import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 2.6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 Popup { id:popUpWaiting width:570 height:80 anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay modal:true focus:true visible:!onedriveBridge.closePopUp[0] closePolicy:Popup.NoAutoClose GridLayout{ id: popupGrid rows: 2 flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom anchors.centerIn:parent RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment:Qt.AlignHCenter Rectangle{ color:"transparent" width:30 height:30 AnimatedImage{ source: "/usr/share/lliurex-onedrive/rsrc/loading.gif" transform: Scale {xScale:0.45;yScale:0.45} } } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment:Qt.AlignHCenter Text{ id:popupText text:getTextMessage() font.pointSize: 10 Layout.alignment:Qt.AlignHCenter } } } function getTextMessage(){ switch (onedriveBridge.closePopUp[1]){ case 1: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Configuring a new space. Wait a moment..."); break; case 2: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Looking for libraries. Wait a moment..."); break case 3: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Loading space settings. Wait a moment..."); break case 6: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Starting the sync. Wait a moment..."); break case 7: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Stopping the sync. Wait a moment..."); break case 8: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Checking status. Wait a moment..."); break case 9: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Unlinking from space. Wait a moment...") break case 10: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Gathering OneDrive/SharePoint folder structure. Wait a moment...") break case 11: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-ondrive","Restoring values . Wait a moment...") break case 12: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Saving changes. Wait a moment...") break case 13: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Running the test. Wait a moment...") break case 14: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Resynchronizing the space. Wait a moment...") break case 16: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Looking for SharePoints. Wait a moment...") break case 17: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Migrating configuration. Wait a moment...") break case 21: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Applying folders indentification. Wait a moment...") break case 22: var msg=i18nd("lliurex-onedrive","Removing folders indentification. Wait a moment...") break default: var msg="" break; } return msg } }