{{t "General Settings"}}

{{#if this.showLeaveSettingsModal}} {{/if}}
{{t "Publication info"}}
{{t "Title & description" htmlSafe=true}}
{{t "The details used to identify your publication around the web"}}
{{#liquid-if this.pubInfoOpen}}

{{t "The name of your site"}}

{{t "Used in your theme, meta data and search results"}}

{{t "Site timezone"}}
{{t "Set the time and date of your publication, used for all published posts"}}
{{#liquid-if this.timezoneOpen}}
{{t "Publication Language"}}
{{t "Set the language/locale which is used on your site"}}
{{#liquid-if this.defaultLocaleOpen}}
{{!-- LLIUREX Field replaced to introduce the locale by drop-down list

{{{t "Default: English ({defaultLocale}); you can add translation files to your theme for any language" defaultLocale="en" link="https://ghost.org/docs/api/handlebars-themes/helpers/translate/"}}}

{{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{t "Publication identity"}}
{{t "Publication icon"}}
{{t "A square, social icon used in the UI of your publication, at least 60x60px"}}
{{#each uploader.errors as |error|}}
{{or error.context error.message}}
{{#if uploader.isUploading}} {{uploader.progressBar}} {{else if this.settings.icon}} icon {{else}} {{/if}}
{{t "Publication logo"}}
{{t "The primary logo for your brand displayed across your theme, should be transparent and at least 600px x 72px"}}
{{#each uploader.errors as |error|}}
{{or error.context error.message}}
{{#if uploader.isUploading}} {{uploader.progressBar}} {{else if this.settings.logo}} {{else}} {{/if}}
{{#if this.config.enableDeveloperExperiments}}
{{t "Accent Color"}}
{{t "Primary color used in your publication theme"}}
{{t "Publication cover"}}
{{t "An optional large background image for your site"}}
{{#each uploader.errors as |error|}}
{{or error.context error.message}}
{{#if uploader.isUploading}} {{uploader.progressBar}} {{else if this.settings.coverImage}} cover photo {{else}} {{/if}}
LLIUREX --}} {{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{t "Site meta settings"}}
{{t "Meta data"}}
{{t "Extra content for search engines"}}
{{#liquid-if this.metaDataOpen}}

{{{t "Recommended: {max} characters. You’ve used {charactersCount}" max=70 charactersCount=(gh-count-down-characters this.settings.metaTitle 70)}}}

{{{t "Recommended: {max} characters. You’ve used {charactersCount}" max=156 charactersCount=(gh-count-down-characters this.settings.metaDescription 156)}}}

{{truncate (or this.settings.metaTitle this.settings.title) 70}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.metaDescription this.settings.description) 300}}
{{t "Twitter card"}}
{{t "Customise structured data of your site for Twitter"}}
{{#liquid-if this.twitterCardOpen}}
{{#if this.settings.twitterImage}}
{{or this.settings.twitterTitle this.settings.title}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.twitterDescription this.settings.description) 155}}
{{t "Facebook card"}}
{{t "Customise structured data of your site"}}
{{#liquid-if this.facebookCardOpen}}
{{#if this.settings.ogImage}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.ogTitle this.settings.title) 88}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.ogDescription this.settings.description) 300}}
LLIUREX --}} {{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{t "Social accounts"}}
{{t "Social accounts"}}
{{t "Link your social accounts for full structured data and rich card support"}}
{{#liquid-if this.socialOpen}}

{{t "URL of your publication's Facebook Page"}}

{{t "URL of your publication's Twitter profile"}}

LLIUREX --}} {{!-- LLIUREX Hide content
{{t "Advanced settings"}}
{{t "Make this site private"}}
{{t "Enable protection with simple shared password. All search engine optimization and social features will be disabled."}} {{#if this.settings.isPrivate}}

{{{t "A private RSS feed is available at {link}" link=this.privateRSSUrl}}}
{{#if this.settings.isPrivate}}

{{t "Set the password for this site"}}
