/* * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "discoveryphase.h" #include "discovery.h" #include "account.h" #include "clientsideencryptionjobs.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include "common/checksums.h" #include #include "vio/csync_vio_local.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcDiscovery, "nextcloud.sync.discovery", QtInfoMsg) /* Given a sorted list of paths ending with '/', return whether or not the given path is within one of the paths of the list*/ static bool findPathInList(const QStringList &list, const QString &path) { Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(list.begin(), list.end())); if (list.size() == 1 && list.first() == QLatin1String("/")) { // Special case for the case "/" is there, it matches everything return true; } QString pathSlash = path + QLatin1Char('/'); // Since the list is sorted, we can do a binary search. // If the path is a prefix of another item or right after in the lexical order. auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), pathSlash); if (it != list.end() && *it == pathSlash) { return true; } if (it == list.begin()) { return false; } --it; Q_ASSERT(it->endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))); // Folder::setSelectiveSyncBlackList makes sure of that return pathSlash.startsWith(*it); } bool DiscoveryPhase::isInSelectiveSyncBlackList(const QString &path) const { if (_selectiveSyncBlackList.isEmpty()) { // If there is no black list, everything is allowed return false; } // Block if it is in the black list if (findPathInList(_selectiveSyncBlackList, path)) { return true; } return false; } void DiscoveryPhase::checkSelectiveSyncNewFolder(const QString &path, RemotePermissions remotePerm, std::function callback) { if (_syncOptions._confirmExternalStorage && _syncOptions._vfs->mode() == Vfs::Off && remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMounted)) { // external storage. /* Note: DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::directoryListingIteratedSlot make sure that only the * root of a mounted storage has 'M', all sub entries have 'm' */ // Only allow it if the white list contains exactly this path (not parents) // We want to ask confirmation for external storage even if the parents where selected if (_selectiveSyncWhiteList.contains(path + QLatin1Char('/'))) { return callback(false); } emit newBigFolder(path, true); return callback(true); } // If this path or the parent is in the white list, then we do not block this file if (findPathInList(_selectiveSyncWhiteList, path)) { return callback(false); } auto limit = _syncOptions._newBigFolderSizeLimit; if (limit < 0 || _syncOptions._vfs->mode() != Vfs::Off) { // no limit, everything is allowed; return callback(false); } // do a PROPFIND to know the size of this folder auto propfindJob = new PropfindJob(_account, _remoteFolder + path, this); propfindJob->setProperties(QList() << "resourcetype" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:size"); QObject::connect(propfindJob, &PropfindJob::finishedWithError, this, [=] { return callback(false); }); QObject::connect(propfindJob, &PropfindJob::result, this, [=](const QVariantMap &values) { auto result = values.value(QLatin1String("size")).toLongLong(); if (result >= limit) { // we tell the UI there is a new folder emit newBigFolder(path, false); return callback(true); } else { // it is not too big, put it in the white list (so we will not do more query for the children) // and and do not block. auto p = path; if (!p.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) p += QLatin1Char('/'); _selectiveSyncWhiteList.insert( std::upper_bound(_selectiveSyncWhiteList.begin(), _selectiveSyncWhiteList.end(), p), p); return callback(false); } }); propfindJob->start(); } /* Given a path on the remote, give the path as it is when the rename is done */ QString DiscoveryPhase::adjustRenamedPath(const QString &original, SyncFileItem::Direction d) const { return OCC::adjustRenamedPath(d == SyncFileItem::Down ? _renamedItemsRemote : _renamedItemsLocal, original); } QString adjustRenamedPath(const QMap &renamedItems, const QString &original) { int slashPos = original.size(); while ((slashPos = original.lastIndexOf('/', slashPos - 1)) > 0) { auto it = renamedItems.constFind(original.left(slashPos)); if (it != renamedItems.constEnd()) { return *it + original.mid(slashPos); } } return original; } QPair DiscoveryPhase::findAndCancelDeletedJob(const QString &originalPath) { bool result = false; QByteArray oldEtag; auto it = _deletedItem.find(originalPath); if (it != _deletedItem.end()) { const SyncInstructions instruction = (*it)->_instruction; if (instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE && (*it)->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile) { // re-creation of virtual files count as a delete // a file might be in an error state and thus gets marked as CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE // after it was initially marked as CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE // return true, to not trigger any additional actions on that file that could elad to dataloss result = true; oldEtag = (*it)->_etag; } else { if (!(instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE // re-creation of virtual files count as a delete || ((*it)->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW) || ((*it)->_isRestoration && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW))) { qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "ENFORCE(FAILING)" << originalPath; qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE" << (instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE); qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "((*it)->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW)" << ((*it)->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW); qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "((*it)->_isRestoration && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW))" << ((*it)->_isRestoration && instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW); qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "instruction" << instruction; qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "(*it)->_type" << (*it)->_type; qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "(*it)->_isRestoration " << (*it)->_isRestoration; ENFORCE(false); } (*it)->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE; result = true; oldEtag = (*it)->_etag; } _deletedItem.erase(it); } if (auto *otherJob = _queuedDeletedDirectories.take(originalPath)) { oldEtag = otherJob->_dirItem->_etag; delete otherJob; result = true; } return { result, oldEtag }; } void DiscoveryPhase::startJob(ProcessDirectoryJob *job) { ENFORCE(!_currentRootJob); connect(job, &ProcessDirectoryJob::finished, this, [this, job] { ENFORCE(_currentRootJob == sender()); _currentRootJob = nullptr; if (job->_dirItem) emit itemDiscovered(job->_dirItem); job->deleteLater(); // Once the main job has finished recurse here to execute the remaining // jobs for queued deleted directories. if (!_queuedDeletedDirectories.isEmpty()) { auto nextJob = _queuedDeletedDirectories.take(_queuedDeletedDirectories.firstKey()); startJob(nextJob); } else { emit finished(); } }); _currentRootJob = job; job->start(); } void DiscoveryPhase::setSelectiveSyncBlackList(const QStringList &list) { _selectiveSyncBlackList = list; std::sort(_selectiveSyncBlackList.begin(), _selectiveSyncBlackList.end()); } void DiscoveryPhase::setSelectiveSyncWhiteList(const QStringList &list) { _selectiveSyncWhiteList = list; std::sort(_selectiveSyncWhiteList.begin(), _selectiveSyncWhiteList.end()); } void DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs() { auto limit = qMax(1, _syncOptions._parallelNetworkJobs); if (_currentRootJob && _currentlyActiveJobs < limit) { _currentRootJob->processSubJobs(limit - _currentlyActiveJobs); } } DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob(const AccountPtr &account, const QString &localPath, OCC::Vfs *vfs, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), QRunnable(), _localPath(localPath), _account(account), _vfs(vfs) { qRegisterMetaType >("QVector"); } // Use as QRunnable void DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::run() { QString localPath = _localPath; if (localPath.endsWith('/')) // Happens if _currentFolder._local.isEmpty() localPath.chop(1); auto dh = csync_vio_local_opendir(localPath); if (!dh) { qCInfo(lcDiscovery) << "Error while opening directory" << (localPath) << errno; QString errorString = tr("Error while opening directory %1").arg(localPath); if (errno == EACCES) { errorString = tr("Directory not accessible on client, permission denied"); emit finishedNonFatalError(errorString); return; } else if (errno == ENOENT) { errorString = tr("Directory not found: %1").arg(localPath); } else if (errno == ENOTDIR) { // Not a directory.. // Just consider it is empty return; } emit finishedFatalError(errorString); return; } QVector results; while (true) { errno = 0; auto dirent = csync_vio_local_readdir(dh, _vfs); if (!dirent) break; if (dirent->type == ItemTypeSkip) continue; LocalInfo i; static QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); ASSERT(codec); QTextCodec::ConverterState state; i.name = codec->toUnicode(dirent->path, dirent->path.size(), &state); if (state.invalidChars > 0 || state.remainingChars > 0) { emit childIgnored(true); auto item = SyncFileItemPtr::create(); //item->_file = _currentFolder._target + i.name; // FIXME ^^ do we really need to use _target or is local fine? item->_file = _localPath + i.name; item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE; item->_status = SyncFileItem::NormalError; item->_errorString = tr("Filename encoding is not valid"); emit itemDiscovered(item); continue; } i.modtime = dirent->modtime; i.size = dirent->size; i.inode = dirent->inode; i.isDirectory = dirent->type == ItemTypeDirectory; i.isHidden = dirent->is_hidden; i.isSymLink = dirent->type == ItemTypeSoftLink; i.isVirtualFile = dirent->type == ItemTypeVirtualFile || dirent->type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload; i.type = dirent->type; results.push_back(i); } if (errno != 0) { csync_vio_local_closedir(dh); // Note: Windows vio converts any error into EACCES qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "readdir failed for file in " << localPath << " - errno: " << errno; emit finishedFatalError(tr("Error while reading directory %1").arg(localPath)); return; } errno = 0; csync_vio_local_closedir(dh); if (errno != 0) { qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "closedir failed for file in " << localPath << " - errno: " << errno; } emit finished(results); } DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob(const AccountPtr &account, const QString &path, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _subPath(path) , _account(account) , _ignoredFirst(false) , _isRootPath(false) , _isExternalStorage(false) , _isE2eEncrypted(false) { } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::start() { // Start the actual HTTP job auto *lsColJob = new LsColJob(_account, _subPath, this); QList props; props << "resourcetype" << "getlastmodified" << "getcontentlength" << "getetag" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:id" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:downloadURL" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:dDC" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:permissions" << "http://owncloud.org/ns:checksums"; if (_isRootPath) props << "http://owncloud.org/ns:data-fingerprint"; if (_account->serverVersionInt() >= Account::makeServerVersion(10, 0, 0)) { // Server older than 10.0 have performances issue if we ask for the share-types on every PROPFIND props << "http://owncloud.org/ns:share-types"; } if (_account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionAvailable()) { props << "http://nextcloud.org/ns:is-encrypted"; } lsColJob->setProperties(props); QObject::connect(lsColJob, &LsColJob::directoryListingIterated, this, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::directoryListingIteratedSlot); QObject::connect(lsColJob, &LsColJob::finishedWithError, this, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithErrorSlot); QObject::connect(lsColJob, &LsColJob::finishedWithoutError, this, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithoutErrorSlot); lsColJob->start(); _lsColJob = lsColJob; } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::abort() { if (_lsColJob && _lsColJob->reply()) { _lsColJob->reply()->abort(); } } static void propertyMapToRemoteInfo(const QMap &map, RemoteInfo &result) { for (auto it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) { QString property = it.key(); QString value = it.value(); if (property == QLatin1String("resourcetype")) { result.isDirectory = value.contains(QLatin1String("collection")); } else if (property == QLatin1String("getlastmodified")) { const auto date = QDateTime::fromString(value, Qt::RFC2822Date); Q_ASSERT(date.isValid()); result.modtime = date.toTime_t(); } else if (property == QLatin1String("getcontentlength")) { // See #4573, sometimes negative size values are returned bool ok = false; qlonglong ll = value.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok && ll >= 0) { result.size = ll; } else { result.size = 0; } } else if (property == "getetag") { result.etag = Utility::normalizeEtag(value.toUtf8()); } else if (property == "id") { result.fileId = value.toUtf8(); } else if (property == "downloadURL") { result.directDownloadUrl = value; } else if (property == "dDC") { result.directDownloadCookies = value; } else if (property == "permissions") { result.remotePerm = RemotePermissions::fromServerString(value); } else if (property == "checksums") { result.checksumHeader = findBestChecksum(value.toUtf8()); } else if (property == "share-types" && !value.isEmpty()) { // Since QMap is sorted, "share-types" is always after "permissions". if (result.remotePerm.isNull()) { qWarning() << "Server returned a share type, but no permissions?"; } else { // S means shared with me. // But for our purpose, we want to know if the file is shared. It does not matter // if we are the owner or not. // Piggy back on the persmission field result.remotePerm.setPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared); } } else if (property == "is-encrypted" && value == QStringLiteral("1")) { result.isE2eEncrypted = true; } } } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::directoryListingIteratedSlot(const QString &file, const QMap &map) { if (!