type ;
// Afin de trier les éditions :
switch ($caddie_type) {
case 'NOTI' :
$fromc = " left join notices on object_id=notice_id " ;
$orderc = ", niveau_hierar desc " ;
case 'EXPL' :
$fromc = " left join exemplaires on object_id=expl_id " ;
$orderc = ", expl_notice desc, expl_bulletin " ;
case 'BULL' :
$fromc = " left join bulletins on object_id=bulletin_id " ;
$orderc = ", date_date " ;
$requete = "SELECT caddie_content.* FROM caddie_content $fromc where caddie_id='".$idcaddie."' ";
if ($flag && $no_flag ) $complement_clause = "";
if (!$flag && $no_flag ) $complement_clause = " and (flag is null or flag='') ";
if ($flag && !$no_flag ) $complement_clause = " and (flag is not null and flag!='') ";
if (!$flag && !$no_flag ) return ;
$requete .= $complement_clause." order by blob_type, content $orderc, object_id";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die($requete."
$noti_tpl=new notice_tpl_gen($notice_tpl);
if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
while ($temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($caddie_type=="EXPL"){
$rqt_test = "select expl_notice as id from exemplaires where expl_id='".$temp->object_id."' ";
$res_notice = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_test, $dbh);
$obj_notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_notice) ;
if (!$obj_notice->id) {
$rqt_test = "select num_notice as id from bulletins join exemplaires on bulletin_id=expl_bulletin where expl_id='".$temp->object_id."' ";
$res_notice = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_test, $dbh);
$obj_notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_notice) ;
if((!isset($flag_notice_id[$obj_notice->id]) || !$flag_notice_id[$obj_notice->id]) && $obj_notice->id){
} elseif ($caddie_type=="NOTI") $contents.=$noti_tpl->build_notice($temp->object_id);
if ($caddie_type=="BULL"){
$rqt_test = $rqt_tout = "select num_notice as id from bulletins where bulletin_id = '".$temp->object_id."' ";
$res_notice = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_test, $dbh);
$obj_notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_notice);
if((!isset($flag_notice_id[$obj_notice->id]) || !$flag_notice_id[$obj_notice->id]) && $obj_notice->id){
} else
$liste[] = array('object_id' => $temp->object_id, 'content' => $temp->content, 'blob_type' => $temp->blob_type, 'flag' => $temp->flag ) ;
} else return;
switch($dest) {
case "TABLEAU":
echo pmb_bidi("".$msg['panier_num']." $idcaddie / ".$myCart->name."
echo pmb_bidi($myCart->comment."
// en fonction du type de caddie on affiche ce qu'il faut
if ($caddie_type=="NOTI") {
// calcul du nombre max de colonnes pour les auteurs
$rqt_compte1 = "create temporary table tmp_compte1 ENGINE=MyISAM as select count(*) as comptage from caddie_content join notices on object_id=notice_id left join responsability on responsability_notice=notice_id where caddie_id=$idcaddie group by notice_id" ;
$res_compte1 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte1, $dbh) ;
$rqt_compte2 = "select max(comptage) as max_aut from tmp_compte1 " ;
$res_compte2 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte2, $dbh) ;
$compte2 = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_compte2) ;
$max_aut = $compte2->max_aut ;
// calcul du nombre max de colonnes pour les champs perso
$rqt_compte3 = "select idchamp, titre from notices_custom order by ordre " ;
$res_compte3 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte3, $dbh) ;
$max_perso = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_compte3) ;
// boucle de parcours des notices trouvées
// inclusion du javascript de gestion des listes dépliables
// début de liste
foreach ($liste as $cle => $object) {
if ($object['content']=="") {
//On regarde le type de notice
$requete="select niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar FROM notices WHERE notice_id='".$object['object_id']."' ";
$sel=" ,'' as Periodique, '' as ISSN, '' as bulletin_numero, '' as mention_date, '' as date_date, '' as bulletin_titre, '' as bulletin_cb";
if(pmb_mysql_result($mon_res,0,0) == "a" && pmb_mysql_result($mon_res,0,1) == "2"){
$sel=" ,n2.tit1 as 'Periodique', n2.code as ISSN, b.bulletin_numero, b.mention_date, b.date_date, b.bulletin_titre, b.bulletin_cb ";
$tabl=" JOIN analysis ON n1.notice_id=analysis_notice JOIN bulletins b ON analysis_bulletin=b.bulletin_id JOIN notices n2 ON n2.notice_id=bulletin_notice ";
} elseif(pmb_mysql_result($mon_res,0,0) == "b" && pmb_mysql_result($mon_res,0,1) == "2"){
$sel=" ,n2.tit1, n2.code as ISSN, b.bulletin_numero, b.mention_date, b.date_date, b.bulletin_titre, b.bulletin_cb ";
