"; echo window_title ( $msg [520] . $msg [1003] . $msg [1001] ); import_inv (); print ""; die (); } if ($categ == 'import' && $sub == 'update_aut' && $action == 'afterupload') { print "
"; echo window_title ( $msg [520] . $msg [1003] . $msg [1001] ); update_aut (); print "
"; die (); } // DEBUT paramétrage propre à la base de données d'importation : global $class_path; //Nécessaire pour certaines inclusions require_once ($class_path . "/notice.class.php"); require_once ($class_path . "/serials.class.php"); require_once ($class_path . "/categories.class.php"); // templates $tpl_beforeupload_expl .= "

Import des numéros d'inventaire depuis Superdoc

Vous devez avoir importé les exemplaires depuis Superdoc avant cette étape.

Correction des auteurs

"; function recup_noticeunimarc_suite($notice) { global $info_461, $info_463, $info_464; global $info_606_a; global $info_900, $info_901, $info_902, $info_903, $info_904, $info_905, $info_906; $info_461 = ""; $info_463 = ""; $info_464 = ""; //Compatibilite import memonotices $info_900 = ""; $info_901 = ""; $info_902 = ""; $info_903 = ""; $info_904 = ""; $info_905 = ""; $info_906 = ""; $record = new iso2709_record ( $notice, AUTO_UPDATE ); for($i = 0; $i < count ( $record->inner_directory ); $i ++) { $cle = $record->inner_directory [$i] ['label']; switch ($cle) { case "461" : //Lien vers perio $info_461 = $record->get_subfield ( $cle, "t", "v", "e", "9" ); break; case "463" : //Lien vers bulletin $info_463 = $record->get_subfield ( $cle, "t", "v", "e", "9" ); break; case "464" : //Compatibilite import memonotices $info_464 = $record->get_subfield ( $cle, "t", "v", "d", "p", "z", "e" ); break; default : break; } /* end of switch */ } /* end of for */ $info_606_a = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "606", "a" ); $info_900 = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "900", "a" ); $info_901 = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "901", "a" ); $info_902 = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "902", "a" ); $info_903 = $record->get_subfield ( "903", "a" ); $info_904 = $record->get_subfield ( "904", "a" ); $info_905 = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "905", "a" ); $info_906 = $record->get_subfield_array_array ( "906", "a" ); } // fin recup_noticeunimarc_suite = fin récupération des variables propres à la bretagne function import_new_notice_suite() { global $dbh; global $notice_id, $bulletin_ex; global $info_461, $info_463, $info_464; global $info_606_a; global $info_900, $info_901, $info_902, $info_903, $info_904, $info_905, $info_906; global $pmb_keyword_sep; $bulletin_ex = 0; $is_object = false; //compatibilite avec import memonotices if (is_array ( $info_464 )) { unset ( $info_461 ); unset ( $info_463 ); $info_461 [0] ['t'] = $info_464 [0] ['t']; $info_461 [0] ['9'] = 'lnk:perio'; $info_463 [0] ['v'] = $info_464 [0] ['v']; $info_463 [0] ['e'] = $info_464 [0] ['d']; $info_463 [0] ['9'] = 'lnk:bull'; if (strpos ( $info_904 [0], "/" ) !== FALSE) { $dc = substr ( $info_904 [0], 6, 4 ) . '-' . substr ( $info_904 [0], 3, 2 ) . '-' . substr ( $info_904 [0], 0, 2 ); $info_904 [0] = $dc; } } //Si article if (is_array ( $info_461 ) && is_array ( $info_463 )) { //recuperation infos notice $requete = "select * from notices where notice_id=$notice_id"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete ); $r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object( $resultat ); //Notice chapeau existe-t-elle ? $requete = "select notice_id from notices where tit1='" . addslashes ( $info_461 [0] ['t'] ) . "' and niveau_hierar='1' and niveau_biblio='s'"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete ); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { //Si oui, récupération id $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); //Bulletin existe-t-il ? $requete = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where bulletin_numero='" . addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['v'] ) . "' and mention_date='" . addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['e'] ) . "' and bulletin_notice=$chapeau_id "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete ); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { //Si oui, récupération id bulletin $bulletin_id = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); } else { //Si non, création bulletin $info = array (); $bulletin = new bulletinage ( "", $chapeau_id ); $info ['bul_titre'] = "Bulletin " . $info_463 [0] ['v']; if ($info_463 [0] ['e']) { $info ['bul_titre'] .