#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os from clint import arguments from clint.textui import puts, indent, colored from dpkgunlockercli import DpkgUnlockerCli def usage(): puts("Usage") with indent(4): puts("dpkgunlocker-cli [FLAGS...] ACTION") puts("Actions") with indent(4): puts("showservices: Show information about the status of services involved in installation of packages") puts("unlock: Run command to try to recover the blocked services") puts("showprotection: Show the current state of system metapackage protection") puts("disableprotetion: Run command to disable system metapackage protection") puts("enableprotection: Run command to enable system metapackage protection") puts("restore: Run command to try to restore services involved in package installation") puts("Flags") with indent(4): puts("-h --help : Show help") puts("-u --unattended: Run the command without prompting for user confirmation") puts("-k --kill: Run the unlock command killing the associated running process. It can cause problems if used incorrectly ") sys.exit(1) #def usage def isDpkgUnlockerRunning(): if os.path.exists('/var/run/dpkgUnlocker.lock'): print(" [Dpkg-Unlocker-Cli]: Dpkg-Unlocker is now running. Wait a moment and try again") sys.exit(1) #def isDpkgUnlockedRunning if __name__ == '__main__': if os.geteuid() != 0: print(" [DpkgUnlocker-Cli]: You need be root!") sys.exit(1) isDpkgUnlockerRunning() args = arguments.Args().copy mode=False kill=False if args.contains(["-h","--help"]) or len(args.all) == 0 : usage() if args.contains(["-u","--unattended"]): mode=True index = args.first(["-u","--unattended"]) args.pop(index) if args.contains(["-k","--kill"]): kill=True index = args.first(["-k","--kill"]) args.pop(index) action = args.pop(0) dpkgunlockercli = DpkgUnlockerCli(args.get(0)) if action == "showservices": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.showServices()) elif action=="unlock": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.unlock(mode,kill)) elif action=="showprotection": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.showProtection()) elif action=="disableprotection": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.disableProtection(mode)) elif action=="enableprotection": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.enableProtection(mode)) elif action=="restore": sys.exit(dpkgunlockercli.restore(mode)) else: dpkgunlockercli.dpkgUnlockerCore.cleanLockToken() usage()