$tabl=" JOIN bulletins b ON n1.notice_id=b.num_notice JOIN notices n2 ON n2.notice_id=bulletin_notice ";
$rqt_tout = "SELECT n1.notice_id, n1.typdoc, n1.tit1, n1.tit2, n1.tit3, n1.tit4, serie_name, n1.tnvol, p1.ed_name, p1.ed_ville, collection_name, sub_coll_name, n1.year, n1.nocoll, n1.mention_edition, p2.ed_name as '2nd editeur', p2.ed_ville as 'ville 2nd editeur', n1.code as ISBN, n1.npages, n1.ill, n1.size, n1.accomp, n1.n_gen, n1.n_contenu, n1.n_resume, n1.lien, n1.eformat, n1.index_l, indexint_name, n1.niveau_biblio, n1.niveau_hierar, n1.prix, n1.statut, n1.commentaire_gestion, n1.thumbnail_url, n1.create_date, n1.update_date ".$sel." FROM notices n1";
$rqt_tout.= " left join series on serie_id=n1.tparent_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " left join publishers p1 on p1.ed_id=n1.ed1_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " left join publishers p2 on p2.ed_id=n1.ed2_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " left join collections on n1.coll_id=collection_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " left join sub_collections on n1.subcoll_id=sub_coll_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " left join indexint on n1.indexint=indexint_id ";
$rqt_tout.= " WHERE n1.notice_id='".$object['object_id']."' ";
//echo "requete :".$rqt_tout."\n";
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_info_notice($rqt_tout, 1, $object['flag']);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_info_notice($rqt_tout, 0, $object['flag']);
} else {
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_blob($object['blob_type']." ".$object['content'],1, $object['flag']);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_blob($object['blob_type']." ".$object['content'],0, $object['flag']);;
} // fin de liste
} // fin si NOTI
// si EXPL
if ($caddie_type=="EXPL") {
// calcul du nombre max de colonnes pour les auteurs
$rqt_compte1 = "create temporary table tmp_compte1 ENGINE=MyISAM as select count(*) as comptage from caddie_content join notices on object_id=notice_id left join responsability on responsability_notice=notice_id where caddie_id=$idcaddie group by notice_id" ;
$res_compte1 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte1, $dbh) ;
$rqt_compte2 = "select max(comptage) as max_aut from tmp_compte1 " ;
$res_compte2 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte2, $dbh) ;
$compte2 = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_compte2) ;
$max_aut = $compte2->max_aut ;
// calcul du nombre max de colonnes pour les champs perso
$rqt_compte3 = "select idchamp, titre from expl_custom order by ordre " ;
$res_compte3 = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_compte3, $dbh) ;
$max_perso = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_compte3) ;
// boucle de parcours des exemplaires trouvés
foreach ($liste as $cle => $expl) {
if (!$expl["content"]) {
$rqt_test = "select expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='".$expl['object_id']."' ";
$result_test = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_test, $dbh);
$obj_test = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_test) ;
if ($obj_test->expl_bulletin==0) {
// expl de mono
$rqt_tout = "SELECT e.*, t.*, s.*, st.*, l.location_libelle, stat.*, n.notice_id, n.typdoc, n.tit1, n.tit2, n.tit3, n.tit4, serie_name, n.tnvol, p1.ed_name, p1.ed_ville, collection_name, sub_coll_name, n.year, n.nocoll, n.mention_edition, p2.ed_name as '2nd editeur', p2.ed_ville as 'ville 2nd editeur', n.code as ISBN, n.npages, n.ill, n.size, n.accomp, n.n_gen, n.n_contenu, n.n_resume, n.lien, n.eformat, n.index_l, indexint_name, n.niveau_biblio, n.niveau_hierar, n.prix, n.statut, n.commentaire_gestion, n.thumbnail_url, n.create_date, n.update_date";
$rqt_tout .= " FROM exemplaires e";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_type t";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_section s";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_statut st";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_location l";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_codestat stat";
$rqt_tout .= ", notices n left join series on serie_id=n.tparent_id
left join publishers p1 on p1.ed_id=n.ed1_id
left join publishers p2 on p2.ed_id=n.ed2_id
left join collections on n.coll_id=collection_id
left join sub_collections on n.subcoll_id=sub_coll_id
left join indexint on n.indexint=indexint_id";