= " - " . $info_463 [0] ['e']; } $info ['bul_titre'] = addslashes ( $info ['bul_titre'] ); $info ['bul_no'] = addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['v'] ); $info ['bul_date'] = addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['e'] ); $date_date = explode ( "/", $info_463 [0] ['e'] ); if (count ( $date_date )) { if (count ( $date_date ) == 1) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [0] . "-01-01"; if (count ( $date_date ) == 2) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [1] . "-" . $date_date [0] . "-01"; if (count ( $date_date ) == 3) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [2] . "-" . $date_date [1] . "-" . $date_date [0]; } else { if ($info_904 [0]) { $info ['date_date'] = $info_904 [0]; } } $bulletin_id = $bulletin->update ( $info ); } } else { //Si non, création notice chapeau et bulletin $chapeau = new serial ( ); $info = array (); $info ['tit1'] = addslashes ( $info_461 [0] ['t'] ); $info ['niveau_biblio'] = 's'; $info ['niveau_hierar'] = '1'; $info ['typdoc'] = $r->typdoc; $chapeau->update ( $info ); $chapeau_id = $chapeau->serial_id; $bulletin = new bulletinage ( "", $chapeau_id ); $info = array (); $info ['bul_titre'] = "Bulletin " . $info_463 [0] ['v']; if ($info_463 [0] ['e']) { $info ['bul_titre'] .= " - " . $info_463 [0] ['e']; } $info ['bul_titre'] = addslashes ( $info ['bul_titre'] ); $info ['bul_no'] = addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['v'] ); $info ['bul_date'] = addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['e'] ); $date_date = explode ( "/", $info_463 [0] ['e'] ); if (count ( $date_date )) { if (count ( $date_date ) == 1) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [0] . "-01-01"; if (count ( $date_date ) == 2) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [1] . "-" . $date_date [0] . "-01"; if (count ( $date_date ) == 3) $info ['date_date'] = $date_date [2] . "-" . $date_date [1] . "-" . $date_date [0]; } else { if ($info_904 [0]) { $info ['date_date'] = $info_904 [0]; } } $bulletin_id = $bulletin->update ( $info ); } $bulletin_ex = $bulletin_id; if ($r->tit1 == '_OBJECT_BULLETIN_' || (is_array ( $info_464 ) && $info_464 [0] ['z'] == 'objet')) { //$info_464[0]['z']=='objet' >> Compatibilite import memonotices $is_object = true; //notice de bulletin a supprimer notice::del_notice ( $notice_id ); } else { //Passage de la notice en article $np = ''; if (is_array ( $info_464 ) && $info_464 [0] ['p'] != '') { $np = ", npages='" . addslashes ( $info_464 [0] ['p'] ) . "' "; } $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='a', niveau_hierar='2', code='', year='".addslashes ( $info_463 [0] ['e'] )."'" . $np . ", date_parution='".$info ['date_date']."' where notice_id=$notice_id"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete ); $requete = "insert into analysis (analysis_bulletin,analysis_notice) values($bulletin_id,$notice_id)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete ); } } if (! $is_object) { //Traitement du thésaurus $unknown_desc = array (); $ordre_categ = 0; for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_606_a ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_606_a [$i] ); $j ++) { $descripteur = $info_606_a [$i] [$j]; //Recherche du terme //dans le thesaurus par defaut et dans la langue de l'interface $libelle = addslashes ( $descripteur ); $categ_id = categories::searchLibelle ( $libelle ); if ($categ_id) { $requete = "INSERT INTO notices_categories (notcateg_notice,num_noeud,ordre_categorie) values($notice_id,$categ_id,$ordre_categ)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $ordre_categ ++; } else { $unknown_desc [] = $descripteur; } } } if ($unknown_desc) { $mots_cles = implode ( $pmb_keyword_sep, $unknown_desc ); $il = ''; $qil = "select index_l from notices where notice_id=$notice_id "; $ril = pmb_mysql_query( $qil, $dbh ); $il = trim ( pmb_mysql_result( $ril, 0, 0 ) ); if ($il) $mots_cles = $il . $pmb_keyword_sep . $mots_cles; $requete = "update notices set index_l='" . addslashes ( $mots_cles ) . "', index_matieres=' " . addslashes ( strip_empty_words ( $mots_cles ) ) . " ' where notice_id=$notice_id"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } $notes = ''; //Thème $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='theme' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_theme = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } if (count ( $info_900 ) && $idc_theme) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_900 ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_900 [$i] ); $j ++) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_900 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_theme "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_theme,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } else { //sinon dans notes $notes .= 'thème : ' . $info_900 [$i] [$j]; } } } } //Genres $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='genre' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_genre = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } if (count ( $info_901 ) && $idc_genre) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_901 ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_901 [$i] ); $j ++) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_901 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_genre "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_genre,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } else { //sinon dans notes if ($notes) $notes .