{{#if this.canActivateTheme}} The theme "{{this.themeName}}" was uploaded successfully but we detected some {{#if this.validationErrors}}errors{{else}}warnings{{/if}}. You are still able to activate and use the theme but it is recommended to fix these {{#if this.validationErrors}}errors{{else}}warnings{{/if}} before you do so. {{else}} The theme "{{this.themeName}}" was uploaded successfully but we detected some {{#if this.validationErrors}}errors{{else}}warnings{{/if}}. {{/if}}
{{#if this.validationErrors}}{{{t "Highly recommended to fix, functionality could be restricted"}}}
{{t "\"{themeName}\" uploaded successfully." themeName=this.themeName}} {{#if this.canActivateTheme}}{{t "Do you want to activate it now?"}}{{/if}}
{{/if}} {{else if this.displayOverwriteWarning}}{{{t "The theme folder \"{fileThemeName}\" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" fileThemeName=this.fileThemeName}}}
{{else if (or this.validationErrors this.fatalValidationErrors)}}{{t "This theme is invalid and cannot be activated. Fix the following errors and re-upload the theme."}}
{{#if this.fatalValidationErrors}}{{t "(Must-fix to activate theme)"}}
{{{t "Highly recommended to fix, functionality could be restricted"}}}