{{svg-jar "house"}} {{t "View site"}}
{{svg-jar "expand"}}
- {{t "Manage"}}
{{svg-jar "posts"}}{{t "Posts"}}
{{svg-jar "add-stroke"}}
{{#if this.customViews.forPosts}}
{{#liquid-if this.navigation.settings.expanded.posts}}
{{#each this.customViews.forPosts as |view|}}
{{!-- --}}
{{#if view.icon}}
{{svg-jar (or view.icon "post")}}
{{!-- {{t (concat "views." view.name)}} --}}
{{t view.name}}
{{!-- clicking the Content link whilst on the content screen should reset the filter --}}
{{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{#if (eq this.router.currentRouteName "pages")}}
{{svg-jar "page"}}{{t "Pages"}}
{{svg-jar "page"}}{{t "Pages"}}
{{#if (gh-user-can-admin this.session.user)}}
- {{svg-jar "tag"}}{{t "Tags"}}
{{#if (and this.feature.members (gh-user-can-admin this.session.user))}}
{{svg-jar "members"}}{{t "Members"}}
- {{svg-jar "staff"}}{{t "Staff"}}
{{#if (gh-user-can-admin this.session.user)}}
- {{t "Settings"}}
- {{svg-jar "settings"}}{{t "General"}}
{{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
- {{svg-jar "paintbrush"}}{{t "Design"}}
- {{svg-jar "brackets"}}{{t "Code injection"}}
- {{svg-jar "modules"}}{{t "Integrations"}}
{{svg-jar "labs"}}{{t "Labs"}}
{{#if this.showBilling}}
{{svg-jar "house"}} View billing
{{!-- LLIUREX Add link to Slideshow admin page --}}
{{svg-jar "slideshow"}} {{t "Manage Slideshow"}}
{{!-- LLIUREX --}}
{{#if this.showMenuExtension}}
{{#if this.config.clientExtensions.menu.title}}
- {{this.config.clientExtensions.menu.title}}
{{#each this.config.clientExtensions.menu.items as |menuItem| }}
{{svg-jar menuItem.icon}}{{menuItem.text}}
{{#if this.showScriptExtension}}
{{#if this.whatsNew.hasNew}}{{/if}}
{{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{svg-jar "arrow-down" class="w3 mr1 fill-darkgrey"}}