= "\n"; $notes .= 'genre : ' . $info_901 [$i] [$j]; } } } } //Discipline $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='discipline' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_discipline = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } if (count ( $info_902 ) && $idc_discipline) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_902 ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_902 [$i] ); $j ++) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_902 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_discipline "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_discipline,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } else { //sinon dans notes if ($notes) $notes .= "\n"; $notes .= 'discipline : ' . $info_902 [$i] [$j]; } } } } //Type de nature $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='type_nature' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_type_nature = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='pays' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_pays = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='periode' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_periode = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); } if (count ( $info_905 )) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_905 ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_905 [$i] ); $j ++) { //essai dans type de nature $done = FALSE; if ($idc_type_nature) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_type_nature "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_type_nature,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done = TRUE; } } //essai dans genre if (! $done && $idc_genre) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_genre "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_genre,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done = TRUE; } } //essai dans theme if (! $done && $idc_theme) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_theme "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_theme,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done = TRUE; } } //essai dans discipline if (! $done && $idc_discipline) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_discipline "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_discipline,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done = TRUE; } } //essai dans pays if (! $done) { $done_pa = FALSE; if (! $done && $idc_pays) { $i_pays = strip_empty_chars ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ); $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value,notices_custom_list_lib from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_champ=$idc_pays "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { while ( ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object( $resultat )) ) { $r_pays = strip_empty_chars ( $row->notices_custom_list_lib ); if (strpos ( $i_pays, $r_pays ) !== FALSE) { $value = $row->notices_custom_list_value; $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_pays,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done_pa = TRUE; break; } } } } //essai dans periode $done_pe = FALSE; if (! $done && $idc_periode) { $i_periode = strip_empty_chars ( $info_905 [$i] [$j] ); $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value,notices_custom_list_lib from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_champ=$idc_periode "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { while ( ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object( $resultat )) ) { $r_periode = strip_empty_chars ( $row->notices_custom_list_lib ); if (strpos ( $i_periode, $r_periode ) !== FALSE) { $value = $row->notices_custom_list_value; $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_periode,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $done_pe = TRUE; break; } } } } if ($done_pa && $done_pe) $done = TRUE; } //sinon dans notes if (! $done) { if ($notes) $notes .= "\n"; $notes .= 'type de nature : ' . $info_905 [$i] [$j]; } } } } //Niveau if (count ( $info_906 )) { $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='niveau' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_niveau = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); for($i = 0; $i < count ( $info_906 ); $i ++) { for($j = 0; $j < count ( $info_906 [$i] ); $j ++) { $requete = "select notices_custom_list_value from notices_custom_lists where notices_custom_list_lib='" . addslashes ( $info_906 [$i] [$j] ) . "' and notices_custom_champ=$idc_niveau "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $resultat )) { $value = pmb_mysql_result( $resultat, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_integer) values($idc_niveau,$notice_id,$value)"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } else { //sinon dans notes if ($notes) $notes .