) in order # to maintain backward compatibility with old code which passes it # by position. New code should not use it since the plan is to remove # it once it's no longer being used. New code should supply attributes # by specifying the remaining parameters, as needed, by name. def write(self, WriteStruct writeArguments = None, displayNumber = None, regionBegin = None, regionSize = None, text = None, andMask = None, orMask = None, cursor = None, charset = None): """Update a specific region of the braille display and apply and/or masks. See brlapi_write(3). * s : gives information necessary for the update""" cdef int retval if not writeArguments: writeArguments = WriteStruct() if displayNumber != None: writeArguments.displayNumber = displayNumber if regionBegin != None: writeArguments.regionBegin = regionBegin if regionSize != None: writeArguments.regionSize = regionSize if text: writeArguments.text = text if andMask: writeArguments.attrAnd = andMask if orMask: writeArguments.attrOr = orMask if cursor != None: writeArguments.cursor = cursor if charset: writeArguments.charset = charset with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__write(self.h, &writeArguments.props) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def writeDots(self, dots): """Write the given dots array to the display. See brlapi_writeDots(3). * dots : points on an array of dot information, one per character. Its size must hence be the same as what displaysize provides.""" cdef int retval cdef char *c_dots cdef unsigned char *c_udots (x, y) = self.displaySize dispSize = x * y if (type(dots) == unicode): dots = dots.encode('latin1') if (len(dots) < dispSize): dots = dots + b"".center(dispSize - len(dots), b'\0') c_dots = dots c_udots = c_dots with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__writeDots(self.h, c_udots) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def writeText(self, text, cursor = CURSOR_OFF): """Write the given \0-terminated string to the braille display. See brlapi_writeText(3). If the string is too long, it is cut. If it's too short, spaces are appended. The current LC_CTYPE locale is considered, unless it is left as default "C", in which case the charset is assumed to be 8bits, and the same as the server's. * cursor : gives the cursor position; if equal to CURSOR_OFF, no cursor is shown at all; if cursor == CURSOR_LEAVE, the cursor is left where it is * text : points to the string to be displayed""" w = WriteStruct() w.cursor = cursor if text is not None: (x, y) = self.displaySize dispSize = x * y if (len(text) < dispSize): text = text + "".center(dispSize - len(text)) w.regionBegin = 1 w.regionSize = dispSize w.text = text[0 : dispSize] return self.write(w) def readKey(self, wait = True): """Read a key from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_readKey(3). This function returns one key press's code. If None or "" was given to enterTtyPath(), a brltty command is returned. It is hence pretty driver-independent, and should be used by default when no other option is possible. By default, all commands but those which restart drivers and switch virtual are returned to the application and not to brltty. If the application doesn't want to see some command events, it should call either ignoreKeys() or ignoreKeyRanges(). If some driver name was given to enterTtyMode(), a raw keycode is returned, as specified by the terminal driver. It generally corresponds to the very code that the terminal tells to the driver. This should only be used by applications which are dedicated to a particular braille terminal. Hence, checking the terminal type thanks to a call to drivername before getting tty control is a pretty good idea. By default, all the keypresses will be passed to the client, none will go through brltty, so the application will have to handle console switching itself for instance.""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t code cdef int retval cdef int c_wait c_wait = wait while True: with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__readKey(self.h, c_wait, &code) if retval == -1 and not (c_brlapi.brlapi_error.brlerrno == ERROR_LIBCERR and c_brlapi.brlapi_error.libcerrno == errno.EINTR): raise OperationError() elif retval <= 0: if not wait: return None else: return code def readKeyWithTimeout(self, timeout_ms = -1): """Read a key from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_readKeyWithtimeout(3). This function works like brlapi_readKey, except that parameter wait is replaced by a timeout_ms parameter.""