# cheerio-advanced-selectors Add support for the following selectors to [cheerio](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio): - `:first` - `:last` - `:eq(index)` More selectors can easily be added: Just [open an issue](https://github.com/watson/cheerio-advanced-selectors/issues) and I'll look into it :) [![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/watson/cheerio-advanced-selectors.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/watson/cheerio-advanced-selectors) [![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/feross/standard) This module is inspired by [cheerio-eq](https://github.com/watson/cheerio-eq) with the added support for many different selectors. Supports cheerio version 0.18.0 and above. ## Installation ``` npm install cheerio-advanced-selectors ``` ## Usage Use the `.wrap()` function to make cheerio-advanced-selectors take care of everything for you: ```js var cheerio = require('cheerio') var cheerioAdv = require('cheerio-advanced-selectors') cheerio = cheerioAdv.wrap(cheerio) var $ = cheerio.load('
') $('div:first').text() // => 'foo' ``` ## Advanced usage Alternatively use the `.find()` function to only use cheerio-advanced-selectors for a specific selector: ```js var cheerio = require('cheerio') var cheerioAdv = require('cheerio-advanced-selectors') var $ = cheerio.load('
') cheerioAdv.find($, 'div:eq(1)').text() // => 'bar' ``` If you need to run the same selector on a lot of different HTML documents, you can speed things up by pre-compiling the selector using the `.compile()` function: ```js var cheerio = require('cheerio') var cheerioAdv = require('cheerio-advanced-selectors') var myH1 = cheerioAdv.compile('div:first span:eq(1) h1') var html1 = cheerio.load('



') var html2 = cheerio.load('



') myH1(html1).text() // => 'bar1' myH1(html2).text() // => 'bar2' ``` ## What's the problem? Cheerio sacrifices advanced CSS selector support for speed. This means for instance that the `:eq()` selector isn't supported. The work-around is normally to use the `.eq()` function instead: ```js // this will not work: $('div:eq(1)'); // use this instead: $('div').eq(1); ``` This is a good alternative if you write the CSS selectors from scrach, but what if you are working with selectors that already contain `:eq()`? **Don't fear, cheerio-advanced-selectors is here :)** ### Solution The solution to the problem is to automatically parse the selector string at run-time. So if you give cheerio-advanced-selectors a selector like `div:eq(1)` it will return the following cheerio cursor: `$('div').eq(1)`. It also works for complex selectors, so that `div:eq(1) h2:first span` will be converted and interpreted as `$('div').eq(1).find('h2').first().find('span')`. ## Supported advanced selectors This module currently only support a minimal subset of the possible advanced selectors: - `:first` - `:last` - `:eq(index)` But don't fear :) It's easy to add support for other selectors. Just [open an issue](https://github.com/watson/cheerio-advanced-selectors/issues) or make a pull request. ## API #### `.wrap(cheerio)` Wraps the main cheerio module to overload the standard `load` function so it knows how to handle the advanced selectors. Returns the `cheerio` module. #### `.find(cheerio, selector [, context [, root]])` Run the `selector` on the given cheerio object optionally within the given `context` and optionally on the given `root`. The `cheerio` object is usually called `$`. #### `.compile(selector)` Compiles the `selector` and returns a function which take 3 arguments: `fn(cheerio [, context [, root]])`: - `cheerio` - a reference to the cheerio object (usually called `$`) - `context` - the context in which to run the selector (optional) - `root` - the HTML root on which to run the selector (optional) ## License MIT