/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2021 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.app/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "usb_serial.h" #include "usb_cp2110.h" #include "bitfield.h" typedef enum { USB_CP2110_PARITY_NONE, USB_CP2110_PARITY_EVEN, USB_CP2110_PARITY_ODD, USB_CP2110_PARITY_MARK, USB_CP2110_PARITY_SPACE } USB_CP2110_Parity; typedef enum { USB_CP2110_FLOW_NONE, USB_CP2110_FLOW_HARDWARE } USB_CP2110_FlowControl; typedef enum { USB_CP2110_DATA_5, USB_CP2110_DATA_6, USB_CP2110_DATA_7, USB_CP2110_DATA_8 } USB_CP2110_DataBits; typedef enum { USB_CP2110_STOP_SHORT, USB_CP2110_STOP_LONG } USB_CP2110_StopBits; typedef struct { uint8_t reportIdentifier; uint32_t baudRate; uint8_t parity; uint8_t flowControl; uint8_t dataBits; uint8_t stopBits; } PACKED USB_CP2110_UartConfigurationReport; static int usbInputFilter_CP2110 (UsbInputFilterData *data) { return usbSkipInitialBytes(data, 1); } static int usbSetReport_CP2110 (UsbDevice *device, const void *report, size_t size) { const unsigned char *bytes = report; ssize_t result = usbHidSetReport(device, 0, bytes[0], report, size, 1000); return result != -1; } static int usbSetLineConfiguration_CP2110 (UsbDevice *device, unsigned int baud, unsigned int dataBits, SerialStopBits stopBits, SerialParity parity, SerialFlowControl flowControl) { USB_CP2110_UartConfigurationReport report; memset(&report, 0, sizeof(report)); report.reportIdentifier = 0X50; if ((baud >= 300) && (baud <= 500000)) { putBigEndian32(&report.baudRate, baud); } else { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported CP2110 baud: %u", baud); errno = EINVAL; return 0; } switch (dataBits) { case 5: report.dataBits = USB_CP2110_DATA_5; break; case 6: report.dataBits = USB_CP2110_DATA_6; break; case 7: report.dataBits = USB_CP2110_DATA_7; break; case 8: report.dataBits = USB_CP2110_DATA_8; break; default: logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported CP2110 data bits: %u", dataBits); errno = EINVAL; return 0; } if (stopBits == SERIAL_STOP_1) { report.stopBits = USB_CP2110_STOP_SHORT; } else if (stopBits == ((dataBits > 5)? SERIAL_STOP_2: SERIAL_STOP_1_5)) { report.stopBits = USB_CP2110_STOP_LONG; } else { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported CP2110 stop bits: %u", stopBits); errno = EINVAL; return 0; } switch (parity) { case SERIAL_PARITY_NONE: report.parity = USB_CP2110_PARITY_NONE; break; case SERIAL_PARITY_ODD: report.parity = USB_CP2110_PARITY_ODD; break; case SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN: report.parity = USB_CP2110_PARITY_EVEN; break; case SERIAL_PARITY_MARK: report.parity = USB_CP2110_PARITY_MARK; break; case SERIAL_PARITY_SPACE: report.parity = USB_CP2110_PARITY_SPACE; break; default: logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported CP2110 parity: %u", parity); errno = EINVAL; return 0; } switch (flowControl) { case SERIAL_FLOW_NONE: report.flowControl = USB_CP2110_FLOW_NONE; break; case SERIAL_FLOW_HARDWARE: report.flowControl = USB_CP2110_FLOW_HARDWARE; break; default: logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported CP2110 flow control: %u", flowControl); errno = EINVAL; return 0; } return usbSetReport_CP2110(device, &report, sizeof(report)); } static int usbSetUartStatus_CP2110 (UsbDevice *device, unsigned char status) { const unsigned char report[] = {0X41, status}; return usbSetReport_CP2110(device, report, sizeof(report)); } static int usbEnableAdapter_CP2110 (UsbDevice *device) { if (usbSetUartStatus_CP2110(device, 0X01)) { return 1; } return 0; } static ssize_t usbWriteData_CP2110 (UsbDevice *device, const void *data, size_t size) { const unsigned char *first = data; const unsigned char *next = first; while (size) { unsigned char report[0X40]; size_t count = sizeof(report) - 1; if (count > size) count = size; report[0] = count; memcpy(&report[1], next, count); { ssize_t result = usbWriteEndpoint(device, 2, report, count+1, 1000); if (result == -1) return result; } next += count; size -= count; } return next - first; } const UsbSerialOperations usbSerialOperations_CP2110 = { .name = "CP2110", .setLineConfiguration = &usbSetLineConfiguration_CP2110, .enableAdapter = usbEnableAdapter_CP2110, .inputFilter = usbInputFilter_CP2110, .writeData = usbWriteData_CP2110 };