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t code cdef int retval cdef int c_timeout_ms c_timeout_ms = timeout_ms while True: with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__readKeyWithTimeout(self.h, c_timeout_ms, &code) if retval == -1 and not (c_brlapi.brlapi_error.brlerrno == ERROR_LIBCERR and c_brlapi.brlapi_error.libcerrno == errno.EINTR): raise OperationError() elif retval <= 0: if timeout_ms >= 0: return None else: return code def expandKeyCode(self, code): """Expand a keycode into its individual components. This is a stub to maintain backward compatibility. Call brlapi.expandKeyCode(code) instead.""" return expandKeyCode(code) def ignoreKeys(self, key_type, set): """Ignore some key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_ignoreKeys(3). This function asks the server to give the provided keys to brltty, rather than returning them to the application via brlapi_readKey(). The given codes should be brltty commands (nul or "" was given to brlapi_enterTtyMode())""" cdef int retval cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_rangeType_t c_type cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t *c_set cdef unsigned int c_n c_type = key_type c_n = len(set) c_set = c_brlapi.malloc(c_n * sizeof(c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t)) for i from 0 <= i < c_n: c_set[i] = set[i] with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__ignoreKeys(self.h, c_type, c_set, c_n) c_brlapi.free(c_set) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def acceptKeys(self, key_type, set): """Accept some key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_ignoreKeys(3). This function asks the server to give the provided keys to the application, and not give them to brltty. The given codes should be brltty commands (nul or "" was given to brlapi_enterTtyMode())""" cdef int retval cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_rangeType_t c_type cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t *c_set cdef unsigned int c_n c_type = key_type c_n = len(set) c_set = c_brlapi.malloc(c_n * sizeof(c_brlapi.brlapi_keyCode_t)) for i from 0 <= i < c_n: c_set[i] = set[i] with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__acceptKeys(self.h, c_type, c_set, c_n) c_brlapi.free(c_set) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def ignoreAllKeys(self): """Ignore all key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_ignoreAllKeys(3). This function asks the server to give all keys to brltty, rather than returning them to the application via brlapi_readKey().""" cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__ignoreAllKeys(self.h) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def acceptAllKeys(self): """Accept all key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_acceptAllKeys(3). This function asks the server to give all keys to the application, and not give them to brltty. Warning: after calling this function, make sure to call brlapi_ignoreKeys() for ignoring important keys like BRL_CMD_SWITCHVT_PREV/NEXT and such.""" cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__acceptAllKeys(self.h) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def ignoreKeyRanges(self, keys): """Ignore some key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_ignoreKeyRanges(3). This function asks the server to give the provided key ranges to brltty, rather than returning them to the application via brlapi_readKey(). The given codes should be raw keycodes (i.e. some driver name was given to brlapi_enterTtyMode()) """ cdef int retval cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_range_t *c_keys cdef unsigned int c_n c_n = len(keys) c_keys = c_brlapi.malloc(c_n * sizeof(c_brlapi.brlapi_range_t)) for i from 0 <= i < c_n: c_keys[i].first = keys[i][0] c_keys[i].last = keys[i][1] with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__ignoreKeyRanges(self.h, c_keys, c_n) c_brlapi.free(c_keys) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def acceptKeyRanges(self, keys): """Accept some key presses from the braille keyboard. See brlapi_acceptKeyRanges(3). This function asks the server to return the provided key ranges (inclusive) to the application, and not give them to brltty. The given codes should be raw keycodes (i.e. some driver name was given to brlapi_enterTtyMode()) """ cdef int retval cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_range_t *c_keys cdef unsigned int c_n c_n = len(keys) c_keys = c_brlapi.malloc(c_n * sizeof(c_brlapi.brlapi_range_t)) for i from 0 <= i < c_n: c_keys[i].first = keys[i][0] c_keys[i].last = keys[i][1] with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__acceptKeyRanges(self.h, c_keys, c_n) c_brlapi.free(c_keys) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def enterRawMode(self, driver): """Switch to Raw mode See brlapi_enterRawMode(3). * driver : Specifies the name of the driver for which the raw communication will be established""" cdef int retval cdef char *c_driver if (type(driver) == unicode): driver = driver.encode('ASCII') c_driver = driver with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__enterRawMode(self.h, c_driver) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def leaveRawMode(self): """leave Raw mode See brlapi_leaveRawMode(3).""" cdef int retval with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__leaveRawMode(self.h) if retval == -1: raise OperationError() else: return retval def getParameter(self, param, subparam = 0, flags = 0): """Get the value of a parameter. See brlapi_getParameter(3). This gets the current content of a parameter""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_t c_param cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_subparam_t c_subparam cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_flags_t