/* * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "propagateremotemkdir.h" #include "owncloudpropagator_p.h" #include "account.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "propagateuploadencrypted.h" #include "deletejob.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include "encryptfolderjob.h" #include #include namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir, "nextcloud.sync.propagator.remotemkdir", QtInfoMsg) PropagateRemoteMkdir::PropagateRemoteMkdir(OwncloudPropagator *propagator, const SyncFileItemPtr &item) : PropagateItemJob(propagator, item) , _deleteExisting(false) , _uploadEncryptedHelper(nullptr) { const auto path = _item->_file; const auto slashPosition = path.lastIndexOf('/'); const auto parentPath = slashPosition >= 0 ? path.left(slashPosition) : QString(); SyncJournalFileRecord parentRec; bool ok = propagator->_journal->getFileRecord(parentPath, &parentRec); if (!ok) { return; } } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::start() { if (propagator()->_abortRequested) return; qCDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << _item->_file; propagator()->_activeJobList.append(this); if (!_deleteExisting) { slotMkdir(); return; } _job = new DeleteJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(_item->_file), this); connect(static_cast(_job.data()), &DeleteJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotMkdir); _job->start(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotStartMkcolJob() { if (propagator()->_abortRequested) return; qCDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << _item->_file; _job = new MkColJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(_item->_file), this); connect(_job, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(slotMkcolJobFinished())); _job->start(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotStartEncryptedMkcolJob(const QString &path, const QString &filename, quint64 size) { Q_UNUSED(path) Q_UNUSED(size) if (propagator()->_abortRequested) return; qDebug() << filename; qCDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << filename; auto job = new MkColJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(filename), {{"e2e-token", _uploadEncryptedHelper->folderToken() }}, this); connect(job, qOverload(&MkColJob::finished), this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotMkcolJobFinished); _job = job; _job->start(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::abort(PropagatorJob::AbortType abortType) { if (_job && _job->reply()) _job->reply()->abort(); if (abortType == AbortType::Asynchronous) { emit abortFinished(); } } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::setDeleteExisting(bool enabled) { _deleteExisting = enabled; } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::finalizeMkColJob(QNetworkReply::NetworkError err, const QString &jobHttpReasonPhraseString, const QString &jobPath) { if (_item->_httpErrorCode == 405) { // This happens when the directory already exists. Nothing to do. qDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << "Folder" << jobPath << "already exists."; } else if (err != QNetworkReply::NoError) { SyncFileItem::Status status = classifyError(err, _item->_httpErrorCode, &propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded); done(status, _item->_errorString); return; } else if (_item->_httpErrorCode != 201) { // Normally we expect "201 Created" // If it is not the case, it might be because of a proxy or gateway intercepting the request, so we must // throw an error. done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received \"%1 %2\".") .arg(_item->_httpErrorCode) .arg(jobHttpReasonPhraseString)); return; } if (_item->_fileId.isEmpty()) { // Owncloud 7.0.0 and before did not have a header with the file id. // (https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/9000) // So we must get the file id using a PROPFIND // This is required so that we can detect moves even if the folder is renamed on the server // while files are still uploading propagator()->_activeJobList.append(this); auto propfindJob = new PropfindJob(propagator()->account(), jobPath, this); propfindJob->setProperties(QList() << "http://owncloud.org/ns:id"); QObject::connect(propfindJob, &PropfindJob::result, this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::propfindResult); QObject::connect(propfindJob, &PropfindJob::finishedWithError, this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::propfindError); propfindJob->start(); _job = propfindJob; return; } if (!_uploadEncryptedHelper && !_item->_isEncrypted) { success(); } else { // We still need to mark that folder encrypted in case we were uploading it as encrypted one // Another scenario, is we are creating a new folder because of move operation on an encrypted folder that works via remove + re-upload propagator()->_activeJobList.append(this); // We're expecting directory path in /Foo/Bar convention... Q_ASSERT(jobPath.startsWith('/') && !jobPath.endsWith('/')); // But encryption job expect it in Foo/Bar/ convention auto job = new OCC::EncryptFolderJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->_journal, jobPath.mid(1), _item->_fileId, this); connect(job, &OCC::EncryptFolderJob::finished, this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotEncryptFolderFinished); job->start(); } } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotMkdir() { const auto path = _item->_file; const auto slashPosition = path.lastIndexOf('/'); const auto parentPath = slashPosition >= 0 ? path.left(slashPosition) : QString(); SyncJournalFileRecord parentRec; bool ok = propagator()->_journal->getFileRecord(parentPath, &parentRec); if (!ok) { done(SyncFileItem::NormalError); return; } if (!hasEncryptedAncestor()) { slotStartMkcolJob(); return; } // We should be encrypted as well since our parent is const auto remoteParentPath = parentRec._e2eMangledName.isEmpty() ? parentPath : parentRec._e2eMangledName; _uploadEncryptedHelper = new PropagateUploadEncrypted(propagator(), remoteParentPath, _item, this); connect(_uploadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateUploadEncrypted::finalized, this, &PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotStartEncryptedMkcolJob); connect(_uploadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateUploadEncrypted::error, []{ qCDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << "Error setting up encryption."; }); _uploadEncryptedHelper->start(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotMkcolJobFinished() { propagator()->_activeJobList.removeOne(this); ASSERT(_job); QNetworkReply::NetworkError err = _job->reply()->error(); _item->_httpErrorCode = _job->reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); _item->_responseTimeStamp = _job->responseTimestamp(); _item->_requestId = _job->requestId(); _item->_fileId = _job->reply()->rawHeader("OC-FileId"); _item->_errorString = _job->errorString(); const auto jobHttpReasonPhraseString = _job->reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute).toString(); const auto jobPath = _job->path(); if (_uploadEncryptedHelper && _uploadEncryptedHelper->isFolderLocked() && !_uploadEncryptedHelper->isUnlockRunning()) { // since we are done, we need to unlock a folder in case it was locked connect(_uploadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateUploadEncrypted::folderUnlocked, this, [this, err, jobHttpReasonPhraseString, jobPath]() { finalizeMkColJob(err, jobHttpReasonPhraseString, jobPath); }); _uploadEncryptedHelper->unlockFolder(); } else { finalizeMkColJob(err, jobHttpReasonPhraseString, jobPath); } } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::slotEncryptFolderFinished() { qCDebug(lcPropagateRemoteMkdir) << "Success making the new folder encrypted"; propagator()->_activeJobList.removeOne(this); _item->_isEncrypted = true; success(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::propfindResult(const QVariantMap &result) { propagator()->_activeJobList.removeOne(this); if (result.contains("id")) { _item->_fileId = result["id"].toByteArray(); } success(); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::propfindError() { // ignore the PROPFIND error propagator()->_activeJobList.removeOne(this); done(SyncFileItem::Success); } void PropagateRemoteMkdir::success() { // Never save the etag on first mkdir. // Only fully propagated directories should have the etag set. auto itemCopy = *_item; itemCopy._etag.clear(); // save the file id already so we can detect rename or remove if (!propagator()->updateMetadata(itemCopy)) { done(SyncFileItem::FatalError, tr("Error writing metadata to the database")); return; } done(SyncFileItem::Success); } }