* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Routing; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableUrlMatcher; use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheFactory; use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheFactoryInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\CompiledUrlGenerator; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\ConfigurableRequirementsInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\GeneratorDumperInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\PhpGeneratorDumper; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\CompiledUrlMatcher; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\CompiledUrlMatcherDumper; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\MatcherDumperInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\PhpMatcherDumper; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\RequestMatcherInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcherInterface; /** * The Router class is an example of the integration of all pieces of the * routing system for easier use. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class Router implements RouterInterface, RequestMatcherInterface { /** * @var UrlMatcherInterface|null */ protected $matcher; /** * @var UrlGeneratorInterface|null */ protected $generator; /** * @var RequestContext */ protected $context; /** * @var LoaderInterface */ protected $loader; /** * @var RouteCollection|null */ protected $collection; /** * @var mixed */ protected $resource; /** * @var array */ protected $options = []; /** * @var LoggerInterface|null */ protected $logger; /** * @var string|null */ protected $defaultLocale; /** * @var ConfigCacheFactoryInterface|null */ private $configCacheFactory; /** * @var ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface[] */ private $expressionLanguageProviders = []; private static $cache = []; /** * @param mixed $resource The main resource to load */ public function __construct(LoaderInterface $loader, $resource, array $options = [], RequestContext $context = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null, string $defaultLocale = null) { $this->loader = $loader; $this->resource = $resource; $this->logger = $logger; $this->context = $context ?: new RequestContext(); $this->setOptions($options); $this->defaultLocale = $defaultLocale; } /** * Sets options. * * Available options: * * * cache_dir: The cache directory (or null to disable caching) * * debug: Whether to enable debugging or not (false by default) * * generator_class: The name of a UrlGeneratorInterface implementation * * generator_dumper_class: The name of a GeneratorDumperInterface implementation * * matcher_class: The name of a UrlMatcherInterface implementation * * matcher_dumper_class: The name of a MatcherDumperInterface implementation * * resource_type: Type hint for the main resource (optional) * * strict_requirements: Configure strict requirement checking for generators * implementing ConfigurableRequirementsInterface (default is true) * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When unsupported option is provided */ public function setOptions(array $options) { $this->options = [ 'cache_dir' => null, 'debug' => false, 'generator_class' => CompiledUrlGenerator::class, 'generator_base_class' => UrlGenerator::class, // deprecated 'generator_dumper_class' => CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper::class, 'generator_cache_class' => 'UrlGenerator', // deprecated 'matcher_class' => CompiledUrlMatcher::class, 'matcher_base_class' => UrlMatcher::class, // deprecated 'matcher_dumper_class' => CompiledUrlMatcherDumper::class, 'matcher_cache_class' => 'UrlMatcher', // deprecated 'resource_type' => null, 'strict_requirements' => true, ]; // check option names and live merge, if errors are encountered Exception will be thrown $invalid = []; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $this->checkDeprecatedOption($key); if (\array_key_exists($key, $this->options)) { $this->options[$key] = $value; } else { $invalid[] = $key; } } if ($invalid) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The Router does not support the following options: "%s".', implode('", "', $invalid))); } } /** * Sets an option. * * @param string $key The key * @param mixed $value The value * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function setOption($key, $value) { if (!\array_key_exists($key, $this->options)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The Router does not support the "%s" option.', $key)); } $this->checkDeprecatedOption($key); $this->options[$key] = $value; } /** * Gets an option value. * * @param string $key The key * * @return mixed The value * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function getOption($key) { if (!\array_key_exists($key, $this->options)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The Router does not support the "%s" option.', $key)); } $this->checkDeprecatedOption($key); return $this->options[$key]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRouteCollection() { if (null === $this->collection) { $this->collection = $this->loader->load($this->resource, $this->options['resource_type']); } return $this->collection; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setContext(RequestContext $context) { $this->context = $context; if (null !== $this->matcher) { $this->getMatcher()->setContext($context); } if (null !== $this->generator) { $this->getGenerator()->setContext($context); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Sets the ConfigCache factory to use. */ public function setConfigCacheFactory(ConfigCacheFactoryInterface $configCacheFactory) { $this->configCacheFactory = $configCacheFactory; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generate($name, $parameters = [], $referenceType = self::ABSOLUTE_PATH) { return $this->getGenerator()->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function match($pathinfo) { return $this->getMatcher()->match($pathinfo); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function matchRequest(Request $request) { $matcher = $this->getMatcher(); if (!$matcher instanceof RequestMatcherInterface) { // fallback to the default UrlMatcherInterface return $matcher->match($request->getPathInfo()); } return $matcher->matchRequest($request); } /** * Gets the UrlMatcher or RequestMatcher instance associated with this Router. * * @return UrlMatcherInterface|RequestMatcherInterface */ public function getMatcher() { if (null !