connectionProvider = $connectionProvider; } /** @return void */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName('dbal:run-sql') ->setDescription('Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.') ->setDefinition([ new InputOption('connection', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The named database connection'), new InputArgument('sql', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The SQL statement to execute.'), new InputOption('depth', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Dumping depth of result set.', 7), new InputOption('force-fetch', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces fetching the result.'), ]) ->setHelp(<< command executes the given SQL query and outputs the results: php %command.full_name% "SELECT * FROM users" EOT ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $conn = $this->getConnection($input); $sql = $input->getArgument('sql'); if ($sql === null) { throw new RuntimeException("Argument 'SQL' is required in order to execute this command correctly."); } assert(is_string($sql)); $depth = $input->getOption('depth'); if (! is_numeric($depth)) { throw new LogicException("Option 'depth' must contains an integer value"); } $forceFetch = $input->getOption('force-fetch'); assert(is_bool($forceFetch)); if (stripos($sql, 'select') === 0 || $forceFetch) { $resultSet = $conn->fetchAllAssociative($sql); } else { $resultSet = $conn->executeStatement($sql); } $output->write(Dumper::dump($resultSet, (int) $depth)); return 0; } private function getConnection(InputInterface $input): Connection { $connectionName = $input->getOption('connection'); assert(is_string($connectionName) || $connectionName === null); if ($connectionName !== null) { return $this->connectionProvider->getConnection($connectionName); } return $this->connectionProvider->getDefaultConnection(); } }