endpointProvider = $endpointProvider; $this->client = $client; $this->nextHandler = $nextHandler; $this->commandPool = $options['operations']; $this->serviceName = $options['service']; $this->presignParam = !empty($options['presign_param']) ? $options['presign_param'] : 'PresignedUrl'; $this->extraQueryParams = !empty($options['extra_query_params']) ? $options['extra_query_params'] : []; $this->requireDifferentRegion = !empty($options['require_different_region']); } public static function wrap( AwsClientInterface $client, callable $endpointProvider, array $options = [] ) { return function (callable $handler) use ($endpointProvider, $client, $options) { $f = new PresignUrlMiddleware($options, $endpointProvider, $client, $handler); return $f; }; } public function __invoke(CommandInterface $cmd, RequestInterface $request = null) { if (in_array($cmd->getName(), $this->commandPool) && (!isset($cmd->{'__skip' . $cmd->getName()})) ) { $cmd['DestinationRegion'] = $this->client->getRegion(); if (!empty($cmd['SourceRegion']) && !empty($cmd[$this->presignParam])) { goto nexthandler; } if (!$this->requireDifferentRegion || (!empty($cmd['SourceRegion']) && $cmd['SourceRegion'] !== $cmd['DestinationRegion']) ) { $cmd[$this->presignParam] = $this->createPresignedUrl($this->client, $cmd); } } nexthandler: $nextHandler = $this->nextHandler; return $nextHandler($cmd, $request); } private function createPresignedUrl( AwsClientInterface $client, CommandInterface $cmd ) { $cmdName = $cmd->getName(); $newCmd = $client->getCommand($cmdName, $cmd->toArray()); // Avoid infinite recursion by flagging the new command. $newCmd->{'__skip' . $cmdName} = true; // Serialize a request for the operation. $request = \Aws\serialize($newCmd); // Create the new endpoint for the target endpoint. $endpoint = EndpointProvider::resolve($this->endpointProvider, [ 'region' => $cmd['SourceRegion'], 'service' => $this->serviceName, ])['endpoint']; // Set the request to hit the target endpoint. $uri = $request->getUri()->withHost((new Uri($endpoint))->getHost()); $request = $request->withUri($uri); // Create a presigned URL for our generated request. $signer = new SignatureV4($this->serviceName, $cmd['SourceRegion']); $currentQueryParams = (string) $request->getBody(); $paramsToAdd = false; if (!empty($this->extraQueryParams[$cmdName])) { foreach ($this->extraQueryParams[$cmdName] as $param) { if (!strpos($currentQueryParams, $param)) { $paramsToAdd = "&{$param}={$cmd[$param]}"; } } } return (string) $signer->presign( SignatureV4::convertPostToGet($request, $paramsToAdd ?: ""), $client->getCredentials()->wait(), '+1 hour' )->getUri(); } }