{% extends "basic/layout.html" %}
{% set theme_css_files = []%}
{% if theme_bootstrap_version == "3" %}
{% set bootstrap_version, bootstrap_additional_css, navbar_version = "3.1.0", "theme", "" %}
{% set bs_span_prefix = "col-md-" %}
{% else %}
{% set bootstrap_version, bootstrap_additional_css, navbar_version = "2.3.2", "responsive", "-2" %}
{% set bs_span_prefix = "span" %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_bootswatch_theme %}
{# BS2 needs "bootstrap-responsive.css". BS3 doesn't. #}
{% if theme_bootstrap_version == "3" %}
{% set theme_css_files = theme_css_files + [
'_static/bootswatch-' + bootstrap_version + '/' + theme_bootswatch_theme + '/bootstrap.min.css',
{% else %}
{% set theme_css_files = theme_css_files + [
'_static/bootswatch-' + bootstrap_version + '/' + theme_bootswatch_theme + '/bootstrap.min.css',
'_static/bootstrap-' + bootstrap_version + '/css/bootstrap-' + bootstrap_additional_css + '.min.css',
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set theme_css_files = theme_css_files + ['_static/main.min.css', '_static/styles.css']
{% endif %}
{% if not bootswatch_css_custom %}
{% set bootswatch_css_custom = [] %}
{% endif %}
{% set css_files = css_files + theme_css_files + bootswatch_css_custom %}
{% set script_files = script_files + [
'_static/bootstrap-' + bootstrap_version + '/js/bootstrap.min.js',
{%- set render_sidebar = (not embedded) and (not theme_nosidebar|tobool) and sidebars %}
{%- set bs_content_width = render_sidebar and "9" or "12"%}
{%- block doctype -%}
{%- endblock %}
{# Sidebar: Rework into our Bootstrap nav section. #}
{% macro navBar() %}
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