/* * Copyright (C) by Kevin Ottens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "cfapiwrapper.h" #include "common/utility.h" #include "common/filesystembase.h" #include "hydrationjob.h" #include "vfs_cfapi.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcCfApiWrapper, "nextcloud.sync.vfs.cfapi.wrapper", QtInfoMsg) #define FIELD_SIZE( type, field ) ( sizeof( ( (type*)0 )->field ) ) #define CF_SIZE_OF_OP_PARAM( field ) \ ( FIELD_OFFSET( CF_OPERATION_PARAMETERS, field ) + \ FIELD_SIZE( CF_OPERATION_PARAMETERS, field ) ) namespace { void cfApiSendTransferInfo(const CF_CONNECTION_KEY &connectionKey, const CF_TRANSFER_KEY &transferKey, NTSTATUS status, void *buffer, qint64 offset, qint64 currentBlockLength, qint64 totalLength) { CF_OPERATION_INFO opInfo = { 0 }; CF_OPERATION_PARAMETERS opParams = { 0 }; opInfo.StructSize = sizeof(opInfo); opInfo.Type = CF_OPERATION_TYPE_TRANSFER_DATA; opInfo.ConnectionKey = connectionKey; opInfo.TransferKey = transferKey; opParams.ParamSize = CF_SIZE_OF_OP_PARAM(TransferData); opParams.TransferData.CompletionStatus = status; opParams.TransferData.Buffer = buffer; opParams.TransferData.Offset.QuadPart = offset; opParams.TransferData.Length.QuadPart = currentBlockLength; const qint64 cfExecuteresult = CfExecute(&opInfo, &opParams); if (cfExecuteresult != S_OK) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't send transfer info" << QString::number(transferKey.QuadPart, 16) << ":" << cfExecuteresult << QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(cfExecuteresult).ErrorMessage()); } const auto isDownloadFinished = ((offset + currentBlockLength) == totalLength); if (isDownloadFinished) { return; } // refresh Windows Copy Dialog progress LARGE_INTEGER progressTotal; progressTotal.QuadPart = totalLength; LARGE_INTEGER progressCompleted; progressCompleted.QuadPart = offset; const qint64 cfReportProgressresult = CfReportProviderProgress(connectionKey, transferKey, progressTotal, progressCompleted); if (cfReportProgressresult != S_OK) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't report provider progress" << QString::number(transferKey.QuadPart, 16) << ":" << cfReportProgressresult << QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(cfReportProgressresult).ErrorMessage()); } } void CALLBACK cfApiFetchDataCallback(const CF_CALLBACK_INFO *callbackInfo, const CF_CALLBACK_PARAMETERS *callbackParameters) { qDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Fetch data callback called. File size:" << callbackInfo->FileSize.QuadPart; const auto sendTransferError = [=] { cfApiSendTransferInfo(callbackInfo->ConnectionKey, callbackInfo->TransferKey, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL, nullptr, callbackParameters->FetchData.RequiredFileOffset.QuadPart, callbackParameters->FetchData.RequiredLength.QuadPart, callbackInfo->FileSize.QuadPart); }; const auto sendTransferInfo = [=](QByteArray &data, qint64 offset) { qDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Send transfer info. Offset:" << offset; cfApiSendTransferInfo(callbackInfo->ConnectionKey, callbackInfo->TransferKey, STATUS_SUCCESS, data.data(), offset, data.length(), callbackInfo->FileSize.QuadPart); }; auto vfs = reinterpret_cast(callbackInfo->CallbackContext); Q_ASSERT(vfs->metaObject()->className() == QByteArrayLiteral("OCC::VfsCfApi")); const auto path = QString(QString::fromWCharArray(callbackInfo->VolumeDosName) + QString::fromWCharArray(callbackInfo->NormalizedPath)); const auto requestId = QString::number(callbackInfo->TransferKey.QuadPart, 16); const auto invokeResult = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(vfs, [=] { vfs->requestHydration(requestId, path); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); if (!invokeResult) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to trigger hydration for" << path << requestId; sendTransferError(); return; } // Block and wait for vfs to signal back the hydration is ready bool hydrationRequestResult = false; QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(vfs, &OCC::VfsCfApi::hydrationRequestReady, &loop, [&](const