/** * Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Molkentin . All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ #include "NCContextMenu.h" #include "NCClientInterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern long g_cDllRef; NCContextMenu::NCContextMenu(void) : m_cRef(1) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_cDllRef); } NCContextMenu::~NCContextMenu(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cDllRef); } #pragma region IUnknown // Query to the interface the component supported. IFACEMETHODIMP NCContextMenu::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(NCContextMenu, IContextMenu), QITABENT(NCContextMenu, IShellExtInit), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv); } // Increase the reference count for an interface on an object. IFACEMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NCContextMenu::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } // Decrease the reference count for an interface on an object. IFACEMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NCContextMenu::Release() { ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (0 == cRef) { delete this; } return cRef; } #pragma endregion #pragma region IShellExtInit // Initialize the context menu handler. IFACEMETHODIMP NCContextMenu::Initialize( LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObj, HKEY hKeyProgID) { m_selectedFiles.clear(); if (!pDataObj) { return E_INVALIDARG; } FORMATETC fe = { CF_HDROP, nullptr, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; STGMEDIUM stm; if (SUCCEEDED(pDataObj->GetData(&fe, &stm))) { // Get an HDROP handle. HDROP hDrop = static_cast(GlobalLock(stm.hGlobal)); if (hDrop) { UINT nFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, nullptr, 0); for (UINT i = 0; i < nFiles; ++i) { // Get the path of the file. wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; if (!DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer))) { m_selectedFiles.clear(); break; } if (i) m_selectedFiles += L'\x1e'; m_selectedFiles += buffer; } GlobalUnlock(stm.hGlobal); } ReleaseStgMedium(&stm); } // If any value other than S_OK is returned from the method, the context // menu item is not displayed. return m_selectedFiles.empty() ? E_FAIL : S_OK; } #pragma endregion #pragma region IContextMenu void InsertSeperator(HMENU hMenu, UINT indexMenu) { // Add a separator. MENUITEMINFO sep = { sizeof(sep) }; sep.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; sep.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; InsertMenuItem(hMenu, indexMenu, TRUE, &sep); } IFACEMETHODIMP NCContextMenu::QueryContextMenu(HMENU hMenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags) { // If uFlags include CMF_DEFAULTONLY then we should not do anything. if (CMF_DEFAULTONLY & uFlags) { return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, USHORT(0)); } m_info = NCClientInterface::FetchInfo(m_selectedFiles); if (m_info.menuItems.empty()) { return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, USHORT(0)); } InsertSeperator(hMenu, indexMenu++); HMENU hSubmenu = CreateMenu(); { MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(mii) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_STRING; mii.hSubMenu = hSubmenu; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; mii.dwTypeData = &m_info.contextMenuTitle[0]; if (!InsertMenuItem(hMenu, indexMenu++, TRUE, &mii)) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } InsertSeperator(hMenu, indexMenu++); UINT indexSubMenu = 0; for (auto &item : m_info.menuItems) { bool disabled = item.flags.find(L'd') != std::string::npos; MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(mii) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_STATE; mii.wID = idCmdFirst + indexSubMenu; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; mii.dwTypeData = &item.title[0]; mii.fState = disabled ? MFS_DISABLED : MFS_ENABLED; if (!InsertMenuItem(hSubmenu, indexSubMenu, true, &mii)) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); indexSubMenu++; } // Return an HRESULT value with the severity set to SEVERITY_SUCCESS. // Set the code value to the offset of the largest command identifier // that was assigned, plus one (1). return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, USHORT(indexSubMenu)); } IFACEMETHODIMP NCContextMenu::InvokeCommand(LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO pici) { std::wstring command; CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX *piciEx = nullptr; if (pici->cbSize == sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX)) piciEx = (CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX*)pici; // For the Unicode case, if the high-order word is not zero, the // command's verb string is in lpcmi->lpVerbW. if (piciEx && (piciEx->fMask & CMIC_MASK_UNICODE) && HIWORD(((CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX*)pici)->lpVerbW)) { command = piciEx->lpVerbW; // Verify that we handle the verb bool handled = false; for (auto &item : m_info.menuItems) { if (item.command == command) { handled = true; break; } } if (!handled) return E_FAIL; } else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pici->lpVerb)) { // If the command cannot be identified through the verb string, then // check the identifier offset. auto offset = LOWORD(pici->lpVerb); if (offset >= m_info.menuItems.size()) return E_FAIL; command = m_info.menuItems[offset].command; } else { return E_FAIL; } NCClientInterface::SendRequest(command.data(), m_selectedFiles); return S_OK; } IFACEMETHODIMP NCContextMenu::GetCommandString(UINT_PTR idCommand, UINT uFlags, UINT *pwReserved, LPSTR pszName, UINT cchMax) { if (idCommand < m_info.menuItems.size() && uFlags == GCS_VERBW) { return StringCchCopyW(reinterpret_cast(pszName), cchMax, m_info.menuItems[idCommand].command.data()); } return E_INVALIDARG; } #pragma endregion