import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import org.kde.kirigami 2.16 as Kirigami Rectangle{ visible: true color:"transparent" GridLayout{ id: loadGrid rows: 2 rowSpacing:10 flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom anchors.centerIn:parent property var warningCode:[-10,-11] Kirigami.InlineMessage { id: errorLabel visible:true text:getErrorText(epiBridge.loadErrorCode) type:{ if (loadGrid.warningCode.includes(epiBridge.loadErrorCode)){ Kirigami.MessageType.Warning; }else{ Kirigami.MessageType.Error; } } Layout.minimumWidth:770 Layout.fillWidth:true Layout.rightMargin:15 Layout.leftMargin:15 } Text{ id:loadtext text:i18nd("epi-gtk","Addittional information:\n")+epiBridge.localDebError visible:{ if (epiBridge.localDebError!=""){ true }else{ false } } "Quattrocento Sans Bold" font.pointSize: 10 Layout.alignment:Qt.AlignLeft Layout.leftMargin:15 Layout.fillWidth:true } } function getErrorText(code){ var msg="" switch (code){ case -1: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Application epi file does not exist or its path is invalid"); break; case -2: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Application epi file is empty") break; case -3: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Application epi file it is not a valid json") break; case -4: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Associated script does not exist or its path is invalid") break; case -5: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Associated script does not have execute permissions") break; case -6: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","You need root privileges") break; case -7: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","The package will not be able to be installed\nAn error occurred during processing") break; case -8: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","The package will not be able to be installed. Problems with dependencies") break; case -9: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","The package will not be able to be installed. Error has been detected") break; case -10: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","The system is being updated. Wait a few minutes and try again") break; case -11: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","Apt or Dpkg are being executed. Wait a few minutes and try again") break; case -13: msg=i18nd("epi-gtk","The unlocking process has failed") break; } return msg } }