$rqt_tout .= " WHERE e.expl_id='".$expl['object_id']."'";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_typdoc=t.idtyp_doc";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_section=s.idsection";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_statut=st.idstatut";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_location=l.idlocation";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_codestat=stat.idcode";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_notice=n.notice_id";
$entete_bloc="EXPLMONO" ;
} else {
// expl de bulletin
$rqt_tout = "SELECT e.*, t.*, s.*, st.*, l.location_libelle, stat.*, n.notice_id, n.typdoc, n.tit1, n.tit2, n.tit3, n.tit4, serie_name, n.tnvol, p1.ed_name, p1.ed_ville, collection_name, sub_coll_name, n.year, n.nocoll, n.mention_edition, p2.ed_name as '2nd editeur', p2.ed_ville as 'ville 2nd editeur', n.code as ISBN, n.npages, n.ill, n.size, n.accomp, n.n_gen, n.n_contenu, n.n_resume, n.lien, n.eformat, n.index_l, indexint_name, n.niveau_biblio, n.niveau_hierar, n.prix, n.statut, n.commentaire_gestion, n.thumbnail_url, n.create_date, n.update_date, b.*";
$rqt_tout .= " FROM exemplaires e";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_type t";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_section s";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_statut st";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_location l";
$rqt_tout .= ", docs_codestat stat";
$rqt_tout .= ", notices n left join series on serie_id=n.tparent_id
left join publishers p1 on p1.ed_id=n.ed1_id
left join publishers p2 on p2.ed_id=n.ed2_id
left join collections on n.coll_id=collection_id
left join sub_collections on n.subcoll_id=sub_coll_id
left join indexint on n.indexint=indexint_id";
$rqt_tout .= ", bulletins b";
$rqt_tout .= " WHERE e.expl_id='".$expl['object_id']."'";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_typdoc=t.idtyp_doc";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_section=s.idsection";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_statut=st.idstatut";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_location=l.idlocation";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_codestat=stat.idcode";
$rqt_tout .= " AND e.expl_bulletin=b.bulletin_id";
$rqt_tout .= " AND n.notice_id=b.bulletin_notice";
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_info_notice($rqt_tout, 1, $expl["flag"]);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_info_notice($rqt_tout, 0, $expl["flag"]);
} else {
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_blob($expl["blob_type"]." ".$expl["content"],1, $expl["flag"]);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_blob($expl["blob_type"]." ".$expl["content"],0, $expl["flag"]);
} // fin de liste
} // fin si EXPL
if ($caddie_type=="BULL") {
// boucle de parcours des bulletins trouvés
// inclusion du javascript de gestion des listes dépliables
// début de liste
foreach ($liste as $cle => $expl) {
if (!$expl["content"]) {
$rqt_tout = "select * from bulletins where bulletin_id = '".$expl['object_id']."' ";
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_info($rqt_tout, 1, $expl["flag"]);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_info($rqt_tout, 0, $expl["flag"]);
} else {
if ($entete_bloc!=$entete_bloc_prec) {
extrait_blob($expl["blob_type"]." ".$expl["content"],1, $expl["flag"]);
$entete_bloc_prec=$entete_bloc ;
} else extrait_blob($expl["blob_type"]." ".$expl["content"],0, $expl["flag"]);
} // fin de liste
} // fin si BULL
function extrait_info ($sql="", $entete=1, $flag="") {
global $dbh ;
global $dest ;
global $worksheet ;
global $entete_bloc;
global $msg;
global $debligne_excel;
global $etat_table ; // permet de savoir si les tag table sont ouverts ou fermés
global $max_aut ; // le nombre max de colonnes d'auteurs
if (!$debligne_excel) $debligne_excel = 0 ;
$res = @pmb_mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_num_rows($res);
$nbr_champs = @pmb_mysql_num_fields($res);
if ($nbr_lignes) {
if ($entete) {
$editions_datasource['notices'] = new editions_datasource('notices');
switch($dest) {
case "TABLEAU":
if ($entete) {
$debligne_excel++ ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
// entête de colonnes
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if ($entete) {
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
} else {
if ($entete) $debligne_excel++ ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
if ($flag) $worksheet->write_string(($i+$debligne_excel),0,"X");
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if(!$col) $col=" ";
if ($entete) {
if ($etat_table) echo "\n";
echo "".$msg["caddie_mess_edition_".$entete_bloc]."