QString &id) { if (requestId == id) { hydrationRequestResult = true; loop.quit(); } }); QObject::connect(vfs, &OCC::VfsCfApi::hydrationRequestFailed, &loop, [&](const QString &id) { if (requestId == id) { hydrationRequestResult = false; loop.quit(); } }); loop.exec(); QObject::disconnect(vfs, nullptr, &loop, nullptr); qCInfo(lcCfApiWrapper) << "VFS replied for hydration of" << path << requestId << "status was:" << hydrationRequestResult; if (!hydrationRequestResult) { sendTransferError(); return; } QLocalSocket socket; socket.connectToServer(requestId); const auto connectResult = socket.waitForConnected(); if (!connectResult) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't connect the socket" << requestId << socket.error() << socket.errorString(); sendTransferError(); return; } QLocalSocket signalSocket; const QString signalSocketName = requestId + ":cancellation"; signalSocket.connectToServer(signalSocketName); const auto cancellationSocketConnectResult = signalSocket.waitForConnected(); if (!cancellationSocketConnectResult) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't connect the socket" << signalSocketName << signalSocket.error() << signalSocket.errorString(); sendTransferError(); return; } auto hydrationRequestCancelled = false; QObject::connect(&signalSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, &loop, [&] { hydrationRequestCancelled = true; }); // CFAPI expects sent blocks to be of a multiple of a block size. // Only the last sent block is allowed to be of a different size than // a multiple of a block size constexpr auto cfapiBlockSize = 4096; qint64 dataOffset = 0; QByteArray protrudingData; const auto alignAndSendData = [&](const QByteArray &receivedData) { QByteArray data = protrudingData + receivedData; protrudingData.clear(); if (data.size() < cfapiBlockSize) { protrudingData = data; return; } const auto protudingSize = data.size() % cfapiBlockSize; protrudingData = data.right(protudingSize); data.chop(protudingSize); qDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Send data block. Size:" << data.size(); sendTransferInfo(data, dataOffset); dataOffset += data.size(); }; QObject::connect(&socket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, &loop, [&] { if (hydrationRequestCancelled) { qCDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Don't transfer data because request" << requestId << "was cancelled"; return; } const auto receivedData = socket.readAll(); if (receivedData.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Unexpected empty data received" << requestId; sendTransferError(); protrudingData.clear(); loop.quit(); return; } alignAndSendData(receivedData); }); QObject::connect(vfs, &OCC::VfsCfApi::hydrationRequestFinished, &loop, [&](const QString &id) { qDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Hydration finished for request" << id; if (requestId == id) { socket.close(); signalSocket.close(); loop.quit(); } }); loop.exec(); if (!hydrationRequestCancelled && !protrudingData.isEmpty()) { qDebug(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Send remaining protruding data. Size:" << protrudingData.size(); sendTransferInfo(protrudingData, dataOffset); } int hydrationJobResult = OCC::HydrationJob::Status::Error; const auto invokeFinalizeResult = QMetaObject::invokeMethod( vfs, [=] { vfs->finalizeHydrationJob(requestId); }, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection, &hydrationJobResult); if (!invokeFinalizeResult) { qCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to finalize hydration job for" << path << requestId; } if (static_cast(hydrationJobResult) == OCC::HydrationJob::Success) { sendTransferError(); } } } void CALLBACK cfApiCancelFetchData(const CF_CALLBACK_INFO *callbackInfo, const CF_CALLBACK_PARAMETERS * /*callbackParameters*/) { const auto path = QString(QString::fromWCharArray(callbackInfo->VolumeDosName) + QString::fromWCharArray(callbackInfo->NormalizedPath)); qInfo(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Cancel fetch data of" << path; auto vfs = reinterpret_cast(callbackInfo->CallbackContext); Q_ASSERT(vfs->metaObject()->className() == QByteArrayLiteral("OCC::VfsCfApi")); const auto requestId = QString::number(callbackInfo->TransferKey.QuadPart, 16); const auto invokeResult = QMetaObject::invokeMethod( vfs, [=] { vfs->cancelHydration(requestId, path); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); if (!invokeResult) { qCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to cancel hydration for" << path << requestId; } } CF_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION cfApiCallbacks[] = { { CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA, cfApiFetchDataCallback }, { CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_CANCEL_FETCH_DATA, cfApiCancelFetchData }, CF_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION_END }; DWORD sizeToDWORD(size_t size) { return OCC::Utility::convertSizeToDWORD(size); } void deletePlaceholderInfo(CF_PLACEHOLDER_BASIC_INFO *info) { auto byte = reinterpret_cast(info); delete[] byte; } std::wstring pathForHandle(const OCC::CfApiWrapper::FileHandle &handle) { wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; const qint64 result = GetFinalPathNameByHandle(handle.get(), buffer, MAX_PATH, VOLUME_NAME_DOS); Q_ASSERT(result < MAX_PATH); return std::wstring(buffer); } OCC::PinState cfPinStateToPinState(CF_PIN_STATE state) { switch (state) { case CF_PIN_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: return OCC::PinState::Unspecified; case CF_PIN_STATE_PINNED: return OCC::PinState::AlwaysLocal; case CF_PIN_STATE_UNPINNED: return OCC::PinState::OnlineOnly; case CF_PIN_STATE_INHERIT: return OCC::PinState::Inherited; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); return OCC::PinState::Inherited; } } CF_PIN_STATE pinStateToCfPinState(OCC::PinState state) { switch (state) { case OCC::PinState::Inherited: return CF_PIN_STATE_INHERIT; case OCC::PinState::AlwaysLocal: return CF_PIN_STATE_PINNED; case OCC::PinState::OnlineOnly: return CF_PIN_STATE_UNPINNED; case OCC::PinState::Unspecified: return CF_PIN_STATE_UNSPECIFIED; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); return CF_PIN_STATE_UNSPECIFIED; } } CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS pinRecurseModeToCfSetPinFlags(OCC::CfApiWrapper::SetPinRecurseMode mode) { switch (mode) { case OCC::CfApiWrapper::NoRecurse: return CF_SET_PIN_FLAG_NONE; case OCC::CfApiWrapper::Recurse: return CF_SET_PIN_FLAG_RECURSE; case OCC::CfApiWrapper::ChildrenOnly: return CF_SET_PIN_FLAG_RECURSE_ONLY; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); return CF_SET_PIN_FLAG_NONE; } } OCC::CfApiWrapper::ConnectionKey::ConnectionKey() : _data(new CF_CONNECTION_KEY, [](void *p) { delete reinterpret_cast(p); }) { } OCC::CfApiWrapper::FileHandle::FileHandle() : _data(nullptr, [](void *) {}) { } OCC::CfApiWrapper::FileHandle::FileHandle(void *data, Deleter deleter) : _data(data, deleter) { } OCC::CfApiWrapper::PlaceHolderInfo::PlaceHolderInfo() : _data(nullptr, [](CF_PLACEHOLDER_BASIC_INFO *) {}) { } OCC::CfApiWrapper::PlaceHolderInfo::PlaceHolderInfo(CF_PLACEHOLDER_BASIC_INFO *data, Deleter deleter) : _data(data, deleter) { } OCC::Optional OCC::CfApiWrapper::PlaceHolderInfo::pinState() const { Q_ASSERT(_data); if (!_data) { return {}; } return cfPinStateToPinState(_data->PinState); } QString convertSidToStringSid(void *sid) { wchar_t *stringSid = nullptr; if (!ConvertSidToStringSid(sid, &stringSid)) { return {}; } const auto result = QString::fromWCharArray(stringSid); LocalFree(stringSid); return result; } std::unique_ptr getCurrentTokenInformation() { const auto tokenHandle = GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(); auto tokenInfoSize = DWORD{0}; const auto tokenSizeCallSucceeded = ::GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, TokenUser, nullptr, 0, &tokenInfoSize); const auto lastError = GetLastError(); Q_ASSERT(!tokenSizeCallSucceeded && lastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); if (tokenSizeCallSucceeded || lastError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "GetTokenInformation for token size has failed with error" << lastError; return {}; } std::unique_ptr tokenInfo; tokenInfo.reset(reinterpret_cast(new char[tokenInfoSize])); if (!::GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, TokenUser, tokenInfo.get(), tokenInfoSize, &tokenInfoSize)) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "GetTokenInformation failed with error" << lastError; return {}; } return tokenInfo; } QString retrieveWindowsSid() { if (const auto tokenInfo = getCurrentTokenInformation()) { return convertSidToStringSid(tokenInfo->User.Sid); } return {}; } bool createSyncRootRegistryKeys(const QString &providerName, const QString &folderAlias, const QString &displayName, const QString &accountDisplayName, const QString &syncRootPath) { // We must set specific Registry keys to make the progress bar refresh correctly and also add status icons into Windows Explorer // More about this here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/integrate-cloud-storage const auto windowsSid = retrieveWindowsSid(); Q_ASSERT(!windowsSid.isEmpty()); if (windowsSid.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to set Registry keys for shell integration, as windowsSid is empty. Progress bar will not work."; return false; } // syncRootId should be: [storage provider ID]![Windows SID]![Account ID]![FolderAlias] (FolderAlias is a custom part added here to be able to register multiple sync folders for the same account) // folder registry keys go like: Nextcloud!S-1-5-21-2096452760-2617351404-2281157308-1001!user@nextcloud.lan:8080!0, Nextcloud!S-1-5-21-2096452760-2617351404-2281157308-1001!user@nextcloud.lan:8080!1, etc. for each sync folder const auto syncRootId = QString("%1!%2!%3!%4").arg(providerName).arg(windowsSid).arg(accountDisplayName).arg(folderAlias); const QString providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey = QStringLiteral(R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SyncRootManager\)") + syncRootId; const QString providerSyncRootIdUserSyncRootsRegistryKey = providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey + QStringLiteral(R"(\UserSyncRoots\)"); struct RegistryKeyInfo { QString subKey; QString valueName; int type; QVariant value; }; const QVector registryKeysToSet = { { providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey, QStringLiteral("Flags"), REG_DWORD, 34 }, { providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey, QStringLiteral("DisplayNameResource"), REG_EXPAND_SZ, displayName }, { providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey, QStringLiteral("IconResource"), REG_EXPAND_SZ, QString(QDir::toNativeSeparators(qApp->applicationFilePath()) + QStringLiteral(",0")) }, { providerSyncRootIdUserSyncRootsRegistryKey, windowsSid, REG_SZ, syncRootPath } }; for (const auto ®istryKeyToSet : qAsConst(registryKeysToSet)) { if (!OCC::Utility::registrySetKeyValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, registryKeyToSet.subKey, registryKeyToSet.valueName, registryKeyToSet.type, registryKeyToSet.value)) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to set Registry keys for shell integration. Progress bar will not work."; const auto deleteKeyResult = OCC::Utility::registryDeleteKeyTree(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey); Q_ASSERT(!deleteKeyResult); return false; } } qCInfo(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Successfully set Registry keys for shell integration at:" << providerSyncRootIdRegistryKey << ". Progress bar will work."; return true; } bool deleteSyncRootRegistryKey(const QString &syncRootPath, const QString &providerName, const QString &accountDisplayName) { const auto syncRootManagerRegistryKey = QStringLiteral(R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SyncRootManager\)"); if (OCC::Utility::registryKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, syncRootManagerRegistryKey)) { const auto windowsSid = retrieveWindowsSid(); Q_ASSERT(!windowsSid.isEmpty()); if (windowsSid.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to delete Registry key for shell integration on path" << syncRootPath << ". Because windowsSid is empty."; return false; } const auto currentUserSyncRootIdPattern = QString("%1!