== $this->matcher) { return $this->matcher; } $compiled = is_a($this->options['matcher_class'], CompiledUrlMatcher::class, true) && (UrlMatcher::class === $this->options['matcher_base_class'] || RedirectableUrlMatcher::class === $this->options['matcher_base_class']) && is_a($this->options['matcher_dumper_class'], CompiledUrlMatcherDumper::class, true); if (null === $this->options['cache_dir'] || null === $this->options['matcher_cache_class']) { $routes = $this->getRouteCollection(); if ($compiled) { $routes = (new CompiledUrlMatcherDumper($routes))->getCompiledRoutes(); } $this->matcher = new $this->options['matcher_class']($routes, $this->context); if (method_exists($this->matcher, 'addExpressionLanguageProvider')) { foreach ($this->expressionLanguageProviders as $provider) { $this->matcher->addExpressionLanguageProvider($provider); } } return $this->matcher; } $cache = $this->getConfigCacheFactory()->cache($this->options['cache_dir'].'/'.$this->options['matcher_cache_class'].'.php', function (ConfigCacheInterface $cache) { $dumper = $this->getMatcherDumperInstance(); if (method_exists($dumper, 'addExpressionLanguageProvider')) { foreach ($this->expressionLanguageProviders as $provider) { $dumper->addExpressionLanguageProvider($provider); } } $options = [ 'class' => $this->options['matcher_cache_class'], 'base_class' => $this->options['matcher_base_class'], ]; $cache->write($dumper->dump($options), $this->getRouteCollection()->getResources()); } ); if ($compiled) { return $this->matcher = new $this->options['matcher_class'](self::getCompiledRoutes($cache->getPath()), $this->context); } if (!class_exists($this->options['matcher_cache_class'], false)) { require_once $cache->getPath(); } return $this->matcher = new $this->options['matcher_cache_class']($this->context); } /** * Gets the UrlGenerator instance associated with this Router. * * @return UrlGeneratorInterface A UrlGeneratorInterface instance */ public function getGenerator() { if (null !== $this->generator) { return $this->generator; } $compiled = is_a($this->options['generator_class'], CompiledUrlGenerator::class, true) && UrlGenerator::class === $this->options['generator_base_class'] && is_a($this->options['generator_dumper_class'], CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper::class, true); if (null === $this->options['cache_dir'] || null === $this->options['generator_cache_class']) { $routes = $this->getRouteCollection(); if ($compiled) { $routes = (new CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper($routes))->getCompiledRoutes(); } $this->generator = new $this->options['generator_class']($routes, $this->context, $this->logger, $this->defaultLocale); } else { $cache = $this->getConfigCacheFactory()->cache($this->options['cache_dir'].'/'.$this->options['generator_cache_class'].'.php', function (ConfigCacheInterface $cache) { $dumper = $this->getGeneratorDumperInstance(); $options = [ 'class' => $this->options['generator_cache_class'], 'base_class' => $this->options['generator_base_class'], ]; $cache->write($dumper->dump($options), $this->getRouteCollection()->getResources()); } ); if ($compiled) { $this->generator = new $this->options['generator_class'](self::getCompiledRoutes($cache->getPath()), $this->context, $this->logger, $this->defaultLocale); } else { if (!class_exists($this->options['generator_cache_class'], false)) { require_once $cache->getPath(); } $this->generator = new $this->options['generator_cache_class']($this->context, $this->logger, $this->defaultLocale); } } if ($this->generator instanceof ConfigurableRequirementsInterface) { $this->generator->setStrictRequirements($this->options['strict_requirements']); } return $this->generator; } public function addExpressionLanguageProvider(ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface $provider) { $this->expressionLanguageProviders[] = $provider; } /** * @return GeneratorDumperInterface */ protected function getGeneratorDumperInstance() { // For BC, fallback to PhpGeneratorDumper (which is the old default value) if the old UrlGenerator is used with the new default CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper if (!is_a($this->options['generator_class'], CompiledUrlGenerator::class, true) && is_a($this->options['generator_dumper_class'], CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper::class, true)) { return new PhpGeneratorDumper($this->getRouteCollection()); } return new $this->options['generator_dumper_class']($this->getRouteCollection()); } /** * @return MatcherDumperInterface */ protected function getMatcherDumperInstance() { // For BC, fallback to PhpMatcherDumper (which is the old default value) if the old UrlMatcher is used with the new default CompiledUrlMatcherDumper if (!is_a($this->options['matcher_class'], CompiledUrlMatcher::class, true) && is_a($this->options['matcher_dumper_class'], CompiledUrlMatcherDumper::class, true)) { return new PhpMatcherDumper($this->getRouteCollection()); } return new $this->options['matcher_dumper_class']($this->getRouteCollection()); } /** * Provides the ConfigCache factory implementation, falling back to a * default implementation if necessary. */ private function getConfigCacheFactory(): ConfigCacheFactoryInterface { if (null === $this->configCacheFactory) { $this->configCacheFactory = new ConfigCacheFactory($this->options['debug']); } return $this->configCacheFactory; } private function checkDeprecatedOption(string $key) { switch ($key) { case 'generator_base_class': case 'generator_cache_class': case 'matcher_base_class': case 'matcher_cache_class': @trigger_error(sprintf('Option "%s" given to router %s is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.', $key, static::class), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } private static function getCompiledRoutes(string $path): array { if ([] === self::$cache && \function_exists('opcache_invalidate') && filter_var(ini_get('opcache.enable'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) && (!\in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'], true) || filter_var(ini_get('opcache.enable_cli'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN))) { self::$cache = null; } if (null === self::$cache) { return require $path; } if (isset(self::$cache[$path])) { return self::$cache[$path]; } return self::$cache[$path] = require $path; } }