= "\n"; $notes .= 'niveau : ' . $info_906 [$i] [$j]; } } } } } //notes if ($notes) { $notes .= "\n"; $notes = addslashes ( $notes ); $q = "update notices set n_contenu=concat('" . $notes . "',n_contenu) where notice_id='" . $notice_id . "' "; pmb_mysql_query( $q, $dbh ); } //Année de péremption if ($info_903 [0]) { $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='annee_peremption' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_ap = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values($idc_ap,$notice_id,'" . addslashes ( $info_903 [0] ) . "')"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } } //Date de saisie if ($info_904 [0]) { $qn = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='date_creation' "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc_ds = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_date) values($idc_ds,$notice_id,'" . $info_904 [0] . "')"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); } } } } // fin import_new_notice_suite // TRAITEMENT DES EXEMPLAIRES ICI function traite_exemplaires() { global $msg, $dbh; global $prix, $notice_id, $info_995, $typdoc_995, $tdoc_codage, $book_lender_id, $section_995, $sdoc_codage, $book_statut_id, $locdoc_codage, $codstatdoc_995, $statisdoc_codage, $cote_mandatory; global $info_461, $bulletin_ex; // lu en 010$d de la notice $price = $prix [0]; $nb_infos_995 = count($info_995); // la zone 995 est répétable for ($nb_expl = 0; $nb_expl < $nb_infos_995; $nb_expl ++) { /* RAZ expl */ $expl = array (); /* préparation du tableau à passer à la méthode */ $expl ['cb'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['f']; if (($bulletin_ex) && (is_array ( $info_461 ))) { $expl ['bulletin'] = $bulletin_ex; $expl ['notice'] = 0; } else { $expl ['notice'] = $notice_id; $expl ['bulletin'] = 0; } $data_doc = array (); $data_doc ['duree_pret'] = 0; /* valeur par défaut */ $data_doc ['tdoc_codage_import'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['r']; $data_doc ['tdoc_libelle'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['r']; $data_doc ['tdoc_owner'] = 0; $expl ['typdoc'] = docs_type::import ( $data_doc ); $expl ['cote'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['k']; if (! trim ( $expl ['cote'] )) { $expl ['cote'] = "INDETERMINE"; } $data_doc = array (); if (! $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']) { $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q'] = "INDETERMINE"; } $data_doc ['section_libelle'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']; $data_doc ['sdoc_codage_import'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']; $data_doc ['sdoc_owner'] = 0; $expl ['section'] = docs_section::import ( $data_doc ); $expl ['statut'] = $book_statut_id; $data_doc = array (); $data_doc ['location_libelle'] = "CDI"; $data_doc ['locdoc_codage_import'] = "CDI"; $data_doc ['locdoc_owner'] = 0; $expl ['location'] = docs_location::import ( $data_doc ); $data_doc = array (); if (! $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']) { $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q'] = "IN"; } $data_doc ['codestat_libelle'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']; $data_doc ['statisdoc_codage_import'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['q']; $data_doc ['statisdoc_owner'] = 0; $expl ['codestat'] = docs_codestat::import ( $data_doc ); $expl ['note'] = $info_995 [$nb_expl] ['u']; $expl ['prix'] = $price; $expl ['expl_owner'] = $book_lender_id; $expl ['cote_mandatory'] = $cote_mandatory; $expl_id = exemplaire::import ( $expl ); if ($expl_id == 0) { $nb_expl_ignores ++; } //debug : affichage zone 995 /* echo "995\$a =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['a']."
"; echo "995\$b =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['b']."
"; echo "995\$c =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['c']."
"; echo "995\$d =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['d']."
"; echo "995\$f =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['f']."
"; echo "995\$k =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['k']."
"; echo "995\$m =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['m']."
"; echo "995\$n =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['n']."
"; echo "995\$o =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['o']."
"; echo "995\$q =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['q']."
"; echo "995\$r =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['r']."
"; echo "995\$u =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['u']."