echo "\n".$msg['caddie_action_marque']." | ";
$etat_table = 1 ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} else {
print("".$fieldname." | ");
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
echo "";
if ($flag) print "X | "; else print " | ";
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if (is_numeric($col)){
$col = "'".$col ;
if(!$col) $col=" ";
print pmb_bidi("$col | ");
echo "
if ($entete) {
if ($etat_table) echo "\n
echo "".$msg["caddie_mess_edition_".$entete_bloc]."
echo "\n".$msg['caddie_action_marque']." | ";
$etat_table = 1 ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} else {
print("".$fieldname." | ");
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
if ($odd_even==0) {
echo " ";
} else if ($odd_even==1) {
echo "
if ($flag) print "X | "; else print " | ";
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if(!$col) $col=" ";
print pmb_bidi("$col | ");
echo "
} // fin switch
} // fin if nbr_lignes
} // fin fonction extrait_info
function extrait_info_notice ($sql="", $entete=1, $flag="") {
global $dbh ;
global $dest ;
global $worksheet ;
global $myCart ;
global $entete_bloc;
global $msg, $charset;
global $debligne_excel;
global $etat_table ; // permet de savoir si les tag table sont ouverts ou fermés
global $max_aut ; // le nombre max de colonnes d'auteurs
global $thesaurus_mode_pmb;
global $thesaurus_defaut;
global $lang;
global $pmb_keyword_sep;
global $max_perso;
global $res_compte3 ;
if (!$debligne_excel) $debligne_excel = 0 ;
$res = @pmb_mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_num_rows($res);
$nbr_champs = @pmb_mysql_num_fields($res);
$nbr_languages = 2;
if ($nbr_lignes) {
// Pour les champs personnalisés
$caddie_type = $myCart->type ;
switch ($caddie_type) {
case 'EXPL' :
$libelle_caddie_type = "expl" ;
if ($entete) {
$editions_datasource['notices'] = new editions_datasource('notices');
$editions_datasource['items'] = new editions_datasource('items');
case 'NOTI' :
default :
$libelle_caddie_type = "notices" ;
if ($entete) {
$editions_datasource['notices'] = new editions_datasource('notices');
switch($dest) {
case "TABLEAU":
if ($entete) {
$debligne_excel++ ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
// entête de colonnes
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
} else {
for($i=0; $i < $max_aut; $i++) {
for($i=0; $i < $max_perso; $i++) {
$perso = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_compte3) ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
switch ($caddie_type) {
case 'EXPL' :
$id_notice = $row[2] ;
$id_expl = $row[0];
case 'NOTI' :
default :
$id_notice = $row[0] ;
$id_expl = 0;
if ($flag) $worksheet->write_string($debligne_excel,0,"X");
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if(!$col) $col=" ";
$worksheet->write_string($debligne_excel,($nbr_champs+2),get_languages_edition($id_notice, 1));
$authors = get_authors_editions($id_notice);
for($iaut=0; $iaut < $max_aut; $iaut++) {
if (isset($authors[$iaut])) {
$lib_desc = get_categs_edition($id_notice, $lang);
$p_perso=new parametres_perso($libelle_caddie_type);
//Champs personalisés
if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) {
for ($i=0; $iwrite_string($debligne_excel,($max_aut*6+$nbr_champs+$nbr_languages+2+$i),strip_tags(html_entity_decode($p["AFF"],ENT_QUOTES|ENT_COMPAT,$charset)));
if ($entete) {
if ($etat_table) echo "\n
echo "".$msg["caddie_mess_edition_".$entete_bloc]."
echo "\n".$msg['caddie_action_marque']." | ";
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} else {
print("".$fieldname." | ");
print "".$msg['710']." | ";
print "".$msg['711']." | ";
for($i=0; $i < $max_aut; $i++) {
print pmb_bidi("aut_entree_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_rejete_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_dates_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_fonction_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_type_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_resp_type_$i | ") ;
print "DESCR | " ;
for($i=0; $i < $max_perso; $i++) {
$perso = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_compte3) ;
print "".$perso->titre." | " ;
$etat_table = 1 ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
switch ($caddie_type) {
case 'EXPL' :
$id_notice = $row[2] ;
$id_expl = $row[0];
case 'NOTI' :
default :
$id_notice = $row[0] ;
$id_expl = 0;
echo "";
if ($flag) print "X | "; else print " | ";
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if (is_numeric($col)){
$col = "'".$col ;
if(!$col) $col=" ";
print pmb_bidi("$col | ");
print "".get_languages_edition($id_notice)." | ";
print "".get_languages_edition($id_notice, 1)." | ";
$authors = get_authors_editions($id_notice);
for($iaut=0; $iaut < $max_aut; $iaut++) {
if (isset($authors[$iaut])) {
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['name']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['rejete']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['date']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['function']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['lib_type_aut']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['lib_resp_type']." | ");
} else {
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
$lib_desc = get_categs_edition($id_notice, $lang);
print pmb_bidi("".$lib_desc." | " );
$p_perso=new parametres_perso($libelle_caddie_type);
//Champs personalisés
if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) {
for ($i=0; $i".strip_tags($p["AFF"])."" ;
echo "
if ($entete) {
if ($etat_table) echo "\n
echo "".$msg["caddie_mess_edition_".$entete_bloc]."
