NEWS for Tritonus version 0.2.0: - bug fixes in audio file writers - improved A-law and u-law converters - bug fixes in installation procedure version 0.1.92: - file writers for .aiff and .wav - improved file readers - a-law and u-law converters - installation with jdk1.1.x now possible again version 0.1.91: - MIDI OUT is working (exception: sysex events) - major improvements in handling of 8-bit sound data version 0.1.90: many, many new things. Only key points here: - Java Sound API 1.0 interface - mp3 decoder fully integrated - recording works, even full-duplex - MIDI stuff: Sequencer (playback), Synthesizer (some advanced features missing), external MIDI IN, external MIDI OUT (only together with Sequencer) - NAS support removed version 0.1.82: - automatic configuration with configure - builds on jdk1.1.x (many thanks to Peter Pilgrim) - new base class TMixerProvider - NasMixer now has Mixer.Info object - interface of PanControl changed to 0.90 API - AudioInputStream can now handle streams with indefinite length - basis support for mp3 decoding by integration of javalayer - MidiDevice.Info.getVersion() added, constructor adapted - GroupLine added - Port.Info added version 0.1.81: - audio file writing for .au files - Clips for esd - several bugs fixed version 0.1.80: - JavaSound 0.90 API - support for esd - AudioInputStreamProviders for au, aiff and wave files version 0.1.003: - pause() and resume() are implemented - channels send start, stop and eom events - workaround for buggy fileparsers (now all work) version 0.1.002: - works with AuParser of Sun (other parser do not work/are not tested) - circular buffer in output channel has been eliminated - honors passed AudioFormat in Mixer.getOutputChannel() - Mixer.get*Formats() work Please report bugs to the author of this library: Matthias Pfisterer <> Have fun!