{{t "Connect to Stripe"}}

{{t "Configure API keys to create subscriptions and take payments"}}

{{#liquid-if this.membersStripeOpen}}

{{t "How you get paid"}}

{{svg-jar "stripe-verified-partner-badge" class="gh-members-stripe-badge"}}

{{{t "Stripe is our exclusive direct payments partner.
Ghost collects no fees on any payments! If you don’t have a Stripe account yet, you can sign up here."}}}


{{t "Subscription pricing"}}

{{t "Set monthly and yearly recurring subscription prices"}}

{{#liquid-if this.membersPricingOpen}}
{{one-way-select this.selectedCurrency id="currency" name="currency" options=(readonly this.currencies) optionValuePath="value" optionLabelPath="label" update=(action "setSubscriptionSettings" "currency") }} {{svg-jar "arrow-down-small"}}
{{{t "{currency}/month" currency=this.subscriptionSettings.stripeConfig.plans.monthly.currency}}}
{{{t "{currency}/year" currency=this.subscriptionSettings.stripeConfig.plans.monthly.currency}}}

{{t "Allow free member signup"}}

{{t "If disabled, members can only be signed up via payment checkout or API integration"}}

{{t "Default post access"}}

{{t "When a new post is created, who should have access to it?"}}

{{#liquid-if this.membersPostAccessOpen}}
{{t "Public"}}
{{t "All site visitors to your site, no login required"}}
{{t "Members only"}}
{{t "All logged-in members"}}
{{t "Paid-members only"}}
{{t "Only logged-in members with an active Stripe subscription"}}

{{t "Email settings"}}

{{t "Customise signup, signin and subscription emails"}}

{{#liquid-if this.membersEmailOpen}}
{{t "Your members will receive system emails from this address"}}
{{#unless this.hasBulkEmailConfig}}
{{region.flag}} {{region.name}}
{{{t "Find your Mailgun API keys here »"}}} {{/unless}}