".htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_notices"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
// La routine ne nettoie pour l'instant que les monographies
$query = pmb_mysql_query("delete notices
FROM notices left join exemplaires on expl_notice=notice_id
left join explnum on explnum_notice=notice_id
left join notices_relations NRN on NRN.num_notice=notice_id
left join notices_relations NRL on NRL.linked_notice=notice_id
WHERE niveau_biblio='m' AND niveau_hierar='0' and explnum_notice is null and expl_notice is null and NRN.num_notice is null and NRL.linked_notice is null");
$affected = pmb_mysql_affected_rows();
$spec = $spec - CLEAN_NOTICES;
$v_state .= "
".htmlentities($msg['nettoyage_suppr_notices'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
$v_state .= $affected." ".htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_res_suppr_notices"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
$opt = pmb_mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE notices');
// mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge
print netbase::get_display_final_progress();
print netbase::get_process_state_form($v_state, $spec);