%2!%3").arg(providerName).arg(windowsSid).arg(accountDisplayName); bool result = true; // walk through each registered syncRootId OCC::Utility::registryWalkSubKeys(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, syncRootManagerRegistryKey, [&](HKEY, const QString &syncRootId) { // make sure we have matching syncRootId(providerName!windowsSid!accountDisplayName) if (syncRootId.startsWith(currentUserSyncRootIdPattern)) { const QString syncRootIdUserSyncRootsRegistryKey = syncRootManagerRegistryKey + syncRootId + QStringLiteral(R"(\UserSyncRoots\)"); // check if there is a 'windowsSid' Registry value under \UserSyncRoots and it matches the sync folder path we are removing if (OCC::Utility::registryGetKeyValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, syncRootIdUserSyncRootsRegistryKey, windowsSid).toString() == syncRootPath) { const QString syncRootIdToDelete = syncRootManagerRegistryKey + syncRootId; result = OCC::Utility::registryDeleteKeyTree(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, syncRootIdToDelete); } } }); return result; } return true; } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::registerSyncRoot(const QString &path, const QString &providerName, const QString &providerVersion, const QString &folderAlias, const QString &displayName, const QString &accountDisplayName) { // even if we fail to register our sync root with shell, we can still proceed with using the VFS const auto createRegistryKeyResult = createSyncRootRegistryKeys(providerName, folderAlias, displayName, accountDisplayName, path); Q_ASSERT(createRegistryKeyResult); if (!createRegistryKeyResult) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to create the registry key for path:" << path; } // API is somehow keeping the pointers for longer than one would expect or freeing them itself // the internal format of QString is likely the right one for wstring on Windows so there's in fact not necessarily a need to copy const auto p = std::wstring(path.toStdWString().data()); const auto name = std::wstring(providerName.toStdWString().data()); const auto version = std::wstring(providerVersion.toStdWString().data()); CF_SYNC_REGISTRATION info; info.StructSize = sizeof(info) + (name.length() + version.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t); info.ProviderName = name.data(); info.ProviderVersion = version.data(); info.SyncRootIdentity = nullptr; info.SyncRootIdentityLength = 0; info.FileIdentity = nullptr; info.FileIdentityLength = 0; info.ProviderId = QUuid::createUuid(); CF_SYNC_POLICIES policies; policies.StructSize = sizeof(policies); policies.Hydration.Primary = CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_FULL; policies.Hydration.Modifier = CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER_NONE; policies.Population.Primary = CF_POPULATION_POLICY_ALWAYS_FULL; policies.Population.Modifier = CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER_NONE; policies.InSync = CF_INSYNC_POLICY_PRESERVE_INSYNC_FOR_SYNC_ENGINE; policies.HardLink = CF_HARDLINK_POLICY_NONE; const qint64 result = CfRegisterSyncRoot(p.data(), &info, &policies, CF_REGISTER_FLAG_UPDATE); Q_ASSERT(result == S_OK); if (result != S_OK) { return QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(result).ErrorMessage()); } else { return {}; } } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::unregisterSyncRoot(const QString &path, const QString &providerName, const QString &accountDisplayName) { const auto deleteRegistryKeyResult = deleteSyncRootRegistryKey(path, providerName, accountDisplayName); Q_ASSERT(deleteRegistryKeyResult); if (!deleteRegistryKeyResult) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Failed to delete the registry key for path:" << path; } const auto p = path.toStdWString(); const qint64 result = CfUnregisterSyncRoot(p.data()); Q_ASSERT(result == S_OK); if (result != S_OK) { return QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(result).ErrorMessage()); } else { return {}; } } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::connectSyncRoot(const