_ignoredFirst) { // The first entry is for the folder itself, we should process it differently. _ignoredFirst = true; if (map.contains("permissions")) { auto perm = RemotePermissions::fromServerString(map.value("permissions")); emit firstDirectoryPermissions(perm); _isExternalStorage = perm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMounted); } if (map.contains("data-fingerprint")) { _dataFingerprint = map.value("data-fingerprint").toUtf8(); if (_dataFingerprint.isEmpty()) { // Placeholder that means that the server supports the feature even if it did not set one. _dataFingerprint = "[empty]"; } } if (map.contains("id")) { _fileId = map.value("id").toUtf8(); } if (map.contains("is-encrypted") && map.value("is-encrypted") == QStringLiteral("1")) { _isE2eEncrypted = true; Q_ASSERT(!_fileId.isEmpty()); } } else { RemoteInfo result; int slash = file.lastIndexOf('/'); result.name = file.mid(slash + 1); result.size = -1; propertyMapToRemoteInfo(map, result); if (result.isDirectory) result.size = 0; if (_isExternalStorage && result.remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMounted)) { /* All the entries in a external storage have 'M' in their permission. However, for all purposes in the desktop client, we only need to know about the mount points. So replace the 'M' by a 'm' for every sub entries in an external storage */ result.remotePerm.unsetPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMounted); result.remotePerm.setPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMountedSub); } QStringRef fileRef(&file); int slashPos = file.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (slashPos > -1) { fileRef = file.midRef(slashPos + 1); } _results.push_back(std::move(result)); } //This works in concerto with the RequestEtagJob and the Folder object to check if the remote folder changed. if (map.contains("getetag")) { if (_firstEtag.isEmpty()) { _firstEtag = parseEtag(map.value("getetag").toUtf8()); // for directory itself } } } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithoutErrorSlot() { if (!_ignoredFirst) { // This is a sanity check, if we haven't _ignoredFirst then it means we never received any directoryListingIteratedSlot // which means somehow the server XML was bogus emit finished(HttpError{ 0, tr("Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted!") }); deleteLater(); return; } else if (!_error.isEmpty()) { emit finished(HttpError{ 0, _error }); deleteLater(); return; } else if (_isE2eEncrypted) { emit etag(_firstEtag, QDateTime::fromString(QString::fromUtf8(_lsColJob->responseTimestamp()), Qt::RFC2822Date)); fetchE2eMetadata(); return; } emit etag(_firstEtag, QDateTime::fromString(QString::fromUtf8(_lsColJob->responseTimestamp()), Qt::RFC2822Date)); emit finished(_results); deleteLater(); } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithErrorSlot(QNetworkReply *r) { QString contentType = r->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); int httpCode = r->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); QString msg = r->errorString(); qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "LSCOL job error" << r->errorString() << httpCode << r->error(); if (r->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError && !contentType.contains("application/xml; charset=utf-8")) { msg = tr("Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted!"); } emit finished(HttpError{ httpCode, msg }); deleteLater(); } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::fetchE2eMetadata() { auto job = new GetMetadataApiJob(_account, _fileId); connect(job, &GetMetadataApiJob::jsonReceived, this, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::metadataReceived); connect(job, &GetMetadataApiJob::error, this, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::metadataError); job->start(); } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::metadataReceived(const QJsonDocument &json, int statusCode) { qCDebug(lcDiscovery) << "Metadata received, applying it to the result list"; Q_ASSERT(_subPath.startsWith('/')); const auto metadata = FolderMetadata(_account, json.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact), statusCode); const auto encryptedFiles = metadata.files(); const auto findEncryptedFile = [=](const QString &name) { const auto it = std::find_if(std::cbegin(encryptedFiles), std::cend(encryptedFiles), [=](const EncryptedFile &file) { return file.encryptedFilename == name; }); if (it == std::cend(encryptedFiles)) { return Optional(); } else { return Optional(*it); } }; std::transform(std::cbegin(_results), std::cend(_results), std::begin(_results), [=](const RemoteInfo &info) { auto result = info; const auto encryptedFileInfo = findEncryptedFile(result.name); if (encryptedFileInfo) { result.isE2eEncrypted = true; result.e2eMangledName = _subPath.mid(1) + QLatin1Char('/') + result.name; result.name = encryptedFileInfo->originalFilename; } return result; }); emit finished(_results); deleteLater(); } void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::metadataError(const QByteArray &fileId, int httpReturnCode) { qCWarning(lcDiscovery) << "E2EE Metadata job error. Trying to proceed without it." << fileId << httpReturnCode; emit finished(_results); deleteLater(); } }