echo "\n".$msg['caddie_action_marque']." | ";
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_champs; $i++) {
$fieldname = pmb_mysql_field_name($res, $i);
if(isset($editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['notices']->struct_format['notices_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} elseif(isset($editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname])) {
print("".$editions_datasource['items']->struct_format['exemplaires_'.$fieldname]['label']." | ");
} else {
print("".$fieldname." | ");
print "".$msg['710']." | ";
print "".$msg['711']." | ";
for($i=0; $i < $max_aut; $i++) {
print pmb_bidi("aut_entree_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_rejete_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_dates_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_fonction_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_type_$i | ") ;
print pmb_bidi("aut_resp_type_$i | ") ;
print "DESCR | " ;
for($i=0; $i < $max_perso; $i++) {
$perso = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_compte3) ;
print "".$perso->titre." | " ;
$etat_table = 1 ;
for($i=0; $i < $nbr_lignes; $i++) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
switch ($caddie_type) {
case 'EXPL' :
$id_notice = $row[2] ;
$id_expl = $row[0];
case 'NOTI' :
default :
$id_notice = $row[0] ;
$id_expl = 0;
if ($odd_even==0) {
echo " ";
} else if ($odd_even==1) {
echo "
if ($flag) print "X | "; else print " | ";
foreach($row as $dummykey=>$col) {
if(!$col) $col=" ";
print pmb_bidi("$col | ");
print "".get_languages_edition($id_notice)." | ";
print "".get_languages_edition($id_notice, 1)." | ";
$authors = get_authors_editions($id_notice);
for($iaut=0; $iaut < $max_aut; $iaut++) {
if (isset($authors[$iaut])) {
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['name']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['rejete']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['date']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['function']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['lib_type_aut']." | ");
print pmb_bidi("".$authors[$iaut]['lib_resp_type']." | ");
} else {
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
print pmb_bidi(" | ");
$lib_desc = get_categs_edition($id_notice, $lang);
print pmb_bidi("".$lib_desc." | ") ;
$p_perso=new parametres_perso($libelle_caddie_type);
//Champs personalisés
if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) {
for ($i=0; $i".strip_tags($p["AFF"])."" ;
echo "
} // fin switch
} // fin if nbr_lignes
} // fin fonction extrait_info_notice
function extrait_blob ($blob="", $entete=1, $flag="") {
global $dbh ;
global $dest ;
global $worksheet ;
global $entete_bloc;
global $msg;
global $debligne_excel;
global $etat_table ; // permet de savoir si les tag table sont ouverts ou fermés
if (!$debligne_excel) $debligne_excel = 0 ;
switch($dest) {
case "TABLEAU":
if ($entete) {
$debligne_excel++ ;
if ($flag) $worksheet->write_string((1+$debligne_excel),0,"X");
$debligne_excel++ ;
if ($etat_table) echo "\n
if ($entete) echo "".$msg["caddie_mess_edition_".$entete_bloc]."