"; */ } // fin for } // fin traite_exemplaires TRAITEMENT DES EXEMPLAIRES JUSQU'ICI // fonction spécifique d'export de la zone 995 function export_traite_exemplaires($ex = array()) { return import_expl::export_traite_exemplaires($ex); } function import_inv() { global $dbh; global $text, $n, $t_xml; //La structure du fichier xml doit être la suivante : /* 15/01/2008 661 017887 017887 915.4 LAN CDI LYC. MENDES FRANCE DOC PROF MULTIMEDIA ... */ //Upload du fichier if (! ($_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'])) { print "Cliquez sur Précédent et choisissez un fichier"; exit (); } elseif (! (move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'], "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ) ))) { print "Le fichier n'a pas pu être téléchargé. Voici plus d'informations :
"; print_r ( $_FILES ) . "

"; exit (); } $fichier = @fopen ( "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ), "r" ); if ($fichier) { print "

"; print "Téléchargement du fichier effectué.

"; print "Traitement du fichier en cours.
"; $nb_ok = 0; $tab_err = array (); //definition header et footer $header = ""; $footer = ""; while ( ! feof ( $fichier ) ) { $buffer = ""; $deb = FALSE; $i = 0; while ( $i < 200 && ! feof ( $fichier ) ) { $line = fgets ( $fichier, 4096 ); if ((strpos ( $line, "" ) !== FALSE) { $deb = FALSE; $i ++; } } if ($buffer) { $buffer = $header . $buffer . $footer; //parse buffer $text = ''; $t_xml = array (); $n = 0; $encoding = "UTF-8"; $parser = xml_parser_create ( $encoding ); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $encoding ); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true ); xml_set_element_handler ( $parser, "debutBalise", "finBalise" ); xml_set_character_data_handler ( $parser, "texte" ); if (! xml_parse ( $parser, $buffer, TRUE )) { die ( sprintf ( "erreur XML %s à la ligne: %d", xml_error_string ( xml_get_error_code ( $parser ) ), xml_get_current_line_number ( $parser ) ) ); } xml_parser_free ( $parser ); //traitement des enregistrements for($i = 1; $i <= count ( $t_xml ); $i ++) { //il faut un cb exemplaire et un n° d'inventaire $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] = trim ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] ); $t_xml [$i] ['INM:NUMERO-INVENTAIRE'] [0] = trim ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:NUMERO-INVENTAIRE'] [0] ); if (($t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] != '') && ($t_xml [$i] ['INM:NUMERO-INVENTAIRE'] [0] != '')) { //id exemplaire $expl_id = 0; $q = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_cb='" . $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] . "' "; $r = pmb_mysql_query( $q, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $r )) { $expl_id = pmb_mysql_result( $r, 0, 0 ); } else { $tab_err [] = $t_xml [$i] ['INM:ID'] [0]; continue; } //insert n° inventaire $qn = "select idchamp from expl_custom left join expl_custom_values on expl_custom_origine=idchamp where name='no_inventaire' and expl_custom_small_text is null "; $rn = pmb_mysql_query( $qn, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $rn )) { $idc = pmb_mysql_result( $rn, 0, 0 ); $requete = "insert into expl_custom_values (expl_custom_champ,expl_custom_origine,expl_custom_small_text) values($idc,$expl_id,'" . addslashes ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:NUMERO-INVENTAIRE'] [0] ) . "')"; pmb_mysql_query( $requete, $dbh ); $nb_ok ++; } } } } } fclose ( $fichier ); unlink ( "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ) ); print "Traitement du fichier terminé."; print "

"; print "Nombre de n° d'inventaire importés : " . $nb_ok . "
"; print "Nombre d'erreurs de traitement : " . count ( $tab_err ) . "

"; if (count ( $tab_err )) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $tab_err ); $i ++) { print "Erreur à l'enregistrement n° " . $tab_err [$i] . "
"; } print "