c_flags cdef void *c_value cdef size_t size cdef ssize_t retval cdef uint64_t *values64 cdef uint32_t *values32 cdef uint16_t *values16 cdef uint8_t *values8 cdef char *string c_param = param c_subparam = subparam c_flags = flags with nogil: c_value = c_brlapi.brlapi__getParameterAlloc(self.h, c_param, c_subparam, c_flags, &size) if c_value == NULL: raise OperationError() try: ret = _parameterToPython(c_param, c_value, size) except Exception as e: c_brlapi.free(c_value) raise(e) c_brlapi.free(c_value) return ret def setParameter(self, param, subparam, flags, value): """Set the value of a parameter. See brlapi_setParameter(3). This sets the content of a parameter""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_t c_param cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_subparam_t c_subparam cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_flags_t c_flags cdef void *c_value cdef uint64_t *values64 cdef uint32_t *values32 cdef uint16_t *values16 cdef uint8_t *values8 cdef char *string cdef const c_brlapi.brlapi_param_properties_t *props c_param = param c_subparam = subparam c_flags = flags with nogil: props = c_brlapi.brlapi_getParameterProperties(c_param) if props == NULL: raise OperationError() if props.type == PARAM_TYPE_STRING: if type(value) != unicode and type(value) != str: raise ValueError("String value expected") if props.type == PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if props.isArray: if type(value[0]) != bool: raise ValueError("Boolean values expected") else: if type(value) != bool: raise ValueError("Boolean value expected") if props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT8 or \ props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT16 or \ props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT32: if props.isArray: if type(value[0]) != int: raise ValueError("Integer values expected") else: if type(value) != int: raise ValueError("Integer value expected") if props.type == PARAM_TYPE_STRING: if type(value) == unicode: value = value.encode('UTF-8') size = len(value) c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values8 = c_value string = value c_brlapi.memcpy(values8,string,size) elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN or props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT8: if props.isArray: size = 1 * len(value) c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values8 = c_value for i in len(value): values8[i] = value[i] else: size = 1 c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values8 = c_value values8[0] = value elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT16: if props.isArray: size = 2 * len(value) c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values16 = c_value for i in len(value): values16[i] = value[i] else: size = 2 c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values16 = c_value values16[0] = value elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT32: if props.isArray: size = 4 * len(value) c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values32 = c_value for i in len(value): values32[i] = value[i] else: size = 4 c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values32 = c_value values32[0] = value elif props.type == PARAM_TYPE_UINT64: if props.isArray: size = 4 * len(value) c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values64 = c_value for i in len(value): values64[i] = value[i] else: size = 8 c_value = c_brlapi.malloc(size) values64 = c_value values64[0] = value else: raise ValueError("Unsupported parameter type") with nogil: retval = c_brlapi.brlapi__setParameter(self.h, c_param, c_subparam, c_flags, c_value, size) if retval == -1: c_brlapi.free(c_value) raise OperationError() c_brlapi.free(c_value) def watchParameter(self, param, subparam, flags, func): """Set a parameter change callback. See brlapi_watchParameter(3). This registers a parameter change callback: whenever the given parameter changes, the given function is called. This returns an entry object, to be passed to unwatchParameter.""" cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_t c_param cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_subparam_t c_subparam cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_param_flags_t c_flags cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_python_paramCallbackDescriptor_t *descr c_param = param c_subparam = subparam c_flags = flags def cfunc(param): cdef c_brlapi.brlapi_python_callbackData_t *callbackData callbackData = param parameter = callbackData.parameter subparam = callbackData.subparam flags = callbackData.flags data = _parameterToPython(callbackData.parameter, callbackData.data, callbackData.len) func(parameter, subparam, flags, data) descr = c_brlapi.brlapi_python_watchParameter(self.h, c_param, c_subparam, c_flags, cfunc) return descr def unwatchParameter(self, entry): """Clear a parameter change callback. See brlapi_unwatchParameter(3). This unregisters a parameter change callback: the callback function previously registered with brlapi_watchParameter will not be called any more.""" cdef uintptr_t descr descr = entry c_brlapi.brlapi_python_unwatchParameter(self.h, descr)