if ($flag) print "X "; else " ";
print pmb_bidi("$blob
} // fin switch
} // fin fonction extrait_info
function get_functions_authors() {
global $include_path;
global $lang;
global $codes_auteurs;
if (!count($codes_auteurs)) {
if (file_exists($include_path."/marc_tables/".$lang."/function.xml")) {
} else if (file_exists($include_path."/marc_tables/fr_FR/function.xml")) {
if ($file_name) {
$xmllist=new XMLlist($file_name);
return $codes_auteurs;
} // fin fonction get_functions_authors
function get_categs_edition($id_notice, $lang){
global $dbh, $thesaurus_mode_pmb, $thesaurus_defaut, $pmb_keyword_sep;
$lib_desc = "";
$q = "drop table if exists catlg ";
$r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
$q.= "SELECT categories.num_noeud, categories.libelle_categorie ";
$q.= "FROM noeuds, categories, notices_categories ";
$q.= "WHERE notices_categories.notcateg_notice = '".$id_notice."' ";
$q.= "AND categories.langue = '".$lang."' ";
$q.= "AND categories.num_noeud = notices_categories.num_noeud " ;
$q.= "AND categories.num_noeud = noeuds.id_noeud ";
$q.= "ORDER BY ordre_categorie";
$r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh) ;
$q = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catdef ";
$r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
$q = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE catdef ( ";
$q.= "num_noeud int(9) unsigned not null default '0', ";
$q.= "num_thesaurus int(3) unsigned not null default '0', ";
$q.= "libelle_categorie text not null ) ENGINE=MyISAM ";
$r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
$thes_list = thesaurus::getThesaurusList();
$q = '';
foreach($thes_list as $id_thesaurus=>$libelle_thesaurus) {
$thes = thesaurus::get_instance($id_thesaurus);
$q = "INSERT INTO catdef ";
$q.= "SELECT categories.num_noeud, noeuds.num_thesaurus, categories.libelle_categorie ";
$q.= "FROM noeuds, categories, notices_categories ";
$q.= "WHERE noeuds.num_thesaurus=$id_thesaurus and notices_categories.notcateg_notice = '".$id_notice."' ";
$q.= "AND categories.langue = '".$thes->langue_defaut."' ";
$q.= "AND categories.num_noeud = notices_categories.num_noeud " ;
$q.= "AND categories.num_noeud = noeuds.id_noeud ";
$q.= "ORDER BY ordre_categorie";
$r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
$q = "select catdef.num_thesaurus as num_thesaurus, ";
$q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie) as libelle_categorie ";
$q.= "from catdef left join catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud ";
if (!$thesaurus_mode_pmb)
$q.= "where catdef.num_thesaurus = '".$thesaurus_defaut."' ";
$res_desc = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
while ($desc = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_desc)) {
if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb) {
$thesaurus = thesaurus::get_instance($desc->num_thesaurus);
$lib_desc .= '['.$thesaurus->getLibelle().'] ';
$lib_desc .= $desc->libelle_categorie ;
return $lib_desc;
function get_authors_editions($id_notice) {
global $msg;
$authors = array();
$rqt_aut = "SELECT author_name, author_rejete, author_date, responsability_fonction, author_type, responsability_type ";
$rqt_aut .= "FROM responsability JOIN authors ON responsability_author=author_id ";
$rqt_aut .= "WHERE responsability_notice=$id_notice " ;
$rqt_aut .= "ORDER BY responsability_type ASC, responsability_ordre ASC";
$res_aut = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_aut);
if ($res_aut && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_aut)) {
$codes_auteurs = get_functions_authors();
while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_aut)) {
$aut = array();
$aut['name'] = $row->author_name;
$aut['rejete'] = $row->author_rejete;
$aut['date'] = $row->author_date;
$aut['function'] = (isset($codes_auteurs[$row->responsability_fonction]) ? $codes_auteurs[$row->responsability_fonction] : '');
$lib_type_aut = $row->author_type;
if ($lib_type_aut == "70") {
$lib_type_aut = $msg['203'];
} elseif ($lib_type_aut == "71") {
$lib_type_aut = $msg['204'];
} elseif ($lib_type_aut == "72") {
$lib_type_aut = $msg["congres_libelle"];
$aut['lib_type_aut'] = $lib_type_aut;
$lib_resp_type = "";
if ($row->author_name) {
if ($row->responsability_type == 0) {
$lib_resp_type = $msg["export_main_author"];
} elseif ($row->responsability_type == 1) {
$lib_resp_type = $msg["export_other_author"];
} elseif ($row->responsability_type == 2) {
$lib_resp_type = $msg["export_secondary_author"];
$aut['lib_resp_type'] = $lib_resp_type;
$authors[] = $aut;
return $authors;
function get_languages_edition($id_notice, $type=0) {
global $marc_liste_langues;
global $pmb_keyword_sep;
if (!$marc_liste_langues) $marc_liste_langues=new marc_list('lang');
$id_notice += 0;
$type += 0;
$languages = array();
$query = "select code_langue from notices_langues where type_langue =".$type." and num_notice = ".$id_notice." order by ordre_langue";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$languages[] = $marc_liste_langues->table[$row->code_langue]." (".$row->code_langue.")";
return implode($pmb_keyword_sep, $languages);