"; } } else { print "Le fichier n'a pu être lu ."; } } require_once ($class_path . "/author.class.php"); function update_aut() { global $dbh; global $text, $n, $t_xml; //Reprise des auteurs sans élément rejeté et des titres de notices lorsque tronqués. //Upload du fichier if (! ($_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'])) { print "Cliquez sur Précédent et choisissez un fichier"; exit (); } elseif (! (move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'], "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ) ))) { print "Le fichier n'a pas pu être téléchargé. Voici plus d'informations :
"; print_r ( $_FILES ) . "

"; exit (); } $fichier = @fopen ( "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ), "r" ); if ($fichier) { print "

"; print "Téléchargement du fichier effectué.

"; print "Traitement du fichier en cours.
"; $nb_ok = 0; $tab_err = array (); //definition header et footer $header = ""; $footer = ""; $compte = 0; while ( ! feof ( $fichier ) ) { $buffer = ""; $deb = FALSE; $i = 0; while ( $i < 200 && ! feof ( $fichier ) ) { $line = fgets ( $fichier, 4096 ); if ((strpos ( $line, "" ) !== FALSE) { $deb = FALSE; $i ++; } } if ($buffer) { $buffer = $header . $buffer . $footer; //parse buffer $text = ''; $t_xml = array (); $n = 0; $encoding = "UTF-8"; $parser = xml_parser_create ( $encoding ); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $encoding ); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true ); xml_set_element_handler ( $parser, "debutBalise", "finBalise" ); xml_set_character_data_handler ( $parser, "texte" ); if (! xml_parse ( $parser, $buffer, TRUE )) { die ( sprintf ( "erreur XML %s à la ligne: %d", xml_error_string ( xml_get_error_code ( $parser ) ), xml_get_current_line_number ( $parser ) ) ); } xml_parser_free ( $parser ); $tmp_compte = $compte; $tmp_val = array (); //traitement des enregistrements for($i = 1; $i <= count ( $t_xml ); $i ++) { //Il faut un code-barres d'exemplaire et un auteur sans element rejete $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] = trim ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] ); $q = "select notice_id,tit1 from notices join exemplaires on expl_notice=notice_id where expl_cb='" . $t_xml [$i] ['INM:CODE-BARRE'] [0] . "' "; $r = pmb_mysql_query( $q, $dbh ); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows( $r )) { $n = pmb_mysql_result( $r, 0, 0 ); $t = pmb_mysql_result( $r, 0, 1 ); /* if ($t != $t_xml[$i]['INM:TITRE'][0]) { print "ancien titre = ".$t.'
'; print "nouveau titre=".$t_xml[$i]['INM:TITRE'][0].'
'; } */ foreach ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR'] as $k => $v ) { $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR'] [$k] = trim ( $v ); if (strpos ( $v, ',' ) === FALSE) { $compte ++; $tmp_val [$compte] ['name'] = clean_string ( utf8_decode ( $v ) ); $tmp_val [$compte] ['type'] = '70'; $aut = auteur::import ( $tmp_val [$compte] ); $q1 = "select count(*) from responsability join authors on author_id=responsability_author where responsability_notice='" . $n . "' and responsability_type='0' "; $r1 = pmb_mysql_query( $q1, $dbh ); $n1 = pmb_mysql_result( $r1, 0, 0 ); if ($n1) { $q2 = "select max(ordre)*1+1 from responsability join authors on author_id=responsability_author where responsability_notice_id='" . $n . "' and responsability_type='1' "; $r2 = pmb_mysql_query( $q2, $dbh ); $n2 = pmb_mysql_result( $r2, 0, 0 ); $q3 = "insert ignore into responsability (responsability_author,responsability_notice,responsability_fonction,responsability_type,responsability_ordre) "; $q3 .