QString &path, OCC::VfsCfApi *context) { auto key = ConnectionKey(); const auto p = path.toStdWString(); const qint64 result = CfConnectSyncRoot(p.data(), cfApiCallbacks, context, CF_CONNECT_FLAG_REQUIRE_PROCESS_INFO | CF_CONNECT_FLAG_REQUIRE_FULL_FILE_PATH, static_cast(key.get())); Q_ASSERT(result == S_OK); if (result != S_OK) { return QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(result).ErrorMessage()); } else { return { std::move(key) }; } } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::disconnectSyncRoot(ConnectionKey &&key) { const qint64 result = CfDisconnectSyncRoot(*static_cast(key.get())); Q_ASSERT(result == S_OK); if (result != S_OK) { return QString::fromWCharArray(_com_error(result).ErrorMessage()); } else { return {}; } } bool OCC::CfApiWrapper::isSparseFile(const QString &path) { const auto p = path.toStdWString(); const auto attributes = GetFileAttributes(p.data()); return (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) != 0; } OCC::CfApiWrapper::FileHandle OCC::CfApiWrapper::handleForPath(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) { return {}; } if (QFileInfo(path).isDir()) { HANDLE handle = nullptr; const qint64 openResult = CfOpenFileWithOplock(path.toStdWString().data(), CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAG_NONE, &handle); if (openResult == S_OK) { return {handle, [](HANDLE h) { CfCloseHandle(h); }}; } } else { const auto longpath = OCC::FileSystem::longWinPath(path); const auto handle = CreateFile(longpath.toStdWString().data(), 0, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return {handle, [](HANDLE h) { CloseHandle(h); }}; } else { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Could not CreateFile for longpath:" << longpath << "with error:" << GetLastError(); } } return {}; } OCC::CfApiWrapper::PlaceHolderInfo OCC::CfApiWrapper::findPlaceholderInfo(const FileHandle &handle) { Q_ASSERT(handle); constexpr auto fileIdMaxLength = 128; const auto infoSize = sizeof(CF_PLACEHOLDER_BASIC_INFO) + fileIdMaxLength; auto info = PlaceHolderInfo(reinterpret_cast(new char[infoSize]), deletePlaceholderInfo); const qint64 result = CfGetPlaceholderInfo(handle.get(), CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_BASIC, info.get(), sizeToDWORD(infoSize), nullptr); if (result == S_OK) { return info; } else { return {}; } } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::setPinState(const FileHandle &handle, OCC::PinStateEnums::PinState state, SetPinRecurseMode mode) { const auto cfState = pinStateToCfPinState(state); const auto flags = pinRecurseModeToCfSetPinFlags(mode); const qint64 result = CfSetPinState(handle.get(), cfState, flags, nullptr); if (result == S_OK) { return {}; } else { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't set pin state" << state << "for" << pathForHandle(handle) << "with recurse mode" << mode << ":" << _com_error(result).ErrorMessage(); return { "Couldn't set pin state" }; } } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::createPlaceholderInfo(const QString &path, time_t modtime, qint64 size, const QByteArray &fileId) { const auto fileInfo = QFileInfo(path); const auto localBasePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileInfo.path()).toStdWString(); const auto relativePath = fileInfo.fileName().toStdWString(); const auto fileIdentity = QString::fromUtf8(fileId).toStdWString(); CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_INFO cloudEntry; cloudEntry.FileIdentity = fileIdentity.data(); const auto fileIdentitySize = (fileIdentity.