import json import sh import re from time import sleep from shutil import rmtree from sh import mount, umount, lliurex_version from pathlib import Path import os import n4d.responses from n4d.server.core import Core class LmdImageManager: GET_IMAGE_ERROR = -50 MIRROR_NOT_EXISTS = -40 FILE_NOT_EXISTS = -30 def __init__(self): self.configimagepath = Path("/etc/ltsp/images/") self.tftppath = Path("/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp") self.chrootpath = Path("/opt/ltsp/") self.imagepath = Path("/opt/ltsp/images/") self.lmd_editing_path = Path("/tmp/.lmd-editing-chroot") self.locale_file="/etc/default/locale" self.core = Core.get_core() #def __init__ def getImageList(self): ''' Reads the file list of templates from /etc/ltsp/images Returna a JSON List. ''' # 1. /opt/ltsp/name-chroot # 2. /opt/ltsp/images/name-chroot.img # 3. /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/name-chroot # if 1,2 and 3 exist -> show # if 1 but not exist 2 or/and 3 -> show with error # return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response( json.dumps([ for i in self.configimagepath.glob("**/*.json")]) ) # END def GetListImages(self) def getImage(self, image): ''' Returns the metadata from certain image // WIP HERE -> mirar si accepta be el tercer parametre o cal fer el kwargs... agafa aquest taskid i comprova amb getTask si existeix i el seu estat i l'afig amb data["taskstatus"]=ret(....) Aixi al renderImage de l'ImageManager ja podem tindre disponible l'estat sense haver d'estar consultant-ho des de la gui ''' task_manager = self.core.get_plugin("TaskMan") try: with self.configimagepath.joinpath(image).open('r') as fd : data = json.load(fd) if "taskid" in data.keys(): taskid = data["taskid"] else: taskid = "0" data["ldm_language"]="%s"%self._readImageLocale(data["id"]) # Searching task id for this image ret = task_manager.getTaskStatus(taskid) data["task_status"] = "DONE" if ret["status"] == n4d.responses.CALL_SUCCESSFUL : data["task_status"] = ret["return"]["taskStatus"] data["xpraConnections"] = "" return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(json.dumps(data)) except Exception: return n4d.responses.build_failed_call_response(LmdImageManager.GET_IMAGE_ERROR) # END def getListTemplate(self, image) def _readImageLocale(self,img_id=None): ''' Read /etc/default/locale from image or system to get current locale ''' if img_id!=None: tmpImage = os.path.join(self.chrootpath,img_id) localeFile=tmpImage+self.locale_file else: localeFile=self.locale_file if os.path.exists(localeFile): with open(localeFile,'r') as fd: content=fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in content: key,value=line.split("=") if key=="LANG": return value.strip("\n") return 'default' #def _readImageLocale def setImage(self, img_id, data,lang=None): ''' Saves metadata from *data to image data is unicoded string image is name ''' try: json.loads(data) except Exception as e: try: data = json.dumps(data) except Exception as e2: data = "" if (len(data) > 0 ): #with self.configimagepath.joinpath(img_id+".json").open("w") as fd: try: with open(self.configimagepath.joinpath(img_id+".json"),'w') as fd: fd.writelines(data) # json.dump(data,fd) if lang!=None: if lang=='default': lang=self._readImageLocale() self.set_locale_lmd_img(lang,img_id) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) # def setImage(self, image, data) def set_locale_lmd_img(self,lang,img_id): ''' Change image locale file to change lang default session ''' locale_manager=self.core.get_plugin("LocaleManager") basepath="/opt/ltsp/"+img_id+"/" ret=locale_manager.set_locale_base(lang,basepath) #def set_locale_lmd_img def setStatusImage(self, img_id, status): with self.configimagepath.joinpath(img_id+".json").open("r") as fd: data = json.load(fd) data["status"] = status return self.setImage(img_id, json.dumps(data)) def setNewTaskIdForImage(self, img_id, newid): image_file = self.configimagepath.joinpath(img_id+".json") retry = 0 while not image_file.exists() and retry < 3: sleep(3) retry += 1 if not image_file.exists() and retry >= 3: return n4d.responses.build_failed_call_response(LmdImageManager.FILE_NOT_EXISTS) with"r") as fd: data = json.load(fd) data["taskid"]=newid return self.setImage(img_id, json.dumps(data)) def deleteImage(self, img_id): ''' N4d Method to delete an image identified by img_id ''' # Umount anything mounted under image chroot = self.chrootpath.joinpath(img_id) test_chroot = self.umount_chroot(chroot) if test_chroot["status"] != n4d.responses.CALL_SUCCESSFUL : return test_chroot # Remove chroot if chroot.is_dir(): rmtree(chroot) # Removing .img x = self.imagepath.joinpath(img_id + ".img") if x.is_file(): x.unlink() x = self.tftppath.joinpath(img_id) # Remove /var/lib/tftpboot/... if x.is_dir(): rmtree(x); x = self.configimagepath.joinpath(img_id+".json") # Remove .json file if x.is_file(): x.unlink() return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) #def setImage(self, image, data): def umount_chroot(self,chroot_dir): ''' Umount system directories with -lazy, ''' if not isinstance(chroot_dir,Path): chroot_dir = Path(chroot_dir) # Test if exists chroot if not chroot_dir.is_dir(): print("NO DIR CHROOT: "+str(chroot_dir)) return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) else: devices_mounted = [ z[2] for z in re.findall(r"(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\n", mount().stdout.decode('utf-8')) ] points_to_umount = [ "net/mirror", "proc", "sys", "dev/pts", "dev", "etc/hosts", "etc/", "etc/nsswitch.conf" ] for x in points_to_umount: if chroot_dir.joinpath(x) in devices_mounted: umount(chroot_dir.joinpath(x),lazy=True) if chroot_dir in devices_mounted: umount(chroot_dir,lazy=True) return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) #def umount_chroot(self,chroot_dir) def check_image_editing(self): if self.lmd_editing_path.is_file(): return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) else: return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(False) def clean_image_editing(self): if self.lmd_editing_path.is_file(): self.lmd_editing_path.unlink() return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response(True) def check_mirror(self): ''' New method to check without vars, this method allow mount the mirror by nfs without use lliurex-mirror check method relies into lliurex-version call, checking structure of files and dirs into /net/mirror/llx16 architectures always be all or nothing due to assumption that lliurex-mirror mirror both architectures always. ''' try: lliurex_version(x="mirror") return n4d.responses.build_successful_call_response({"status":True,"msg":{"llx16":{"ARCHITECTURES":["i386","amd64"]}}}) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: return n4d.responses.build_failed_call_response(LmdImageManager.MIRROR_NOT_EXISTS) # OLD METHOD TO CHECK WITH VARS (Disabled) def check_mirror_with_vars(self): lliurex_mirror = self.core.get_variable("LLIUREXMIRROR") if lliurex_mirror["llx21"]["status_mirror"] != "Ok": return n4d.responses.build_failed_call_response(LmdImageManager.MIRROR_NOT_EXISTS) mirror_manager = self.core.get_plugin("MirrorManager") return mirror_manager.get_all_configs()