/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #ifndef MIRALL_SYNCRESULT_H #define MIRALL_SYNCRESULT_H #include #include #include #include "owncloudlib.h" #include "syncfileitem.h" namespace OCC { /** * @brief The SyncResult class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT SyncResult { Q_GADGET public: enum Status { Undefined, NotYetStarted, SyncPrepare, SyncRunning, SyncAbortRequested, Success, Problem, Error, SetupError, Paused }; Q_ENUM(Status); SyncResult(); void reset(); void appendErrorString(const QString &); QString errorString() const; QStringList errorStrings() const; void clearErrors(); void setStatus(Status); Status status() const; QString statusString() const; QDateTime syncTime() const; void setFolder(const QString &folder); QString folder() const; bool foundFilesNotSynced() const { return _foundFilesNotSynced; } bool folderStructureWasChanged() const { return _folderStructureWasChanged; } int numNewItems() const { return _numNewItems; } int numRemovedItems() const { return _numRemovedItems; } int numUpdatedItems() const { return _numUpdatedItems; } int numRenamedItems() const { return _numRenamedItems; } int numNewConflictItems() const { return _numNewConflictItems; } int numOldConflictItems() const { return _numOldConflictItems; } void setNumOldConflictItems(int n) { _numOldConflictItems = n; } int numErrorItems() const { return _numErrorItems; } bool hasUnresolvedConflicts() const { return _numNewConflictItems + _numOldConflictItems > 0; } int numLockedItems() const { return _numLockedItems; } bool hasLockedFiles() const { return _numLockedItems > 0; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemNew() const { return _firstItemNew; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemDeleted() const { return _firstItemDeleted; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemUpdated() const { return _firstItemUpdated; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemRenamed() const { return _firstItemRenamed; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstNewConflictItem() const { return _firstNewConflictItem; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemError() const { return _firstItemError; } const SyncFileItemPtr &firstItemLocked() const { return _firstItemLocked; } void processCompletedItem(const SyncFileItemPtr &item); private: Status _status = Undefined; SyncFileItemVector _syncItems; QDateTime _syncTime; QString _folder; /** * when the sync tool support this... */ QStringList _errors; bool _foundFilesNotSynced = false; bool _folderStructureWasChanged = false; // count new, removed and updated items int _numNewItems = 0; int _numRemovedItems = 0; int _numUpdatedItems = 0; int _numRenamedItems = 0; int _numNewConflictItems = 0; int _numOldConflictItems = 0; int _numErrorItems = 0; int _numLockedItems = 0; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemNew; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemDeleted; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemUpdated; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemRenamed; SyncFileItemPtr _firstNewConflictItem; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemError; SyncFileItemPtr _firstItemLocked; }; } #endif