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); cloudEntry.FileIdentityLength = sizeToDWORD(fileIdentitySize); cloudEntry.RelativeFileName = relativePath.data(); cloudEntry.Flags = CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAG_MARK_IN_SYNC; cloudEntry.FsMetadata.FileSize.QuadPart = size; cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.FileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.CreationTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.LastWriteTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.LastAccessTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.ChangeTime); if (fileInfo.isDir()) { cloudEntry.Flags |= CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAG_DISABLE_ON_DEMAND_POPULATION; cloudEntry.FsMetadata.BasicInfo.FileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; cloudEntry.FsMetadata.FileSize.QuadPart = 0; } const qint64 result = CfCreatePlaceholders(localBasePath.data(), &cloudEntry, 1, CF_CREATE_FLAG_NONE, nullptr); if (result != S_OK) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't create placeholder info for" << path << ":" << _com_error(result).ErrorMessage(); return { "Couldn't create placeholder info" }; } const auto parentHandle = handleForPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(path).absolutePath())); const auto parentInfo = findPlaceholderInfo(parentHandle); const auto state = parentInfo && parentInfo->PinState == CF_PIN_STATE_UNPINNED ? CF_PIN_STATE_UNPINNED : CF_PIN_STATE_INHERIT; const auto handle = handleForPath(path); if (!setPinState(handle, cfPinStateToPinState(state), NoRecurse)) { return { "Couldn't set the default inherit pin state" }; } return {}; } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::updatePlaceholderInfo(const FileHandle &handle, time_t modtime, qint64 size, const QByteArray &fileId, const QString &replacesPath) { Q_ASSERT(handle); const auto info = replacesPath.isEmpty() ? findPlaceholderInfo(handle) : findPlaceholderInfo(handleForPath(replacesPath)); if (!info) { return { "Can't update non existing placeholder info" }; } const auto previousPinState = cfPinStateToPinState(info->PinState); const auto fileIdentity = QString::fromUtf8(fileId).toStdWString(); const auto fileIdentitySize = (fileIdentity.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); CF_FS_METADATA metadata; metadata.FileSize.QuadPart = size; OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &metadata.BasicInfo.CreationTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &metadata.BasicInfo.LastWriteTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &metadata.BasicInfo.LastAccessTime); OCC::Utility::UnixTimeToLargeIntegerFiletime(modtime, &metadata.BasicInfo.ChangeTime); const qint64 result = CfUpdatePlaceholder(handle.get(), &metadata, fileIdentity.data(), sizeToDWORD(fileIdentitySize), nullptr, 0, CF_UPDATE_FLAG_MARK_IN_SYNC, nullptr, nullptr); if (result != S_OK) { qCWarning(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't update placeholder info for" << pathForHandle(handle) << ":" << _com_error(result).ErrorMessage(); return { "Couldn't update placeholder info" }; } // Pin state tends to be lost on updates, so restore it every time if (!setPinState(handle, previousPinState, NoRecurse)) { return { "Couldn't restore pin state" }; } return {}; } OCC::Result OCC::CfApiWrapper::convertToPlaceholder(const FileHandle &handle, time_t modtime, qint64 size, const QByteArray &fileId, const QString &replacesPath) { Q_UNUSED(modtime); Q_UNUSED(size); Q_ASSERT(handle); const auto fileIdentity = QString::fromUtf8(fileId).toStdWString(); const auto fileIdentitySize = (fileIdentity.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); const qint64 result = CfConvertToPlaceholder(handle.get(), fileIdentity.data(), sizeToDWORD(fileIdentitySize), CF_CONVERT_FLAG_MARK_IN_SYNC, nullptr, nullptr); Q_ASSERT(result == S_OK); if (result != S_OK) { qCCritical(lcCfApiWrapper) << "Couldn't convert to placeholder" << pathForHandle(handle) << ":" << _com_error(result).ErrorMessage(); return { "Couldn't convert to placeholder" }; } const auto originalHandle = handleForPath(replacesPath); const auto originalInfo = originalHandle ? findPlaceholderInfo(originalHandle) : PlaceHolderInfo(nullptr, deletePlaceholderInfo); if (!originalInfo) { const auto stateResult = setPinState(handle, PinState::Inherited, NoRecurse); Q_ASSERT(stateResult); return stateResult; } else { const auto state = cfPinStateToPinState(originalInfo->PinState); const auto stateResult = setPinState(handle, state, NoRecurse); Q_ASSERT(stateResult); return stateResult; } }