{{svg-jar "ghost-logo" class="gh-logo" alt="Ghost"}}
  • {{{t "Version {version}" version=this.config.version}}}
  • {{{t "Environment {environment}" environment=this.config.environment}}}
  • {{{t "Database {database}" database=this.config.database}}}
  • {{{t "Mail {mail}" mail=(if this.config.mail this.config.mail "Native")}}}
{{#if this.upgradeStatus.message}}

{{t "Update available!"}} {{this.upgradeStatus.message}}


{{t "The People Who Made it Possible"}}

{{partial "contributors"}}

{{t "Ghost is built by an incredible group of contributors from all over the world. Here are just a few of the people who helped create the version you’re using right now."}}

{{t "Find out how you can get involved"}}