# Lliurex Store

Software store for Lliurex.

Offers support for Lliurex's zomandos, snaps, appimage and software repositories.
It can be also be installed on a non-Lliurex system and it shall enable or disable plugins if any of them isn't supported on the base system

More info: [Valencian](http://wiki.lliurex.net/tiki-index.php?page=LliureX+Store_va) [Spanish](http://wiki.lliurex.net/tiki-index.php?page=LliureX+Store) ## Lliurex Store plugin system

Plugins must provide one register method and return a dictionary with "data" and "status" keys.
The basic structure of a plugin is provided at the example.py plugin. [example.py](python3-lliurex-store.install/usr/share/lliurexstore/plugins/example.py)

### Available public methods