= "values ('" . $aut . "','" . $n . "','','1','" . $n2 . "') "; pmb_mysql_query( $q3, $dbh ); } else { $q3 = "insert ignore into responsability (responsability_author,responsability_notice,responsability_fonction,responsability_type,responsability_ordre) "; $q3 .= "values ('" . $aut . "','" . $n . "','','0','0') "; pmb_mysql_query( $q3, $dbh ); } } } foreach ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR-COLLECTIF'] as $k => $v ) { $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR-COLLECTIF'] = trim ( $v ); if (strpos ( $v, ',' ) === FALSE) { $compte ++; $tmp_val [$compte] ['name'] = clean_string ( utf8_decode ( $v ) ); $tmp_val [$compte] ['type'] = '71'; $aut = auteur::import ( $tmp_val [$compte] ); $q1 = "select count(*) from responsability join authors on author_id=responsability_author where responsability_notice='" . $n . "' and responsability_type='0' "; $r1 = pmb_mysql_query( $q1, $dbh ); $n1 = pmb_mysql_result( $r1, 0, 0 ); if ($n1) { $q2 = "select max(ordre)*1+1 from responsability join authors on author_id=responsability_author where responsability_notice_id='" . $n . "' and responsability_type='1' "; $r2 = pmb_mysql_query( $q2, $dbh ); $n2 = pmb_mysql_result( $r2, 0, 0 ); $q3 = "insert ignore into responsability (responsability_author,responsability_notice,responsability_fonction,responsability_type,responsability_ordre) "; $q3 .= "values ('" . $aut . "','" . $n . "','','1','" . $n2 . "') "; pmb_mysql_query( $q3, $dbh ); } else { $q3 = "insert ignore into responsability (responsability_author,responsability_notice,responsability_fonction,responsability_type,responsability_ordre) "; $q3 .= "values ('" . $aut . "','" . $n . "','','0','0') "; pmb_mysql_query( $q3, $dbh ); } } } foreach ( $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR-SECONDAIRE'] as $k => $v ) { $t_xml [$i] ['INM:AUTEUR-SECONDAIRE'] [$k] = trim ( $v ); if (strpos ( $v, ',' ) === FALSE) { $compte ++; $tmp_val [$compte] ['name'] = clean_string ( utf8_decode ( $v ) ); $tmp_val [$compte] ['type'] = '70'; $aut = auteur::import ( $tmp_val [$compte] ); $q2 = "select max(ordre)*1+1 from responsability join authors on author_id=responsability_author where responsability_notice_id='" . $n . "' and responsability_type='2' "; $r2 = pmb_mysql_query( $q2, $dbh ); $n2 = pmb_mysql_result( $r2, 0, 0 ); $q3 = "insert ignore into responsability (responsability_author,responsability_notice,responsability_fonction,responsability_type,responsability_ordre) "; $q3 .= "values ('" . $aut . "','" . $n . "','','2','" . $n2 . "') "; pmb_mysql_query( $q3, $dbh ); } } if ($compte != $tmp_compte) { print 'notice n° ' . $n . ' - ' . $t . '
'; foreach($tmp_val as $v) { print $v['name'].'
'; } print '
'; print '_______________________________
'; $tmp_val = array (); $tmp_compte = $compte; } } } } } fclose ( $fichier ); unlink ( "../../temp/" . basename ( $_FILES ['userfile'] ['tmp_name'] ) ); print "Traitement du fichier terminé."; print "

"; print "Nb total d'enregistrements modifiés = " . $compte . '
'; if (count ( $tab_err )) { for($i = 0; $i < count ( $tab_err ); $i ++) { print "Erreur à l'enregistrement n° " . $tab_err [$i] . "
"; } print "

"; } } else { print "Le fichier n'a pu être lu ."; } } //Méthodes du parser function debutBalise($parser, $tag, $att) { return; } function finBalise($parser, $tag) { global $text, $t_xml, $n; if ($text === '') return; switch ($tag) { case 'INM:ID' : $n = $n + 1; $t_xml [$n] = array (); $t_xml [$n] [$tag] [] = $text; break; default : if ($n) $t_xml [$n] [$tag] [] = $text; break; } $text = ''; return; } function texte($parser, $data) { global $text; if (trim ( $data )) $text .= $data; return; } ?>